Chapter 7: Risky Rendezvous'

"Why am I not surprised." The door to her new dwelling was shut and two guards stood outside the door. At least this time the shack was furnished and boasted more space than her hut at Redhold. She remarked inwardly that it was because the Thane was a woman rather than a man. Am I to have a prison in every Hold? She grumbled to herself picturing the smug faces of the eldest Rutherford siblings when and if she told them they had been right about Svarah Sun-hair.


She had a lovely day being shown around the Hold and introduced to a number of the clan, which was unlike her orientation in Redhold, but during dinner things changed.


It began when she joined the Thane, her husband and a number of men from the Hold. Their ages ranged from early twenties to fifties and none seemed to be related, sharing any sort of resemblance. None held any titles within the clan of import, so she was a bit baffled at why they had been invited. Every man including that of Svarah's husband wore an expression of eager curiosity. At the great attention being laved on her, Evelyn found herself sitting up straight, back away from the chair and hands folded in her lap as her mother had taught her. A mask of politeness adorned her face as she analyzed the situation before her, knowing there was more to it than what it seemed.


As they asked her about herself, and she answered their questions, she watched the Thane lean back in her seat, pleased by something. Occasionally, Evelyn would catch her nod or wink at one of the men, having some kind of secret communication. When they began to ply her with drink more often she began to refrain from the ale and mead. The same was done with the food, all with smiles, and it didn't take the experience of an expert Orlesian bard to realize they were trying to either get her drunk or had laced the food with something - especially as she noticed they hadn't eaten from a few of the dishes served, yet offered them to her. In light of everything, she couldn't help but think back to Aysel who would probably be right at home with these people.


Finally having enough of their pathetic game, she dropped her mask and looked coolly to the Thane, "Let's stop playing games, shall we?" The older woman looked surprised but blinked a few times at her feigning ignorance. Sighing in annoyance, the Phoenix began to unravel her scheme before her captive audience, "You haven't touched these dishes, so I assume they're laced with something and you're trying to force a drink down my throat. Obviously, you're hoping to make me more compliant, which I can only imagine has something to do with all these fine gentlemen here." Giving the men a sarcastic grin, she leveled her gaze back on the Thane.


Svarah's face dropped to a frown, and with a quick glance around the table it seemed the men didn't quite know what to do, "Yer more clever than I thought you'd be." She took a long slow sip of her drink, "Lowlanders who peddle goods through the Holds tell tales of yer Circles and of the sheltered mages that reside within."


Evelyn scoffed folding her arms as she sat back in her chair, "I'm the daughter of a Bann, and thus had a somewhat privileged stay in the Circle of Magi. My upbringing, both before and after my entrance into the Circle, consisted of such intrigue." She looked at the Thane with a pitiful face and a slight shake of her head, as if scolding a child, "So tell me, what is it this dinner was supposed to accomplish?"


Taking a deep breath looking now thoroughly disgusted and partly embarrassed that her ploy failed in front of her clan, the time for pleasantries was over, "Ye want the truth of it then? Here it is, Phoenix." The woman suddenly looked years older as the lines of her face deepened, "Our spirits tell us that your arrival will herald in an age of prosperity and fertility to the clan." Evelyn chanced a glance at the men at the table who regarded her now with a bit more skepticism.


"And these men were supposed to seduce me?"


"Aye, one of these men will father yer child. I even offer ye my own husband as a mate if necessary. And there was nothing dangerous put in the food, just a bit of powdered mushroom that we sometimes use in rituals for added... clarity." Her jaw dropped in bewilderment and astonishment as she gaped at the Thane attempting to fully process her words. Looking at the men, she dismissed them to continue the discussion with her in private. Once alone, with the exception of Svarah's husband, the Thane's features grew grim, "If ye will not willingly agree to help us, I'm afraid our hospitality ends here."


