Narania was waiting for Satir to get ready, she got out their dress she was going to wear. Even if she hates getting fancied up, it's unfortunately a formal ball.
Satir is wearing a Solid Pocket Patched Shirt, with a blackened belt, he had his Virtual Vision watch on his right arm, meanwhile a hairtie on the left. He was also wearing Pointed Dress Shoes.
Narania looked at him shaking their head. Satir looked at them as he was fixing his sleeves. "What?" He asked Narania. "Old school." Narania replied grinning, as Satir shook his head letting Narania get ready in the restroom.
As Narania finished their hair, she took one last look at it. Their hair grew medium long last month, she cut it short again but just a little.
Narania came out of the restroom, Satir looked up from reading the newspaper. He clapped and smiled at what Narania was wearing. "You look stunning." Satir said, as Narania giggled.
Narania was wearing a Burugndy Spaghetti Strap Long Dress, with a side slit on the bottom. The color was royal blue, the necklace she was wearing was pearly type one, necklace also was pearly.
Satir helped Narania just a little, only with the perfume and stuff. He goes into his wolf form to make sure he doesn't smell the same scent as before. Narania closed their eyes hoping that the scent she had since fourteen was gone for now.
Satir howled giving a sign that it's gone, Narania giggled and hugged Satir right after the testing scent. Satir hugged back in his human form, he closed his eyes proud that he gets to guide Narania tonight and later on with their life.
As they placed on their masks, they meet with Thaddeus and Emiris. Both were shocked at their outfit wear. "You both look stunning holy shit." Emiris said hugging both of them. Narania giggled as Thaddeus walked over and bowed at Narania, she bowed back.
"They haven't arrived yet, it's only an amount of time to even know when." Thaddeus said, as Narania nodded looking over at Satir. "I shall be on watch, it's only fair to protect the three of you." Satir said as Narania nodded.
"If we need to take a breather for the night, where would it be?" Narania asked Thaddeus, he led them to the balcony of the throne room. "This is the area, just be careful. One of them might get you caught being alone." Thaddeus said to Narania, as Emiris nodded agreeing with him.
"I'll see what I can do, I can do a different accent. If it's needed of course." Narania said, as Thaddeus nodded.
The village clock had started to play music, letting all villagers know that the ball is starting to begin. Narania decided to walk and she saw Floreance, she was in a similar dress like theirs. But in a different color, their mask was in a red color.
"If it isnt Narania, nice touch up to the name Taryn huh?" Floreance said as Narania looked away in embarrassment. "Satir had to, for my protection. I'm guessing Thaddeus told you?" Narania asked Floreance, she nodded and smiled. "Let's go in shall we?" Floreance said, as Narania nodded and took her hand.
As they entered, Rhea and Narania walked over to Thaddeus, Emiris, and Satir. They started to have conversation before other clans were announced. Thaddeus however was hearing a conversation between him and his mother, he decided to take a listen in.
"What if they plan to steal The Great Power?" King Arwan asked Astra as she sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Nothing will happen, if they try to they'll deal with some of our guards." Astra said, as King Arwan sighed and nodded.
Thaddeus sighed, Emiris looked at him to make sure he's okay. Thaddeus nodded giving a signal back.
"The Shadow Clan." One of the kings right hand man announced, as Yang Shi entered with his pack. They took a bow and went to the drinks table.
Narania shook their head, she looked at Satir who was glaring at them while they weren't looking. She noticed he was getting ready to growl in his human form, Narania stopped him.
Satir calmed down and looked at Narania, he smiled and nodded and looked at Thaddeus who's worried about something. "Everything alright Thaddeus?" Satir asked him, as Thaddeus turned to him and shook his head. "Worried about The Great Power, what if it gets robbed?" Thaddeus said, as Satir sighed and leaned back onto the wall with him.
"It most likely won't happen, but if they do plan on doing so. You have back up." Satir said, as Thaddeus nodded and saw Emiris walking to him. "Shall we dance, future king?" Emiris said as Thaddeus laughed and took his hand.
Every guests were slow dancing, Narania was just drawing the throne room while sitting on the floor. Their heels were starting to hurt from a bunch of walking and running. She saw someone coming towards them, but she couldn't tell who.
"Excuse me, mam?" The girl of the Shadow pack said, she looked up and tilted their head. "May I help you?" Narania said, in a different accent.
Satir was seeing what was happening, he decided to walk over as he saw Yang Shi walking over as well. He stopped and turned to the stand. "Yes actually, we're looking for a girl named Narania? Narania Enderson." Yang Shi said, in a serious tone.
"I'm afraid you got the wrong person I'm afraid, but I don't believe she's around here." Narania said, looking over at Satir for help. She looked back and saw Yang Shi nodding. "I see, enjoy your evening." Yang Shi said, as Narania nodded and stood up.
Narania walked over to Satir and slapped him playfully in the back. He giggled knowing she's angry at him. "Amico, un aiuto avrebbe potuto salvarmi." Narania said in Itatlin, Satir looked up at them in confusion wondering what the hell she just said to him.
"I'm sorry what?" Satir said chuckling, as Narania stood still and shook their head. "I've been having Itatlin classes with Emiris." Narania said grinning, as Satir sighed. Narania started to laugh at Satirs reaction.
Floreance walked over to Narania and tapped their shoulder, Narania turned around and was trying to calm down. Floreance bowed. "May I have this dance?" Floreance asked Narania, as she nodded bowing back.
Satir watched Narania from the distance making sure she dances safe with Floreance. He smiled at the both of them, he shook his head and took a sip of champagne.
After the slow dances were over, Narania walked over to Satir. He was grinning handing over the champagne he had saved Narania. "So, any feelings for Thaddeus female guard I suppose?" Satir asked Narania as she blushed and looked away. "Maybe, I'm not sure though." Narania said as Satir nodded.
"It takes time to realize you are in love, it's pretty common." Satir said, as Narania nodded taking another sip of their champagne.
The Ball Room music had stopped, Narania was seeing Yang Shi stood in front of King Arwans throne, she knew what it's about to happen.