Awakening in the Frost

The cold, sterile walls of the orphanage loomed like silent sentinels, indifferent to the live within. Children's faint laughter echoed within the halls but Kael was not interested in whatever was going on. At eight years old he was mostly indifferent to his surroundings , quiet and reserved.

It was on the morning of his eight birthday that everything began to change. As the rays of the rising sun pierced into the room he shared with four other children, a wave of clarity washed over him. Memories-fragmented and distant-began to surface within his mind. He wasn't just Kael Winterbourne, an orphan with no past. No he remembers his life, a past life, a life where he lived as Ethan Scott an up and coming office worker who just got his college degree and was searching for a job just like any graduate.

Kael or Ethan as he now remembers suddenly felt a cold chill run down his spine as he quickly sat on his bed and clutched his head. The memories continued to play on as he remembers his childhood, teenage life, some of his adulthood and as well as his death. He lifted his right hand, that was trembling uncontrollably and placed it over his chest which was beating incredibly hard and fast.

"D-d-did I j-just reincarnate into a new world?" He asks confusingly

He looks around the room he was in and notices the other children are still asleep. He rushes out of bed to a table top mirror and stares at his reflection.

He had white hair that was covered in hints of dirt and grime, his young face had slightly sunken eyes and cheekbones, thin lips and sky blue eyes that had a slight dim to it. Ethan -now Kael- looked at himself and had a terrible expression on his face

"Tch. I look terrible in this life " He said angrily.

Then a look of surprise appeared on his face before he started to shake uncontrollably.

"A fucking steel bar managed to kill me. Like who hangs an entire steel bar over a commercial street right next to a construction site." He thought angrily as he had the urge to scream.

But before he could do so a bell was being rang within the hallway next to his room.

"Get up children, time for breakfast." A female voice sounded in the hall.

Kael quickly moved back to his bed as the other children in the room began to wake up , he put on his shoes and made his bed as the kids greeted each other.


"Good morning"

"Morning Kael." A boy greeted him

"Good morning Peter." He greeted back.

The boy who greeted him was one of the children he was "friends" with called Peter Wave who was born a year after him. Kael was a quiet kid who rarely interacted with most of the other children this it was safe to say he was aquatinted with them but never bothered building a proper relationship with them, but Peter was kid who got along with almost everyone and managed to become friends with Kael

"Hey Kael it's you're eight birthday are hyped that you are gonna awaken today?!" Peter excitedly asked.

"Yeah, can't wait to see what element I awaken." Kael answered back.

In the world Kael reincarnated into everyone has a chance to awaken a random element or talent and each one can be placed in a hierarchy such as: Mythical, Legendary, Rare, Epic, Uncommon and Common. Each grade may determine whether or not you would stand above the rest or you would be cannon fodder in the end.

This world is twice the size of the earth with multiple races other than humans living on it such as: Elves, beastmen and even vampires. The world is also infested with dungeons which when they break release a flood of monsters into the world, that is why depending on your talent you may become the strongest or weakest hunter.

One even gets to awaken a class such as warrior or mage and upgrade it as they continue on in life. That is why a person's eighth birthday is so important, it's you're make or break moment

"Let's hurry up and get to the hall or sister Mary would yell at us for getting there late." Peter urged.

Both of them walked out into the hall and after a few twists and turns they made it to the hall. The other children of the orphanage were already there and had formed a line where breakfast was being served along the wall by the sisters who work for the local church. They both joined the line and we're served a meal of soup and slices of bread.

Peter was called by another group of kids and waved Kael goodbye as he went over and joined them. Kael went over to his spot next to the wall where he had a clear line of sight of the hall. Nobody came and talked to him and he prefers it that way as he began to make plans concerning his future.

One of the sisters walked up to him and sat down next to him. Her name was Sister Cynthia and was one of the oldest nuns of the church and caretaker for the children. She looked at Kael and spoke.

"Kael Happy eighth birthday are you ready for your awakening?" She asked

"Yes sister Cynthia I can't wait to see what I'll get." He answered excitedly

"Fufufu. Now don't get ahead of yourself we'll have to go to the association to see what you'll get." She said as she smiled at his excitedness." First you'll have to get yourself cleaned up and into some fresh clothes and we'll go there to get yourself self tested, now hurry and finish up your meal."

"Okay sister." He replied

Kael quickly ate the last of his meal and was guided to the bathroom where he took a quick wash as sister Cynthia brought him some new clothes to be tried on. After he had finished wearing them age quickly guided him to a car parked outside the orphanage. They got in, sister Cynthia started the car and off they went to the awakeners association.