Episode 1 - Father and Daughter

" Who Haunt you ? "

" Whose eyes peer at you from the darkness ? "

Summer , July 16 , 1986 — Hairama Station …

" Be careful with that … please … Yes , I will lift … "

A young man with black hair , wear a old pair of glasses ; a black ones , wearing white shirt and black pant . With —-

" Come , Reiko ! . Becareful …"

A girl about sixteen year , having slender hand and leg , in white frock and long black hair .

" So You are already here, Tatsuya - san ? "

" Yes , we are , Saika-san . "

The young man in black coat was there . He was slim and tall too .

" It is hot today , isn't it ? "

It was summer of july hotter and hotter , cicadas were crying , sweating and sweating .

As Reiko think in her mind ,

" I HATE THIS !!! "


Two days before ,

Kyoto ,

" The Best Novel of the Year 1986 goes to " Witch That Never Smile " Written by Tatsuya Shinzaki . "

That written on magazine of the "TokiKome Smash ". " TokiKome Smash" was really popular among High Schooler.

" Hey , Hey , Reiko - chan, is that book written by your dad ? " Asked by the young girl who was wearing uniform of Yukishina High School .

" Yes . "

" Yeah , I thought so . So , Is he famous ? "

" Yes, Yes. "

" So , Why don't you talk about in the class ? "

" Because ….. I hate him . " she was quite shocked .

As her hand hit on her shoulder ,

" Quite , Rebellious girl , ain't you ? "

As she push herself over to her ,

" Quiet it , Quiet it , Maki . "

She stare at her chest .

" Did your boobs get bigger from the last time ? "

As she squeeze them ,

" Oh , Wow They are softer than I thought . "

" Quiet it . Makiiii ! "

She let go of her .

" What the hell are you thinking ? We are at school , you know . "

" It fine as long as other don't see . And beside , nobody gonna come at lunch break so relax. "

As they argue ,

" So , after exams over today , so what next ? "

" What Next ? "

" I mean , Summer Vacation , going somewhere ? "

" Probably Not …. What about you ? "

" Going my Grandma House with my parents . And you know , in summer , there will be tons of watermelon . Don't worry I will give you some souvenir . "

" Okay "

" And Try to get along with your Dad . I bet he want to spend some quality time with you . So be a good girl and go somewhere with him . "

Maki, is my one and only friend who happen to be my neighbour too . She is quiet idiotic and pervert too. But when my mother died , I was four . Father was really busy and was hurt too . And Everybody saying many thing she is only child what happen to her now , what a unfortunate child and so on.

But Maki was only one who didn't asked or said anything . She knows what am I think . My one and only best friend .

As Reiko stare at Maki ,

" Hey , Don't stare at me so much , I will turn into lesbian . "

" I know that , idiot . "

In Reiko House ,....

As she try to pull the door . She heard some conversation . In a moment , door was push inout . And she fall by shock .

" Ouch " she said .

" Reiko " Her father said .

" Oh Sorry , My apology , Reiko - sama ( sama means high level respect show to only nobels as a lady or lord ; ) "

The young man said .

" Sama ( Lady ) !! " Reiko said to herself .

" Oh Myself , Katsuhiro Saika . And ——- Tatsuya- san I hope you accept our request . "

Tatsuya nodded . And Saika left .

" What is this all about ? " She look at her dad .

" Reiko , First relax , it about your ….. Mother Twelfth Memorial Service . Your Grandfather , Keisuke Sakuma , want to held for her in Hairama on that day . And want us to be there too . "

" But …

" Don't worry . We won't much spend there . Okay . "

She nodded .

That how unable to say no to her father , by spend one night on train , she is here at her mother hometown , Hairama.

" I Hate This ....

Now at present time

7:30 PM …..

" We are here , —-

One big wodden traditional japanese mansion was there .

" Such a big house — Reiko and her dad were stunned .

" Sakuma Family are wealthiest in Hairama so such big house should suit their taste . " Saika said .

" So you mean my grandfather is rich ? . "

" Yes . Now this way . "

Saika , Reiko and Tatsuya went infront of such big wodden gate .

Saika said in loud voice , " We are here . "

And then gate open , For Reiko it was like something out of historical movie scene .

