Chapter 9 Official announcement, someone is anxious

Qiu Zhan extended his hand to Shen Modie and introduced himself, "Hello, sister-in-law. I'm Qiu Zhan, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, and I consider myself a brother to Mingze, even though we're not related by blood."

"Hello, I'm Shen Modie," she replied, shaking his hand.

After shaking hands, Qiu Zhan looked around and scratched his head, embarrassed. "I came in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. I'll make it up next time."

"No need for gifts. Thank you for saving my father, thank you!" Shen Modie expressed her gratitude. Pulling her father back from the brink of death was the best gift ever. Besides, since Qiu Zhan was a friend of Huo Mingze, he would be her friend too. Friends didn't need such formalities. She was deeply grateful to both Qiu Zhan and Huo Mingze, knowing it was Huo Mingze who had asked Qiu Zhan to come.

"I'll make it up when you have your wedding," Qiu Zhan said.

"Thank you!"

"Hey, we're family. No need to be so polite," Qiu Zhan replied, taking out his phone. "Come on, sister-in-law, let's add each other on WeChat!"

Huo Mingze gave Qiu Zhan a warning look. Qiu Zhan just laughed and insisted on adding Shen Modie on WeChat. It wasn't like he was going to say anything inappropriate. Shen Modie quickly took out her phone and scanned Qiu Zhan's QR code.

After they added each other, Qiu Zhan said, "Hey, you guys got your marriage certificate today, but you haven't posted about it on WeChat yet?"

Shen Modie blushed and felt a bit awkward. She wasn't very familiar with Huo Mingze yet, and with everything happening with her father, she hadn't thought about making a social media post.

"Come on, post it to celebrate first. Once your father's condition improves, we can have a big meal to celebrate," Qiu Zhan suggested.

Huo Mingze took the marriage certificate out of his pocket.

"Sister-in-law, come on, yours too," Qiu Zhan urged.

Shen Modie also took out her marriage certificate.

"I'll take the photo for you. I'm quite the photographer," Qiu Zhan boasted, taking their marriage certificates and arranging them on a small table. He found a good angle and snapped a photo, then added a rose effect.

"One more shot!" he said, flipping open both certificates. After taking the photos, he exposed the wedding photos while covering up their ID numbers and other personal information.

"Alright, I'll send these to you," Qiu Zhan said, satisfied with the photos. He quickly sent them to Huo Mingze and Shen Modie. Huo Mingze received the photos and prepared to post them on his social media.

"Wait a moment! Let's take a photo of you two holding hands first!" Qiu Zhan suggested.

Huo Mingze naturally took Shen Modie's hand, and she held his in return. Given the support and strength he had provided over the past couple of days, holding his hand gave her a sense of security.

"The feeling of interlocking fingers is great," Qiu Zhan said cheerfully as he knelt down to take a photo of their hands. "I'll add a special effect to the photo. You can get real wedding rings later," he added while editing the photo. As he worked, he praised himself, "I'm really good at editing photos. This ring looks so real, you can't even tell it's an effect."

He couldn't wait to see his brother's social media post and imagined Yao Yutong's reaction. The mere thought of it was satisfying. Did she really think Huo Mingze couldn't marry anyone better than her? Any woman would be better than Yao Yutong.

Huo Mingze posted the photo with the caption: "Holding your hand, growing old together."

Shen Modie also posted the photo with the caption: "Cherish everything, thank you for appearing in my life."

Qiu Zhan eagerly liked both posts and commented on Huo Mingze's post: "Wow, getting married in such a hurry, is there a baby on the way?" He then tagged He Yichen and a few others: "Come and see, someone's no longer single. Let's all envy him."

He Yichen and the others were about to start a meeting for a bid in five minutes. When they saw the announcement, they couldn't wait to comment.

He Yichen: "Damn, I'm so jealous."

Ke Yuchuan: "Sister-in-law is stunning, even in her ID photo. All love starts with attraction."

Mu Sen: "So envious!"

Qiu Zhan immediately tagged Huo Mingze in their small group chat: "The married man has to send red envelopes!"

This small group had eight members: their six brothers, plus Yao Yutong and Ke Yuchuan's fiancée. They didn't add anyone who wasn't a confirmed significant other.

Huo Mingze knew Qiu Zhan disliked Yao Yutong the most. He glanced at Qiu Zhan and said, "Childish." Then he sent a red envelope in the group chat.

Qiu Zhan, having grabbed a red envelope, started hyping up the chat: "Test your luck! The luckiest gets the biggest share!"

"Everyone, grab one!"

"Not grabbing red envelopes? What's wrong with your brain?" He tagged everyone in the group.

After tagging He Yichen and the others, he deliberately tagged Yao Yutong. At that moment, Yao Yutong was waiting at the airport. She was furious. Assistant Lu had called her to say Huo Mingze was about to register his marriage with a stranger. She immediately called Huo Mingze, but he didn't answer. She sent him WeChat messages, but he didn't reply. She knew he was really angry.

But her grandmother had analyzed the situation in the Huo family. After Huo Mingze's father passed away, many senior executives of the Huo family turned to support Huo Mingze's cousin, Huo Zhengqin. Huo Mingze's chance of inheriting the Huo family was slim, so it was best to wait and see. If he wasn't the heir to the Huo family, she certainly wouldn't marry him. So she used the excuse of participating in a jewelry design competition to go abroad.

Huo Mingze had told her that if she insisted on going abroad, they would break up. She told him not to be dramatic, saying she was just going to a competition and would come back. She thought he was joking, but he was serious. She needed to return to stabilize things with him—what if he did inherit the Huo family?

Being tagged by Qiu Zhan annoyed her immensely, so she pretended not to see it. She really didn't like Huo Mingze's friends. They didn't have impressive backgrounds and didn't seem to fit with Huo Mingze. Although she was in the group chat, she rarely interacted. When Huo Mingze brought her to dine with them, she was reluctant. Who would be pleased?

He Yichen was an orphan. He met Huo Mingze in high school when Huo Mingze helped him during a fight, and they remained friends. Mu Sen was an illegitimate child of the Mu family and had no place in it. Ke Yuchuan had some money, but it was insignificant compared to established families. Qiu Zhan was a doctor, but he practiced traditional Chinese medicine—who even sees a TCM doctor nowadays?

She really didn't want to associate with them. Huo Mingze mentioned they were starting a business abroad. How could they start a business with such a group? Their vision and capability were lacking. Whenever Huo Mingze talked about them, she would subtly change the subject.

The boarding announcement sounded, and she quickly turned off her phone, ready to board. When she got back, she would have Huo Mingze use his connections to annul his marriage to that stranger. Otherwise, she would be very unhappy.