Episode 3 - Unknown

In the Previous Episode ....

Reiko went to Inari Shrine , to unravel the mystery of the odd Fox headed Flute .

But she encounter something else .

Kasumi , the strange girl who was talking to little cyclops monster . When She and Reiko get attacked by the gaint bird like monster .

With the Flute , she held on her hand , come the gaint fox in falmes and cut that monster in halves .

But suddenly Reiko can't move her body and that little girl in Tsukimidai ( Moon viewing Platform ) came close to her face and said "I guess YOU DIE "


There is black , everything is black , just dark and black like there is nothing but endless darkness .

Reiko open her eyes . Everything feel so weird , just like that dream . It was night . In the Sakuma Residence , as she walk in the corridor . In Tsukimidai ( Moon viewing platform ) , She saw that little girl again .

" Hey , You ? "

She ignored her .

" Don't ignored me ? Just tell me what happen to me ? Where are others ? Where are —

So fast she come near her and put her finger on Reiko's mouth .

" You —- Just talk to me . "

Reiko couldn't move . That girl take her hand on the shoulder and …

Sudden Reiko was on the railing …

" Look like time to die "

" Ah , Forget to mention the name , Koroe. Nice to meet you "

She push Reiko . Reiko fall ,

But in the lake , Reiko consiousness came but she was wondering how can she stand inside the lake and breath so easily . Out of nowhere , people start to appear . There were seven men , and surround by villagers .

One young man came infront , he was saying something . Reiko couldn't hear .

But suddenly all of the villager , came at them with weapon like axe , sickle etc.

" What is going on ? " she thought .

All the seven of the including Reiko , were line up , tied their hand . One big man , came with sword , and start to kill them one by one . When Reiko turn came —-

" Am I gonna die ? "

And then she woke up with scream —

" Ahhhhhhhh —

Suddenly door open and Otaki , Tatsuya and Saika came running at her .

" What happen ,Reiko -chan ?" Otaki said .

She was alive and on the bed , on Sakuma Residence .

She go back to her bed , she said ,

" Just bad dream "

" I was so worried , when Tatsuya -san take you here . I thought you got a heat stroke but it was relief that you just faint."

" Faint ? , huh ? "

She look at dress ,

" Who change my dress ? "

Otaki said in hurry,

" Me , me . It was me . "

" And what about the girl ? "

" What girl ? " Tatsuya say in surprised way .

" Girl that was with me "

" No , you were alone . "

" What ? "

" You were alone and faint . Just relax and don't think about anything ,just take care of yourselves . "

And they left .

But thing didn't solve , and still mystery remain why Tatsuya didn't see Kasumi , did she run away or hide from Tatsuya , and why she was able see youkai and why she called Reiko spirits-user .


Jukly 18 , 1986 , Sunday ,

Sakuma Residence ,

" If I want to found the answers , then I have to go outside . " She think .

" So then the best possible way is —

When Saika pass by .

" Saika-san . "

" Yes . Reiko-sama . "

" It just I am bore let go outside to play . "

" But Otaki-sama told me meet the head priest —

She sulk .

" But I can take you with me . "

" Let's go " she said in cheerful manner.

They went to meet the head priest .

After an hour ...….

They reached the old wooden house and the big wooden gate and there wooden something that has long tooth and wide open more like demon .

" Hoshino - san … He said aloud ..

" Hoshino - san . We are here . Please open the door . "

Suddenly the door open , there was a young woman .

" Welcome Saika - dono , …. By looking at the Reiko ..

And she is … "

" Kirie - san , she is Reiko - sama ,daughter of Miyako - sama and grand-daughter of Keisuke -sama and she is ….

" …Kirie …. Kirie … Hoshino…

Reiko nodded her head .

" Please , come in …..

Kirie take both Saika and Reiko into living room . And turn and said

" Please wait here … and Father , will come soon . "

She close the door .

The whole room was like historical museum , that fill with old items .

Suddenly , the door open and old man with black bead and long beard , come , close his eyes and sit infront of the table without saying anything

" Hoshino - san , Keisuke - sama want you to perform the Soul Dance ritual at tomorrow funeral . So , Please would you like to ...….

Finally , he open his eyes and look only at Reiko , no he was not looking at him , he was staring at her .

" You….. You are Miyako 's daughter , right ?"

Reiko nod her head again .

" Come here …..

Reiko was shock and she just lean her head ….

Then , his hand with bread on …. He just caress her hair … and close his eyes ….

After a moment

" …Hmmm

…hah ….. Courage , a lot of courage ..

Careless…. And always challenging others…..

…..Just like her mother ….

But something is off , something is after you "

Reiko visioned those seven people and villager eith sickle and axe and the man who kill them ...

" Something is protecting you ...

Suddenly, Koroe and Kasumi come up to her mind …..

" But Something is worst to come too…..

Suddenly , she see funeral rituals , everybody was in black and some were crying and some were sad then she saw blood coming from the body , cold - dead body of... Reiko herself ….

Suddenly , he took his hand out of her head …..

She breathing heavy as it if she was being choked by someone …..

Her eyes became dizzy and she was hearing something like …..

" Reiko ….sama Reiko sama ...

But she couldn't reply …..

And she collapsed ....


After an hour …..

Reiko open her eyes and see saw she saw in bed and in her right hand there was black bead around her wrist …..

And Saika came and tear up ...

" Reiko-sama ….. Reiko - Sama ….. I am glad you are fine .... Just wait here . I will call Tatsuya -san . Just relax …

And he left the room….

And then Hoshino came into the room ….

He said loud ...

" What did you see in your vision ? Tell me ,young lady ….

Reiko didn't saying any thing …..

" Not want to talk , huh ?

Suddenly , Reiko broke her voice …..

" What you did to me back then ? "

" Nothing … I just show you some glimpse of future ….

" Future …..

" Yes , Some sort of ….

Reiko was in completely in shock

" It is not my power though …..

Reiko look at him

" But I warn whatever …..

You see ...

Will Happen .. "