Episode 2 - Strange Dream

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Reiko wake up at the middle of the night . Sudden she heard the sound of the flute . At the Tsukimidai ( Moon viewing Platform ) somebody in white kimono was playing the flute .

It was the little girl . Sudden , she stop her flute and warn Reiko —

" Leave right away or you will die by THE MIYA-ZAKI ."


July 17 , 1986 ,

At 1:30 AM ,

In Tsukimidai , Sakuma Residence ,

" Hey , Wha—What do you mean by I will die ? Just Who are you ? "

The Little girl smile and said ,

" Just a Well-Wisher . "

" Well - What ? "

She jump on the railing and said ,

" Listen girl , take this flute . And alway kept it close to yourself . It will protect , you from ….

" From what ? "

She smile ,

" You will come to know eventually . Just don't die like your mother . "

" Mom ? "

And she disappear into glowing light and vanished .


At 7:30 AM , Sakuma Residence ,

" Tatsuya -san , Tatsuya -san …

Door open …

" Just What happen ? "

Otaki was infront in all tense .

" Reiko-chan , Rei-ko Chan , is missing . "

" What ? . Weren't you slept together ? "

" Yes . But — When I woke up , she wasn't at my side . I am so worried . What should we do ? "

" Relax , first check whole house — "

Saika came down and said in breathily manner ,

" I -I - I have found her . "

Evryone went up on Tsukimidai .She start to open her eyes little by little .Everyone reach at Tsukimidai . Otaki run toward Reiko and hug her .

" Where were you ? You me made so worried . " she eyes were teary .

Reiko didn't understand .

Tatsuya came . And asked ,

" What are you doing ? "

" At night , I went to pee and — I don't know . "

" I know you were just wandering at night . And you came here and slept . You made so worried . Don't ever do that . "

" Sorry "

Otaki interfere ,

" Okay , Okay , Reiko- Chan is alright . So everybody , let's go inside . "

Reiko just realized why she was sleeping on bench like thing . And she just thought of last night , and weird dream .

In that dream , she met a little girl who was wearing kimono and playing black flute with a fox head at the head . And she was saying, " You will die . "

" It was strange dream !!! ."

As she try to move , that black flute was on her hand .

It was indeed really strange dream .


At 10: 30 AM; Sakuma Residence ,

" What really is it this thing ? "

She pointed the flute and look closely . It was an odd flute and wind pipe was small. And when she tried to blow the pipe , it doesn't produce any sound .

" Look , like it broken . But something is still wrong . "

Otaki enter the room , and as she round her arms round her .

" What are you upto this time ? "

" Nothing , just at this , "

Otaki take the flute on her hand and look closely .

" This is very odd flute . Where did you get it ? "

" I - I - I ….

" Nevermind . It has Fox at the end too . "

She tried blow but couldn't .

" I think it was broken . "

" Yes , Isn't it ? "

" And look at fox , there something written on it ? "

" What ? "

" Inari ? "

" Fried tofu. "

Otaki laughed .

" That too .But Inari on the fox . That mean God Inari May be . "

" God Inari ? "

"Hmm .God Inari is the god of harvest and agriculture . And Inari god messenger are white fox . And sometime Inari God also called God of foxes . "

" God of foxes , huh ? "

" Oh , I just remember , there is also a Inari shrine near by too . "

" So , Let's go . What are you waiting ? "

" Okay … I will tell Mr . Saika to take you ."

" Mr Saika , Mr Saika . "

Saika came out and asked ,

" Yes , Otaki-sama . "

" Could you take to near Inari Shrine ? I just have go to meet Teisuke -san . "

" Sorry Otaki-sama , I just to have to priest for Miyako-sama Memorial service . I won't unable to take her . "

" So what we do then ? "

" I will take her . " As Tatsuya enter .

" I am free , so I will take her . "

" No , No Tatsuya-san . You are new to this place , aren't you ? What if you two get lost ? I won' t allowed it . "

As Tatsuya laughed ,

" I am glad you worry so much about us. But rest assure I will take care her . "

" But ——-

As she hesitate ,

" Okay , but came before nightfall . "

Tatsuya smile ,

" Yes , we will . "

And they went .


At 2:30 PM , Inari Shrine ,

After wandering three , four , getting lost twice , we finally made it to the Inari Shrine . But ———-

There are five hundred stairs still left to climb .

As they , they both think ,

" This is our last day . "

As they climb stair , Reiko was walking with flute in her hand faster than Tatsuya . As Tatsuya think ,

" I didn't think living in the city would make me so fit . "

As he breathing hard .

" Dad , take a break ."

" N-no I-i will ———-take a break . "

" So I am going up . "

" Wait —-

And she dash off .

The shrine was surround by huge forest and didn't think she encounter anyone but —————

Reiko suddenly heard some noise … she followed to look …she think it was small animal but ….. it was girl …

A girl same age as her , black hair with bangs and ———- she was playing with the monster ———

Monster , like ball shape and has one eye and one horn like cyclops in small version.

As she see me ,

" Oh , He-hell-lo " in awkward way by Reiko.

That girl screams so loudly . That monster escape .

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

At same time , Reiko too for some reason accompanied her at scream,

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

After that ,

" Why are you screaming ? "

The girl say in shivering manner ,

" I — I thought yo-you were G—ghost . "

At that moment , Reiko really think this girl is dumb .

" I am not ghost , okay , I am human . "

She was crying and still crying .

" And - And What was that ? "

" That ? "

" Yeah , That . Cyclops thing ? "

" Cy- chan . You can also see them ? "

" See them , what do you mean ? "

Sudden a claws of something come at Reiko head …

" Watch out !! "

She get down . And sudden got sprain on one ankle .

" Hey , Are you fine ? "

" Do you think I am fine ? "

" I am sorry . "

" Now why are you saying sorry ? "

Again that claws come at their head and Reiko look up see.

It look like bird but it has three eyes and one horn on head .

" Just what is it ? "

" Youkai ( Demon Spirit ) "

" Any plan to stop it ? "

" No ,

" Figures . "

As Reiko move that youkai also change it way toward her .

" It look like this youkai is after me . "

" What ? "

" Okay , here is plan . I will be decoy and you run . "

" And What about you ? "

" I will be fine , just run quickly okay . "

As try to run from the sprain on ankle , she fell and as that youkai toward her suddenly —-

From the flute on her hand , a three headed fox appear like flames and slash and eat the eagle youkai like nothing . And it went it into flute .

" What was that ? " she try to look inside the flute .

" Kuda - Gitsune . "

" Kuda - Gitsune ? "

" Yes , especially it is an fox spirit in pipe . Usually Kuda-Gitsune don't use for fight . They are used to answer the question from us human,also use for fortune telling . "

Reiko seem confused .

" Oh Sorry forget introduce . I am Kasumi , Kasumi Sakaki . Are you — the Spirit User ? "

" Spirit - What ? "

" Spirit User . Mean somebody who control spirit . "

" Oh , But sorry I am not a spirit user , just an normal high school girl . "

When she try to get up , time suddenly stopped .

" Hey , what happen....

She can't hear anyone , it her whole surrounding freeze ,

Sudden that little girl appear ,

" Told you , leave or die ."

She came close to her face , and said

" I guess YOU DIE . "