They enter the mansion.

" Master of this House , Keisuke Sakuma , high respected personality in local . Keisuke- sama has three kid , two sons and one daughter . Elder son Teisuke- sama and youngest son , Seijiro-sama who died last year . And one and only daughter and your mother , Miyako-sama. "

" Who are they , Saika-san ? ."

As one lady coming from the house —

" Oh , Otaki-sama —

" Otaki ? "

" Yes , She is the wife of the Teisuke-sama. She and Teisuke doesn't have any children . "

" Oh , I see . " She think her as very pretty woman .

" You haven't tell me Who are they ,Saika-san . "

" Yes , They are —

As Reiko interrupted her ,

" I am Reiko , Reiko Shinazaki from Tokyo . "

As Tatsuya held her hand ,

" Sorry Sorry . "

" So you are Miyako-san daughter ? "

" Yes . "

As Otaki touch her face ,

" Such a pretty Face you have . "

" You are pretty too , Miss …

" Auntie . Okay . "

" Yes Auntie . "

Footstep, some creaking sound came from upstairs . As an Old man coming from the upper floor . He has such serious face . He came down and said —

" Katsuhiro ,

" Yes , sir "

" Show them their room . "

" Yes , Sir ."

And he went upstairs . Everybody went silent . When Tatsuya try to greet and he didn't even look at him .

"Who is that serious old dude ? "

" Shhh , You will in trouble if he heard that . He is the Master of this Manison and Your GrandFather , Keisuke Sakuma."

" So , He is my Grandfather . "

" Wait , wait , Tatsuya-san and Reiko-chan you have came from such long trip . You must have been hungry . I will set the dinner . Please , wash yourselves.

Night At 8:40PM ,

" Thanks for much delicious dinner , Otaki-Aunt . "

" I am glad it was your taste . "

" It far better than Dad burned dishes . "

" Oh Hey , Don't say that . " her father said .

As she hesitated ,

" Tatsuya-san , If you don't mind , will you let Reiko-chan to sleep with me just for tonight . "

" Why ? "

" Teisuke-san ( Her husband ) won't be coming home due to taking care of the storage house of vegetables . Alone in such big room you know …

" I don't really mind but if she is okay . Then, it fine . "

" Would you like to sleep with me , Reiko-chan ? "

She nodded .

" Great , Let's go to sleep , Reiko-chan ."

Night 9: 30 PM …..

" Hey , Hey Otaki Aunt, Do you think GrandFather hate me and Dad ? "

" Why ? "

" I mean he doesn't look too happy when we came so —

She put her hand on her hair —-

" No , No — He doesn't hate you …He just kind of upset , you know . "

" Upset , why ? "

" Tatsuya - san , didn't tell you , huh ? "

" Tell me , What ? "

" You see , Your Mother , Miyako-san , was one and only daughter of your grand father . After the death of your grandmother , Keshiki-san , Miyako-san become the only reason for him to live on but ——

Your Grandfather fixed her marriage with his friend son but on the day of her marriage , she ranaway with your father . The whole family name and fame was crush . It was great insult for family but one thing that crush greatly was your grandfather heart. "

" Do you think it was mistake that my mother fallen in love with my father ? "

She smile and said ,

" They create such beautiful daughter how that can be a mistake . And you really look like your mother . Don't worry and sleep. "

And she close her eyes ….

Night 12 : 30 PM ….

" Want to go washroom ? " She woke up and slide the door .

The House was so big , she doesn't know where she was going . Then She heard a flute.

A soft and light someone was playing the flute .

Something was wrong . Something felt wrong . Airs feel so heavy . And Everything feel so different . As it if , it was a dream .

In Tsukimidai ( Moon Viewing Platform ) , there was a glowing shadow of girl with kimono.

Reiko enter the Tsukimidai , there was little girl playing black flute in white kimono on the moonlit night . That black flute was unusual . At the end of the flute there was the head of the fox

" Hey , Who are you ? She asked but the girl was keeping palying flute .

" Hey , I am asking you who are you ? "

She stop playing and look at her and smile —

" You can see me . Well I wasn't surprise at all ."

"What are saying ? "

" Listen here girl , I warn you . Leave this Place . Or You will die by THE MIYA-ZAKI ."