Having already dealt with one hostile Thane, she didn't quite feel as frightened as she had back in Redhold, "I fully plan to resist you until you see reason, as I had done with Thane Rutherford. You should ask him how well imprisoning me went." The threat didn't seem to sit well with her as Evelyn leveled her raptor glare at her. "This is utterly ridiculous! Surely, you can see that? Wouldn't it make more sense to deal with the Blighted land over your fertility issue first? I can't be heavy with child while fighting darkspawn."


"Some women have fought wars with babes in their bellies, Phoenix. It makes their children strong to have the blood and rage of war pumping through them." Evelyn stared at her, the woman was mad. "Time is not on our side as ye are past the prime years of yer life."


"I beg your pardon," taken back and offended at the comment directed at her age, "I'm twenty-nine and in excellent health!"


"Yes, but the creation of life takes time and ye maybe only have a few good years of childbearin' left." She couldn't help the fact that her jaw wouldn't shut at the sheer lunacy of the conversation.


"Look, no one is forcing me to have a child, and quite frankly, where the fuck do you get off telling me what to do?" Though her mana had yet to be recovered, the glow emanating from her core still flickered to life with dim pulses.


"I am Thane, that's what I am, and I am responsible for the survival of my people. Without new blood, without more children born, how can we continue the circle of life? Our spirits say that only when your offspring is born will our women be able to conceive again."


"How? What rationale is behind that!?"


"I do not question the way of the gods or the trials that they give to test our strength. I simply rise to the challenge and take victory at any cost." Her stare turned cold, sending a shiver down Evelyn's spine, "I will beat this trial too, even if I have to tie you down to a bed myself."


Though slightly unnerved, she tried to keep her heated glare up in defense and voice low in warning, "Over my dead body. I'll burn anyone who comes close to me."


"Hmph, well then there's no time to lose, for you don't have the magic to do so now." Evelyn blanched as dread welled up in her chest. The Thane smiled at her, knowing that the victory she sought was now within her grasp.



To shorten their trek out to the wilds, Cullen led his small party of six without rest through the night to reach the area mentioned by the spirit. It was out enough away from the boundary line of Svarah's claim but close enough to be of assistance to the Phoenix when she needed it. He brooded over the words of the Warrior Spirit, not satisfied at all by the amount of information he was given considering the situation. While he was an expert hunter, patience wasn't always his strong suit and neither was leaving important things, such as this, to chance. Every Hold had to have seen the smoke rising from the swamp. It was like a giant signal leading them all to the Phoenix. And surely Thane Svarah would know they would all be coming for her. Whatever she had planned for the woman was going to happen quickly before the other clans descended upon her.


The Spirits had warned them that Stone-bear's people would try to make her one of them. The quickest way to do that was marriage, but of what he knew of the woman, she would not agree to such a thing. He prayed to the Lady that she was giving them as hard of a time as she gave him, if not harder. Oddly enough, the thought made him laugh quietly to himself thinking of Svarah Sun-hair having no idea who she was up against.


"What's so funny?" Rylen's quiet prod with his shoulder broke him out of his thoughts.


"Just thinking about Svarah pulling her hair out when she realizes how stubborn that woman is." Both gave a knowing smile.


"Aye, I've no doubt, but Thane Svarah is a woman too and I worry she may be able to persuade her in ways you couldn't." The group stopped for a quick break to eat and Cullen pondered his words. They took only dried fruits and meats, as cooking would be out of the question. They needed to remain hidden since they weren't the only ones looking for her. Axlan was sure to be prowling the wilds and he knew he'd do everything in his power to make sure he was the one to capture her. And yet, it was still suggested the Thane simply sit and wait for her to come to him. If anything, this was a true test of his faith.


Sitting under a tree, Cassandra tapped her foot incessantly. The two of them were often of one mind and he knew she didn't like the situation any more than he did. Every crunch of a branch, every creature's call was carefully analyzed to differentiate between animal or foe. Even more grating on her was Dorian, due to his unwillingness to rough it at times. Yet, they needed him for his skill at healing in case anyone got injured. This was a mission of speed and stamina, no one could afford to be hurt in a way that would slow them down. However, despite his necessity, Cassandra was not finding the mage's unique charm amusing on this particular trip.


