Chapter 14 -Fire and Ice

Yavannah Constantine

Like flame suppressed under layers of ice. That was how Adonis Vivaldi looked at this present moment. His jaw strained, Muscles bulged from beneath his white shirt, His hair fell in different directions. He wasn't looking at me. He wasn't.

From above me, His eyes never once left Collin who stood, unsure of whether to leave or not.

"Adonis" I gasped In disbelief as his hands clutched my waist and my arm. He turned to look down at me and I gulped. That was how intense his presence felt.

I tried to detach myself from his grip, successfully removing my waist and straightening my gown. I glanced around for the piece of paper Collin had given me. It was no where to be found.

"What are you doing here" I asked, quite stupidly in fact.

Collin seemed to have mustered enough courage as he seemed to be approaching us.