In Previous Episode
" Reiko wanted to solve the mystery of unknown girl . She want to go outside so she trick Saika . And both of them went to head priest house where she saw the glimpse of future , death of someone ?
Who is going to die ?
July 19 , 1986 , Monday
Sakuma Residence ,
Reiko couldn't sleep because of what happened in the Head priest House .
She was thinking ii is very weird . What he was talking about ? She felt little stress about all thing . And she sleep .
Reiko open her eyes . She felt the same sensation . She felt like not again . She was in Tsukimidai ( Moon - viewing Platform ) .
But there is not little girl with the flute .....
There was nothing ,nothing but silence . But also in that silence , there was something , something that wasn't visible to her , as if it could see her . Really it bring chills in her bones .
In very cracking voice , she shout ....
" Hey , An-Anybody hear me "
Reiko felt really strange . She start to move .
Crackling sound of the wooden floor under her feet . And Night atmosphere make it scene of some horror movie .
Then , she see a stairs and she thought of going down . All take her step in stairs .
But out of nowhere , she slip and fell ....
She thought she was going to die ...but all of sudden she fell into the lake ...
There is no moon and everything feel strange . She was shocked that how could she feel in lake . And where is this place .
She get up and start to move in dark . She was soak and her cloth were wet . She felt really cold and she was shivering in cold .
She really wish to wake up from this dream .
Suddenly She saw a Inari Fox Stone that a just like in Miya-zaki Shrine. And the path she was walking is same path of shrine.
How did she come all the way from Sakuma Residence to here ? She was confused .
But then suddenly she heard a scream ....
Instead of running way from there , she rush toward the scream.
She was running and keep running untill she saw shadow ....
She saw a stone well and the man and little girl ... Then the man take axe and cut the head of the girl .Blood and blood .
Her torment and her crackling of getting her neck cut off slowing in rythmn .
The body of the girl fall
Into the well but the head kept rolling
And stop at her feet . She was terrified but with courage she take her shaking hand and try to look her face .
Her face was cover with hair ... She try to look but
When she remove the hair of her eyes .... Her eyes moved ...
She scream and start to run . She start to run .... Run toward the lake and she slip and fell ....
She wake up .... She was sweating ..... It was all dream ....
July 19 , 1986
Sakuma Residence
Reiko thought why she always having this weird dream ....
As she came out and look down from balcony ..... Everybody was in rush . Some were busy with calls , some were putting banners .....
Reiko thought what is going on ?
Saika walking in hallways .....
As she called , " Saika - san !! Saika -san !!"
Saika looked at her .....
" Yes , Reiko -sama "
" What is going on down there ?
" Oh , Today is Miyako -sama death anniversary . So please get ready , all the guest will arrive soon . "
Reiko was in shocked .... " Today ....
The day has arrived .... It been 12 years since Reiko mother death ... As hard as she can remember her mother warm hands and caring eyes , she hold that feeling in her heart forever .
Every body arrived , all guest , relatives ,friend and acquaintance . Everybody were in black . Black and black suits In Reiko's room , Aunt Otaki help her to wear black kimono ...
But today she don't want to come out of her room . Aunt Otaki said " Let's go down .....
" I will come .... You can go first .....
" Reiko-chan , all the people let's go down quickly ... "
" I will come ..... You can go "
" Okay I will stay here .... Take your time ... "
" Why are you persistent ? "
" Sorry "
" Why are treat me like that ? You are not my mom . "
Her tears fall . She was screaming .
Otaki hold her . Bury her face in her chest ...
" I know ... It been hard for you .... You are a good child ...Your mother would so much proud to have such a child . And you don't have to forget about her nor I will ever take her place . I promise .
I may not be your mother but I will always love you like my own child , Reiko -chan "
Both of the were crying , both of them were sad ...
Tatsuya listening from door said ," I guess I will leave both of them alone .....
... ..
Burning Incense and with each smoke of that incense it remind us of how short life is, how beautiful smell it has .