"Cassandra dear, do stop your nervous tapping, you'll give yourself an ulcer." Cassandra grunted with disgust, ignoring him. He turned now to Cullen, "You brought me along for my medical expertise, would it be going too far to say the frown on all your faces is bad for your health?"


Not changing his expression, he merely held his friend's gaze, "Leave her be, we're all anxious for a sign from the Phoenix." The mage huffed in response, sitting on a fallen tree stump crossing his legs. "We have a few more miles to go then we dig in and wait."


"Dig in?" Dorian looked slightly put off, not usually having to come this far out of the safety of the Hold walls.


"Aye, why do you think we brought so many large bear furs?" Dorian looked between the men having not an inkling as to what they were talking about. Watching his expression, Cassandra's face relaxed in amusement for one moment. Rylen kept his laugh as quiet as possible, "Don't worry, Cass 'ere will be sharin' a fur with you, she can explain it." Dorian gave an unreadable look over to the warrior whose head fell into her hands with a groan. The other four shared amused smiles, a temporary remedy for the stress and anxiety of the mission.


"Come on, let's move while we still have the daylight. It's not too much further now."



Evelyn stood in the center of the one-room prison looking around to devise a plan. She could hear the men from dinner outside talking, awaiting the Thane's judgment as to who would best serve the clan presumably as her new spouse. Why else would they all be standing around out there? This Thane certainly was even more deluded than Thane Rutherford had been when it came to her freedom. Godsdammit, she thought, another thing he was right about. She remembered him saying the first night in Redhold, I cannot let you go, for Templars are not the only ones who will hunt you. The other Holds will, and you may find yourself with less freedoms and choices than I offer you. Grumbling at the thought, she refocused back on escaping.


Above the bed was a long rectangular window, all but spanning the width of the wall. To look out it she had to stand on the bed and then up on her tip-toes. She was shocked to see that the outer wall of the Hold was only a few feet from the back of the hut. It would be so easy for her to fade step through to the outside if only she had enough mana to do it. Searching inwardly, her mana was extremely low, it was so depleted she wasn't sure if she could even pass through one of the walls.


From the opposite side of the hut, she heard the Thane speaking in a low tone to the men. Panic set in and she quickly set to barricading herself into the room. She would not be used in such a manner, she was getting out of this cursed Hold and back to… gods, she actually wanted to go back to Redhold. The thought paralyzed her for a moment,until the handle on the door began to move. She had put what furniture she could move herself up against the door but it wouldn't hold for long. There was a chair, a small nightstand and a weapons rack all angled to provide the most resistance, but for the big burley Avvar it would not prove to be much of a challenge. The voices outside were becoming angry with every jiggle of the handle, and every fist punching at the door.


Svarah began calling in to her, "Phoenix, open the door! I'm losing patience with your antics and unwillingness to cooperate. This is your final warning before I walk away and let these men do as they will with you!"


She looked up to the window, the only other means of escape. Quickly taking an earthenware bowl from the shelf, she went to the fire scooping up some hot coals from the bottom of the hearth. She threw them around the door watching the dry wood of the barricade begin to smoke. Hopping up onto the bed, she pushed at the leaded window as hard as she could wedging it open. The handle of the door splintered off and she could see them through the hole it made all crowded by the door trying to break it down. Pushing with all her strength, the window opened enough for her to possibly squeeze out of. At the angle of the door, they couldn't see what she was doing as they were more concerned that she was setting the shack on fire.


Trying to get out of the window proved to be painful, but she told herself childbirth and rape would be far worse than the cuts and scrapes of the glass and metal of the window. With one arm and a leg out, the window frame dug into her stomach, the sharp edges cutting through cloth and skin alike. She pushed the sting of the many scrapes from her mind trying to let gravity take her body out of the narrow opening. Just as her second leg swung through, they breached the door. The look of surprise on all their faces froze time.


