Chapter 3 Grand Line

Chapter 3 Grand Line


22 hours ago

Grand Line

Gnar's small fishing boat sailed the sea.

In the mist-filled bathroom, the sound of dripping water echoed. Robin's youthful and graceful body was half-hidden in the swirling mist. As she looked at herself in the mirror, her bright eyes showed a complicated expression.

Despite successfully entering the Grand Line, Robin was not happy; she was more worried. This worry did not stem from the man who had taken her first love.

Although she didn't want to admit it, compared to her initial discomfort, Robin had begun to get used to living with Gnar. After all, besides being very energetic, he was dependable, young, handsome, and powerful enough to protect her. His energy didn't seem like a shortcoming.

More importantly, Robin could feel Gnar's possessiveness over her body, a possessiveness even she couldn't understand. Although this often left her tired, she no longer had to worry about her safety.

Overall, this year had been the most comfortable time she had experienced since Ohara's destruction. She didn't have to worry about being hunted by Marines, pirates, or bounty hunters and could search for what she wanted without any burden.

Having lived in the dark underground world for nearly nine years, Robin was no longer an innocent girl. She knew how to make trade-offs. Often, she found herself a little obsessed with the pleasure she shared with Gnar, as it helped her forget much pain, shed her burdens, and sleep well.

More than half an hour later

After rinsing her body with hot water, Robin wrapped herself in a bath towel and walked out of the bathroom. As she stepped onto the deck, a warm sea breeze greeted her. The bright sunshine and the sea-scented air filled her with a sense of freedom and ease.

This was something Robin couldn't have imagined a year ago. Back then, she didn't dare to appear in the sunlight; her memories were of dark corners and moldy air.

And all of this was brought to her by the man sitting cross-legged on the deck in front of her, with short black hair, a tall and slender figure, exuding red steam.

Having been together for over a year, Robin knew what Gnar was doing: digesting the vitality from the blood of the pirates he had just defeated. This was one of the abilities of his Bat-Bat Fruit, Model: Vampire.

Robin, who had seen much of the world's dark side, didn't object to Gnar drinking human blood. She just felt a little regretful as she walked out wearing only a bath towel.

She knew that after digestion, Gnar's energy would become extremely strong. However, this time seemed different.

As the blood-red steam was gradually absorbed into his body, Gnar slowly opened his eyes. Although he showed a hint of desire when he saw the sexy and pretty Robin, he simply pulled her into his arms, enjoying her soft and delicate body, and asked a very serious question.

"I've come to the Grand Line as we agreed, Robin-chan. Now, it's time to talk about your plan."

Robin, using her charms, nestled against Gnar's broad chest and spoke in a seductive voice.

"My plan is simple, Captain Gnar. We'll land in Alabasta, enter the palace, and find the location of the Poneglyph."

Gnar grinned. "That's straightforward. Is there anything I need to be aware of?"

Robin wrapped her arms around Gnar's neck, bringing her lips close to his ear, and whispered, "Alabasta has a troublesome dark organization, the secret criminal society: Baroque Works."

"Oh, Crocodile!?"

At Gnar's words, Robin looked up at him in shock, understanding the implication. "The boss behind Baroque Works... is Crocodile of the Sand!?"

Gnar didn't answer, but his eyes said it all. Seeing this, Robin felt glad for her choice but was also more curious. This wasn't the first time Gnar had shown familiarity with the Grand Line.

Isolated by the Red Line and Calm Belt, the world was divided into six seas with almost no communication: the Four Seas, Paradise, and the New World. Only a few people, like Marines, the World Government, and some pirates, could travel between them. It made no sense that Gnar, who had never left West Blue, knew so much about the Grand Line.

However, through their time together, Robin had realized Gnar knew many secrets about the Grand Line, such as the existence of Baroque Works. She herself had only recently learned about this criminal society through her dark underground experiences, yet Gnar knew even the hidden fact that Crocodile was behind it.

This made Robin almost certain that Gnar had extraordinary secrets. But no matter how many times she tried, she never got the answers she wanted.

Just like now...

Robin used her body to her advantage, assuming a sexy pose as she lay on Gnar's chest. Her slender fingers traced circles on his chest as she asked seductively, "It's surprising to know Crocodile, a great pirate from the New World, is hiding in Alabasta. How did you learn these secrets, Mr. Gnar? Will you tell me?"

Her move was useless. Gnar held her tightly and kissed her passionately. After a long while, he let go of the dazed Robin and patted her on the backside, saying, "Robin-chan, you'll know when it's time."

Robin wasn't disappointed. She had plenty of opportunities, and knowing Crocodile was behind Baroque Works was crucial. It confirmed that the Poneglyph might be in Alabasta. Why else would a big pirate like Crocodile hide there?

"I understand, Captain Nar. Will you protect me if I clash with Crocodile?"

Gnar, satisfied with Robin's obedient and proactive attitude, replied, "Of course. But there's a small problem. Crocodile's Logia Sand-Sand Fruit is an uncontrollable factor without Haki..."

In the story, Crocodile was beaten by the fledgling Luffy, but that was due to the protagonist's halo. Even the strongest creature, Kaido, was humbled by the protagonist's aura. If Gnar had to face Crocodile without that advantage, it would be troublesome.

Gnar's thoughts made Robin realize the importance of mastering Haki, something she had learned about from Gnar. She hadn't known anything about Haki before.

"So, how can I obtain this power called Haki?"

This question made Gnar think deeply. In the comics, only a few places in the Grand Line and Four Seas could teach Haki, usually controlled by select people, countries, and governments like the Marines, World Government, Amazon Lily, and the Giants.

"Wait..." Speaking of the Giants, Gnar had an idea. "If I remember correctly, on our route to Alabasta, we'll pass by an island called Little Garden..."


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