The river of memory and vision.

Visha's spirit was looking at Narania, she faded away as Narania got up from getting onto the rock, Floreance helped them up from the water after the random fall.

Thaddeus sat up and walked over to Narania, he placed his hand on their shoulder and sighed. "What information have you received?" Thaddeus asked Narania, as she turned and looked at him.

"Information of the past, and why it led Yang Shi to consume this mayhem." Narania whispered, as Floreance got up and walked over to Narania from behind. "Was it a short information Vision?"

"It was." Narania said as she sighed and let go, she walked over to the cave opening and looked out onto the entrance.

Thaddeus looked at Floreance and she looked at him back. "You deal with them." Floreance said as Thaddeus widened his eyes. "I'm sorry?"

Narania shook their head and turned to them. She looked at their arm and sighed, they had forgotten there was a tattoo mark on their arm that represented Eirian's species.

Narania looked over at a rock as she noticed something was blinking underneath. She looked at the two who were still arguing about Narania's safety. Narania sighed and flipped the rock over with their hands.

As Narania did so, she looked down and watched their step since they almost fell. They picked up the armor and threw each one to the ground.

Thaddeus looked up at Narania in confusion, so did Floreance. Narania sighed and stood next to the armor. "The only thing we can do to safe Emiris is to fucking work together. Because fighting isn't going to bring him back." Narania began as she pointed to the armor.

"You both may be wanting me to be protected and safe, but at the same time there's a fucking friend we need to safe. He isn't just a friend, but he's your friend Thaddeus, and lover."

Thaddeus looked down and sighed hearing Narania's words, he knew he would stop him and Floreance from fighting. Narania walked over and looked at Thaddeus. "You may be hurt in so many ways, but at the same time we need to save him."

"If Yang Shi has some experimental large area around his cave or pack, we have to find a way in to save Emiris from being experimented." Narania said, as Thaddeus looked up at Narania.

"But what happens if you get hurt?" Thaddeus began, as Floreance sighed and sat down on a rock near the waterfall. Narania looked back at Thaddeus and took his hands. "Your a King, I'm the child figure. Your duty it to protect the kingdom and its people. But Emiris's, it's the one who needs the most saving."

Thaddeus sighed and nodded at Narania hearing their words, he looked over at Floreance.

Floreance sighed and threw a leaf at the water that she had found randomly, she looked over at Narania and sighed. "So what's the plan? We can't just enter the experimented area." Floreance said, as Narania sighed and looked back at the armor.

"I'll distract the guards." Narania said, as Thaddeus's eyes widened and glared at Narania. "What if you get sincerely hurt?!" Thaddeus exclaimed at Narania.

Narania packed up as he heard Thaddeus hiss at them, the only time Narania was in trouble was when Wolf Satir grounded them while hanging out with a specter.

Floreance walked in front of Narania and backed Thaddeus away from them due to his anger growing. Narania sighed and looked into the water, she was shown a reflection that wasn't theirs while Floreance was calming Thaddeus down.

Narania kneeled down, she saw a woman with dark red hair with whitened highlights. She smiled knowing it's their mother. "Hi Visha." Narania whispered into the water.

Visha's spirit smiled back at Narania, she reached for them from the water to place her on their cheeks. Narania had a tear in their eyes and closed their eyes.

As Floreance calmed Thaddeus down, Thaddeus sighed and looked away. Floreance continued to glare at him and sighed as she closed her eyes. "I get it, you're in grief due to Emiris. But nothing is going to work if you continue to be angered at everyone!" Floreance exclaimed, as Thaddeus turned back glaring her down.

Visha sighed as she was seeing the two fight again. Narania sighed and looked at their mother spectre. "How do I stop them?" Narania asked Visha, as Visha sighed and shrugged.

Narania looked over to the two again, she sighed and got up to calm Thaddeus down. "Just breathe." Narania said to Thaddeus, as he closed his eyes. Floreance sighed in relief as she saw Narania helping.

Narania was helping Thaddeus sit down to calm him down, she sighed as she leaned into his shoulder. Thaddeus opened his eyes and saw Narania's head on his shoulder, he smiled and woke them up.

Narania opened up their eyes and smiled as she woke up and raised their head from Thaddeuses shoulder.

Thaddeus was looking over at Floreance who was smiling at them. Thaddeus sighed as he got up. "You two are the cutest."

"I'm a family friend way." Narania said, as Floreance was giggling. Thaddeus was shaking his head as he looked into the river.

As Thaddeus looked into the river, he saw Emiris. He stood still and sighed. "This river has been hidden for centuries." Thaddeus began.

Narania looked over and sighed as she walked over. "I saw Visha's ghost." Narania said as Thaddeus looked over at Narania and smiled.

Thaddeus looked back as he saw what was happening to Emiris, he sighed and and waved his hand under the water. To make the Vision go away.

'We'll save you soon, Emiris.' Thaddeus said in his head, as Narania looked at him in worry.