"She's climbing out the back!" One man yelled, partly choking on the smoke filling the doorway. With a final urgent push, she tumbled from the window.


Hitting the ground, she ran up to the outer wall placing her hands on the thick bark of the logs. She heard them running around both sides of the building, she had but seconds, it was now or never. Summoning whatever power she could muster, Evelyn fade stepped through the wall before they caught sight of her. From the other side, she heard them yelling in confusion, followed by Svarah commanding them to fan out and search. With that, she bolted into the woods.


She was weak, wounded and had used whatever mana she had accumulated in the past day or so to escape. On top of that, she had no idea where she was going, but fear kept her moving. Thankfully it was dark which she hoped would help obscure her tracks, but she knew better. These people were skilled hunters and that would be the first thing they'd look for.


She was not dressed to be out in the Basin in the dead of winter. The clothes they gave her were torn making matters worse. Her shirt was a light wool as were her pants. The boots were fur-lined but they were short, allowing the few feet of snow on the ground to melt down to the soles of her shoes. It was one of the worst sensations in the world - frozen, wet boots - but she needed to focus and find shelter or something because being caught by them was not an option. A memory popped into her head of Redhold. When she had first arrived there with Kitsa, the sun had risen over the cliffs and water - she needed to head east. Of course, it was night now and there was no sun, but she tried to remember her astrology lessons from back in Ostwick.


"Where is that bloody star?" She whispered to herself while trying to find a clear view of the sky. She spun and sidestepped about aimlessly not paying attention to her footing. Her ankle suddenly caught on something and looking down, she saw a hand wrapped around her ankle. As she went to scream, the snow kicked up into the air as a large dark form rose up to swallow her. A large hand covered her mouth before she could shriek out a word dragging her down to the ground. Something warm and heavy was thrown over her, like a pelt or blanket, snuffing out the light of the moon. Her body rested on a patch of wet dead grass that poked her through the slits in her clothing.


Struggling against whoever it was, she attempted to bite the hand cupped over her mouth, but was stilled when she heard the person whisper to her harshly, "Woman, if you bite me I swear I'll give you back to them!" She couldn't help the small smile that the familiar voice incurred from her. Turning her head towards him, she was met with an intense pair of amber eyes, just barely made visible by a slit in their covering providing some line of sight. Holding still, he slowly released her mouth and she turned over to face him completely now. Directing his attention away from her, she followed his gaze to watch as one of the hunters sprinted off, continuing the trail she left to mislead them. He held a finger to his lips and just as she nodded in understanding, her ears picked up the sound of people running up close to them. Tensing and grabbing his arms, he held out a hand trying to calm her as they passed. Eyes wide and breathing heavily, she tried not to panic despite Cullen's calm demeanor. Had she some small amount of her mana she probably would have felt less frightened, but never in her life had she been this drained of it.


Though most of the pursuers moved silently, some yelled out with angry voices and laughter which echoed through the woods around them, "Where is that pretty bitch?"


"Surrender and I promise I won't hurt you, much!"


"Phoenix," one of them trilled, mimicking the sound of summoning a Mabari with a sharp whistle, "come here, girl!"


They lay there for several minutes listening to their taunting before a low short whistle sounded from nearby. Standing with great agility, what she could now see was the pelt of a great bear resting on Cullen's shoulders covered in snow. Hoisting her up to her feet, she looked around as several others emerged from their snowy camouflage. Sparing no time, the group was up and moving without a word. They navigated the terrain with expertise that must've been ingrained in them from a young age, for as athletic as she knew herself to be, she struggled. To be fair, she was also weakened by her lack of mana, but even so, she knew at full strength she would've struggled to keep pace.


