A Spark Of Power

Kael stood outside the sleek, modern building of the Awakeners Association, his small hand tightly clutching sister Cynthia's. The futuristic architecture, a blend of glass and steel, shimmered in the light of the morning sun, a testament to the integration of magic and technology in this world. Scores of people could be seen walking in and out of the building minding their own business. As an orphan, this was his first step to see where he fit into this society dominated by powerful families and ancient lineages.

Beside him, sister Cynthia let him take in the breathtaking view of the building before pulling him out of his reverie.

" You'll do fine Kael. Remember whatever element you'll awaken, it will be a gift." She said with a warm smile.

Kael nodded, trying to calm his nerves. At a young age the element he would awaken would determine his future. He knew his chances of awakening an epic tier or above element was slim due to him being an orphan, but he still had hope on awakening something extraordinary.

Sister Cynthia led him into the building, the Atmosphere inside was charged with anticipation. Other children from various backgrounds some came from wealthy backgrounds while others, like Kael, came with guardians from various orphanages or community centers, were gathered awaiting their turn. Sister Cynthia led him to the receptionist to get him registered for awakening.

After being registered they were handed a note with the number '154' and we're asked to take a seat. They sat down on one of the chairs along the wall and Kael let his eyes wander as he took in the sight of the interior of the building, then a poster quickly caught his eye. On it had a picture of the almost beautiful woman Kael had ever seen she had waist long red hair, ruby colored eyes, bright red lips, wore bright red armor and wielded a blood red great sword. There was also some writing underneath the picture and they stated 'Come and join the Scarlet lions guild. For a better tomorrow. For Humanity!'

Kael didn't know what happened but when he finished reading he got hit by a sudden influx of memories this time it was about a certain novel he read when he was still in college. 'The chronicles of Arcadia ' that was the name of the novel and he remembered the description of the woman in the poster. Scarlet Rose, Guild leader of the Scarlet lions, one of the largest guilds in the Country Arcanis.

" Wait did I just reincarnate In the novel I read when I was back in college!" He thought fearfully.

And for good reason as the author who wrote this made this world as dangerous as possible, with apocalyptic events that threaten the very denizens of the world on almost every occasion. Especially the ending on where the world faced a cosmic World Eater.

Kael began to sweat as he realizes on how utterly cooked he is. For in this world he didn't reincarnate as the protagonist or the villain, not even as part of either groups entourage, but as an extra in the novel, a damned npc that had no right to be called cannon fodder.

Kael was lost in his thoughts when a person called out "Number 154 please proceed to the awakening room." Sister Cynthia turned to Kael only to see him sweating and slightly shaking in his seat. She thought that he was scared on what element affinity he would awaken, she shook him lightly which jolted him out of his thoughts and he turned to look at her.

"It's our turn Kael, are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine Sister Cynthia just a little bit nervous." He informed her.

" Well alright, anyway it's our turn so we better hurry." She said

Kael nodded and as they stood up they were guided by a female secretary into one of the rooms. The room was filled with advanced magic apparatus, the centerpiece, being a large crystalline ball designed to reveal a person's elemental affinity.

The head awakener, an imposing figure with a stern expression, greeted them. " Step forward young man and place your hand on the orb." He said, his voice carrying an air of authority .

Kael approached the orb, feeling the weight of every eye in the room on him. He placed his hand on the crystal, it's cool surface sending a shiver up his spine. For a moment the orb did not glow, fearing he might not have an affinity. Then the orb began to glow.

A brilliant light blue light emanated from the orb, illuminating the entire room. Gasps of astonishment echoed through the hall. Light blue signified ice element, an incredibly rare element that rarely appears.

Just then a holographic interface appeared before Lucius's eyes startling him. It was a system displaying his stats in reminiscent of a video games from his past life.

Name: Kael Winterborn


Element: Ice


Strength: F-

Agility: F-

Intelligence: F-

Dexterity: F-

Mana: F-


Basic ice manipulation: Level 1

Basic mana control: Level 1

Kael blinked, trying to comprehend what he was seeing. Just as he was trying to get his head around it, the head awakener approached him. 

 "Congratulations, Kael," he said his voice resonating with authority. "You possess a rare and formidable element. Use it wisely, for with great power comes great responsibility."

Sister Cynthia beamed with pride, her eyes listening with tears. " I always knew you were special, Kael."

As they left the building Kael felt a sense of excitement and trepidation. His life had taken an unexpected turn, one that could lead him to either greatness or failure. But then he reined in his excitement as he remembered he was in the chronicles of Arcadia, where hidden danger may be just around the corner. He knew if he wanted to have a peaceful life, then he needed to be strong, staying weak was considered a sin in this world.

Kael and Sister Cynthia walked towards the car in silence, each occupied with their own thoughts. As soon as they got into the car sister Cynthia turned to him. " Okay Kael you're gonna join the local middle school in our area to prepare to attend one of the hunter academies in future or a regular high school in future."

"Okay Sister Cynthia." He replied.

She smiled as she nodded her head. She started up the car and were heading back to the orphanage. It was almost dusk when they arrived back at the orphanage and you could see kids running around the playground. Sister Cynthia pulled up to the front of the orphanage where a couple of sister's were standing watching over the children. Sister Cynthia and Kael alighted from the car and one of the sister's approached them.

"Sister Cynthia you've arrived, did everything go well?" She asked.

" Mmh, everything went smoothly and Kael managed to awaken the ice element." Sister Cynthia answered.

The sisters were surprised and they all turned to look at Kael.

"That's amazing little Kael."

"Right, Kael could be a little prodigy."

"Congratulations and happy birthday Kael."

"That's right it's Kael's birthday, come now and let's prepare you something delicious."

The sister's took his hands and quickly led him into the orphanage just in time for supper. At the dinner table, the other children gathered around him, their little faces in a mix of awe and curiosity.

"Did you really awaken the ice element?" One of the boys asked his eyes wide with curiosity.

"That's right." Kael answered.

The kids let out gasps as Kael confirmed it and began to talk over how they were gonna awaken the ice element next. Sister Cynthia clapped her hands calling everyone to attention. "Alright, children, let's give Kael some space. He's had a big day and will need some rest."

The children then dispersed living Kael alone as he began to make plans for his future, since Kael was an extra in this world it would do him no good to bring much attention to himself as he would not have the protagonist's luck, thus he decided to move among the shadow's, not doing too bad while also not performing exceptionally well, just doing about average.

Since this world was a novel he read before, he would use this chance to build up his strength and look for treasure and relics to quickly increase his strength for the final boss fight. As the storyline had yet to begin he would use this chance to get stronger. Soon the sisters began to serve supper and the children enjoyed a scrumptious meal courtesy of Kael.

Night soon fell and the children all fell asleep, Kael was sitting on his bed cross-legged as he looked at his status screen, it was looked pretty standard and then he focused on his skills and additional information popped up.

Basic ice manipulation

Level: 1

Description: Allows the user to generate small amounts of ice. Effective for basic combat and utility purposes.

Basic mana control

Level: 1

Description: Allows the user to have a basic understanding on the concept of mana and it's uses.

Kael looked at the explanation before closing it and laying down on the bed as he released a sigh. The faint moonlight lighting up the room as he raised his hand into the air before closing it into a fist, a look of determination appearing on his face.

"In this life I will fight for my freedom." He declared in his mind.

He pulled the covers over his body as he quickly fell asleep, preparing for what tomorrow would bring.