Narania got out of the cave to feel the breeze of the night sky, she took a look up and sighed. They look at their Virtual Vision watch to make sure it was all just a dream they had.
Floreance walked outside to catch some air, she saw Narania and smiled at them. Narania looked back and saw Floreance, she smiled back at her and then looked back up at the sky. "Me and Satir would look up at the sky all night." Narania mentioned to Floreance.
Floreance giggled and walked up to them, they sat next to them on a near by rock. "Do you wish to see him again?" Floreance asked Narania.
Narania sighed and looked down at Floreance who was sitting beside them, she nodded at Floreance's question. Floreance sighed and looked back at the cave. "You know he didn't mean it right? He gets frustrated when a situation like this happens."
Narania looked back at the water as Floreance mentioned Thaddeus, they sighed and sat beside Floreance. "Is he usually angered at random things?" Narania asked Floreance.
Floreance sighed and looked up at the stars. "When it comes to protecting his kingdom, and knowing how important a role of a king is." Floreance said as she took Narania's hand.
Narania sighed and looked up at the sky then at Floreance. "He would do anything to see Emiris again, will he?" Narania asked Floreance.
Floreance nodded and leaned into Narania's shoulder, Narania sighed and looked up to the sky. It was a peaceful night, the wind was sending breezes, Narania smiled knowing one of them is Satir.
"Any news from Wolf Satir? In Virtual Visions that is." Floreance asked as Narania looked at her. "I didn't update him on what's happening."
Floreance looked at Narania after letting go, she's in confusion on why Narania didn't tell Satir anything. "We could have someone, or backup at least during this situation!" Floreance exclaimed At Narania.
"Well maybe I was doing it for my safety!" Narania exclaimed back, Floreance stood still as she rembered the words of what Satir said if Narania got hurt.
Floreance sighed and sat back down, she looked at Narania then back at the cave.
Floreance was making sure Thaddeus was okay since he was drifting to sleep, Floreance sighed. "Thaddeus is not just worried about Emiris you know?" Floreance said, as Narania looked at her.
"I don't need saving. I'm completely fine." Narania said, as Floreance sighed and took their hand. "Who knows if you need it in the future?" Floreance replied, as Narania looked at them.
Narania sighed and walked back to the cave, she looked back at Floreance and back at the cave. "I don't think he'll save me, but to Emiris he will."
"Thaddeus will save the both of you! He loves you both from the bottom of your guys hearts!" Floreance exclaimed at Narania as she walked back into the cave to fall asleep.
Floreance sighed as she looked back at the moon, she didn't know what to think at first, but she was blushing when she realized she was gazing into Narania a lot then usual.