Seeing this, Cullen's large frame stooped in front of her and she tripped into him, her hands flying to his grasp shoulders. When she felt his arms around her legs lifting her up, she realized what he was doing and helped him get herself situated on his back. Not having to concentrate on her footing and breathing, she had a moment to notice how cold she was and how warm he was. She stiffly clung to his back as if she had never touched a man before, but with the frigid night air whipping past them she reluctantly clung closer to him.


After a few hours, she could feel him trying to shift her weight and knew he had to be tired having carried her seemingly unhindered at a punishing pace for so long. He called for a stop, now believing that they were out of immediate danger. Dropping her unceremoniously, he walked over to one of the hunters who was handling out water and rations. As happy as she was to see them, it seemed the sentiment was not shared. Cassandra, though out of breath, offered the warmth of a small smile with a nod before following the Thane, but only Dorian and Rylen seemed to actually be interested in her wellbeing. While they asked after her injuries, she couldn't help but glance over to the other three, especially when Cullen had coolly looked over his shoulder at her.


"Pff, I expected a challenge after they dragged me out here, and this," he gestured to her multiple wounds, "is it?" He raised his voice so the Thane could hear him, "This is completely and grotesquely beneath my skill set, Thane." He went on and on over Cullen's poor decision to bring him along, but the protest went ignored.


Her quiet voice interrupted his tirade, "Thank you, Dorian. I wouldn't have been able to heal all this without you."


His face went from haughty to sincere in a second, "You are welcome. Oh, and here, you may want to take this." He pulled out a vial of lyrium from his bag. Uncorking it, and tipping it towards him in cheers, she downed the vial like a shot. Immediately the effects were felt as her whole body felt reinvigorated. She sighed with satisfaction, taking a deep breath of the crisp air. "Just in case we run into trouble, it's probably best if you are all fired up, so to speak."


"Aye, we aren't safe until we get within the boundary of Redhold."


"How much further?"


"At this pace, two days."


"You mean at my pace. I'm slowing you all down." Just then, their decoy emerged from the woods sucking in air. Cullen went over and clapped the woman on her back, having successfully outmaneuvered the enemy.


"Don't fret lass, in time you'll learn to move as one of us. It's just a matter of training and endurance. I'll teach you if you'd like." He put a gentle hand on her arm and gave a smile that warmed her, and she returned it in kind. After her ordeal in Stone-bear Hold, a friendly face was sorely needed.


"Thank you, Rylen." She shot a side glance over to Cullen who had been surprisingly staring at her. No doubt seeing if her wounds had been tended to so they could travel, she told herself. Healed and with her mana partially restored, she stood with a helping hand from the Master of the Hunt, giving her muscles a good shake. Taking a few large strides to stand behind him, she tapped a finger on Cullen's shoulder. He had been sitting eating with the others, but stood and turned to face her. In that moment she forgot just how tall and large he was, making her feel like a dwarf despite her own height. His face looked pained and it caught her off guard momentarily, "Um, I'm ready and able to travel if you wish to do so."


His eyes looked her over curiously, "You're eager to return?"


Her face darkened avoiding his eyes while letting out a sharp breath, "You were right… about everything."


"Is that so?" A crooked smirk slowly grew on his face.


She growled at him, "Grr, yes! Are you happy? You were right about not having as much freedom in another Hold and the Maker's absence in the Basin…" She finally met his eyes, "I just want to go home." A gust of wind reminded her that she was underdressed and she hugged herself for warmth, all the while pouting up at the Thane.




"Redhold, nug-brain." Ignoring her insult, far too pleased that he had been right as she feared, he handed her a piece of dried meat. "I'm not hungry."


"Doesn't matter, you will be. Eat."


Eyeing it for a few moments, she grabbed the strip from his hand, "This is not me saying you're right again, I'm taking it to shut you up."


"Right. Whatever you need to tell yourself." The smug smile that tugged at the scarred side of his mouth remained in place as he turned away, leaving her stammering angrily behind him. She aggressively bit off a piece and kicked some snowy powder at his back, in which his only response was shaking it off his mantle like a Mabari. After stomping away, she chastised herself for stooping to such childish behavior, even if her peaked anger had made her blood run warmer heating her cold appendages.


