Chapter 15 -Finding My Voice

Yavannah Constantine

"I'm Mary, your vocal coach," a kind-looking, middle-aged woman introduced herself. "And this is Spencer, Lisa, and Mary again, your backup singers and vocalists."

She pointed to the three ladies standing side by side. Spencer was striking, with multi-colored hair that skimmed her waist. Lisa, on the other hand, looked docile and innocent, while the second Mary seemed like she was going to burst with excitement. Very beautiful.

Overall, I was quite glad I was going to work with the four of them; they seemed nice and gave me positive vibes.

"Hi, I'm Yavannah. Nice to meet you all," I introduced myself, sending them a little wave. They waved back, eliciting a bright smile from me.

"Well then, Yavannah darling, let's get to work; we don't have time," Mary announced indicating towards the stage at the end of the practice room.