She was stewing with her back to the group when her fellow mage approached her, "I have to say, I've never seen anyone kick snow at him, that's a new one. What are you two fighting about now?"


"I told him he was right about everything," she replied flatly.


"Ah, and he took it well, I imagine."


"Very. Then he gave me this," she held out the small piece of jerky, looking especially agitated.


Dorian eyed her as if she had three heads, "And that was… somehow offensive?"


Her head whipped over to face him, "Yes because I am hungry!"


Putting the pieces together in his mind, Dorian began to laugh, "Oh, so he was right again!" She continued to glare at him, taking another bite. "This… this is sickeningly adorable. You are like two giant teenagers receiving their first dose of hormones."


First, she had been told she was getting old, and now she was accused of acting like a hormonal teenager. "Shut it, Dorian. My hormones are exactly as they should be."


He quirked an eyebrow, "Are they? You've been with us for a few months without… diversion."


She scoffed, "I'm not talking about this now."


"But you will, over drinks-- over many drinks? Bottles even?" She ran a hand down her face, as the group began to roll out. "That wasn't a no, then?" He called after her as she followed the pack.


The two mages stuck together for a time trailing towards the back, with Rylen bringing up the rear. When her stamina failed her again, it was Rylen who offered to carry her to their next rest spot. She was sincerely grateful the Thane had been just far enough ahead not to notice. It would've degraded her further having to have him help her again, even if he did a double-take upon looking back at her once atop his friend. No doubt he was still smugly basking in the fact that she had admitted she was wrong.


Another two hours later, the moon was high in the sky indicating that it was around midnight, and thus, time to camp for the night. On their way to retrieve her, they had left their bedrolls at the designated spot so they could move quicker in enemy territory. She reluctantly let go of Rylen who had been working up a sweat carrying her, and his heat bled through his hide clothing keeping her at a comfortable temperature. They lit a small fire this time, though still only dined on their preserved food.


She had not yet been asked about what had happened to her, yet they had known where to wait for her, making her think it had to do with their nosey Hold Spirits. Cassandra sat next to her, wrapping them both in the great bear pelt they had used earlier.


"Thank the gods you stumbled upon us when you did, those men were getting close to catching you." The thought sent a shiver down her spine. "I heard what they were saying, what were they talking about?" Even though she had tried to keep her voice low, the others were quiet enough that they were all listening even if they pretended not to.


Evelyn stared at the fire, her brow drawing down, "I think you already know the answer to that." At the conclusion of her words, the women shared a pained look before the huntress scooted another inch closer to her. She knew that was her way of comforting her from when she had hit her low point after her meeting with the Hold Spirits. Cassandra, despite her stern exterior, had a tender heart. Having grown up on tough love, she appreciated the small gesture, always having hated crying, especially in front of people.


"That's barbaric. I hope you made them pay."


The Phoenix shook her head slowly entranced by the flames dancing before her, "My mana had been depleted almost entirely, I was basically defenseless. That's why they were so eager to..." Her voice trailed off and she chanced a glance about at the faces around her. They had grown to look disgusted by what their fellow Avvar had stooped to in this time of crisis.


Rylen was the first to comment, though he directed it to the Thane, "I'm surprised Thane Svarah would go so far. I had always thought her to be reasonable."


"It seems the other Holds are becoming more desperate than we realize. That doesn't bode well for us in the future." Cullen rubbed a hand through his slightly curly hair before it settled on his neck rubbing out some tension.


"How did you escape without your magic?" She felt Cassandra's eyes now on her.


"I climbed out a tall narrow window, which is how I got all cut up. Luckily, where they had imprisoned me backed up right to their outer wall and I used all the mana I had to step through the wall before they got to me. The rest you know."


"Is it true you spoke to Hakkon?" Cullen didn't look at her, nor did he say it smugly as she had expected.


"Yes. He's the one who took me to that gods forsaken bog in their Hold." They perked up sharing looks at her words, but it wasn't at the fact that she had met Hakkon, no, it was at her phrasing. Meeting their surprised faces, she added flatly, "I'm Andrastian no more. I prayed to Hakkon and he listened. I swore then to him that I would renounce the Maker, and I always keep my promises." She couldn't help the raw feelings from her change in faith that suddenly seized her. She knew she was being scrutinized by them despite her eyes resting on the ground at her feet. Somehow saying it aloud was harder than she thought, feeling her throat become dry.


"We should all get a few hours of rest before dawn. I'll take first watch." With that the Thane put an end to conversation for the night. Part of her was grateful he did for she was unsure how ready she was to talk about it when she was still processing it herself.


Sleep proved to be difficult for her as she lay next to Cassandra sharing one of the large pelts as an added layer of warmth. Every sound of the forest woke her, never knowing if it was natural or human made. Even if her companions were calm, she knew they all expected to run into trouble. Their weapons were carefully concealed nearby on under their bedrolls. Having caught some of their warrior's training, she knew them to be fierce fighters, and so it worried her that all of them took such precautions. The multiple times she was awake, she'd pick her head up as she watched Cullen skulk into the brush at each questionable noise, thankfully only to come back without incident. Even so, her heart would beat faster until he returned, making it harder for her to fall back asleep.


Giving up just before dawn, she sat up to see Cullen still on watch. His subdued silhouette carefully watching and listening to everything against the pale purple of the lightening sky. The fire had been reduced to cooling embers which he poked with a stick. She instantly regretted getting out from under the heat of her bed roll, but she was too restless to lay there.


Upon her approach, his head twitched ever so slightly picking up her movement toward him, "Did you not sleep?"


He eyed her wearily as she took a seat next to him on the dry grass the fire had revealed last night under the layer of snow. "I don't need sleep."


"Everyone needs sleep, Rutherford. Even you."


"I don't sleep well to begin with, and besides I'll rest easier once we're back at the Hold."


"I share that sentiment entirely." He looked at her skeptically, "What, I do! I told you that you were right. Thane Svarah was worse than you."


He chuckled softly, "And now you have a new appreciation of me?"


She rolled her eyes dramatically, "Enjoy this while you can, I'm sure once we're back you'll pull some boneheaded move all I'll lose all respect for you again. But if you're worried about me escaping, fret no more."


"Phoenix, I--"


"Stop calling me that, its Evelyn. Evelyn Althea Trevelyan. I don't care which one you choose but pick one. I never thought I'd be so sick of being called 'Phoenix' but you Avvar are really ruining it for me."


"Very well... Trevelyan." She shot a glare over at him, but it quickly turned to amusement as they laughed quietly not trying to disturb the others. "What I was going to say before, was I'm glad you consider Redhold your home."


"Well, you haven't tried to drug, marry or rape me so you have that going for you."


"I would never do nor condone any of that in my Hold." He held her gaze firmly and unmoving conveying the truthfulness of his words.


"And that is why I choose to stay with you." They both turned back to the embers unsure of what to say next. Though the morning air was still she still shivered, which didn't go unnoticed.


"What happened to the coat Ros made you?" He asked while draping the fur he was to use for sleeping over her shoulders.


"About that, do you think she'd make me another? It burned when my body turned into lava."


"Hakkon's breath--"


"His breath was foul, but it was actually his eyes that did it," he stared at her slack-jawed with a wild look of disbelief. "You know, his red eyes..." she trailed off using her fingers to recreate the beam that shot from them. "Guess that's a new one for you, huh?" He simply nodded. "It was for me too. I never turned to lava before or took on hundreds of darkspawn on my own."


"You did-- hundreds?" He held his hands up, "Trevelyan, slow down, you're really going to have to start at the beginning."


"How much time do we have until the others wake?"

