Chapter 21 Help each other and never leave.

Certainly, here's the English translation of the text:


Huo Mingze and Shen Modi locked eyes, and he gazed steadily at her. Shen Modi asked again, "No matter what happens, you won't turn back, right?" Huo Mingze nodded, "Yes, no matter what happens, I won't turn back." From now on, whether Yao Yutong lived or died, whether she thrived or fell, it had nothing to do with him. Modi extended her pinky finger toward Huo Mingze and said, "Then let's work hard to nurture our marriage." Huo Mingze had already made his stance clear. If she were to say to him, "If you still like her, if you want to turn back, I'm willing to divorce you to make way for you two," it would be pure martyrdom and a desecration of Huo Mingze. Huo Mingze and she were of the same kind of people—wholeheartedly invested in love, with no regrets. When ending a relationship, no matter how painful, they never looked back.

Huo Mingze saw the star-like sparkle in Modi's eyes, extended his hand, and made a pinky promise with her. "From now on, whether in poverty or wealth, I will always be your support." Modi's heart was touched. She pressed her thumb against his and promised, "No matter what happens, in health or sickness, I will always be by your side, sharing joys and sorrows, never leaving or forsaking you." Huo Mingze smiled at Modi and pulled her into his embrace. She wasn't wearing high heels, so she was half a head shorter than him. He liked holding her this way, perfectly positioned to hold her around the neck and embrace her entirely. His hand rested on the back of her head, just able to feel her soft hair. He could rest his chin on her head and smell the fragrance of her hair.

Modi's nose bumped against Huo Mingze's chest. It was a little painful, but she found his embrace very warm. On the way back to the hospital room, Huo Mingze asked Modi if she had time the day after tomorrow. He wanted to attend a business cocktail party and meet more people but needed a female companion. Modi immediately agreed. Even if she was short on time, she would find a way to make it work to help Huo Mingze. Huo Mingze wanted to take Modi to buy some wedding jewelry, but Modi refused, wanting to save money. Huo Mingze said she would need jewelry for the party as well. Modi suggested renting some. Seeing her psychological burden, Huo Mingze smiled helplessly, "Then we'll buy it later." "Okay," Modi smiled back at him.

... Meanwhile, Song Keying had been waiting for news. It wasn't until the evening that she received a call. The matter had been messed up.


Certainly! Here's the translation of the text into English:


Instead of hitting Shen Modi, they ended up killing a stranger. Song Keying was furious, shouting into the phone, "Are you idiots? How many times did I tell you? You have to wait for the right moment and make sure to kill with one strike!" The person on the other end of the phone explained, "It's not that we didn't do our job properly; it was just too sudden. We saw Shen Modi crossing the street, but then she retreated." Song Keying was so angry she felt like her liver was hurting. "So, couldn't you have braked in time, backed up, or waited by the roadside to hit her when she crossed again? Huh?" "We saw her crossing the street, so we thought we could get the job done in one strike. If she hadn't taken a call and retreated at the last moment, we would have succeeded. It was also because our car was going too fast, and the inertia caused us to hit another pedestrian instead." Song Keying gritted her teeth in frustration, "Now look, we've missed the target and killed an innocent person. If someone investigates this accident, you know what to do, right?" "There won't be any investigation. We've already reached a settlement with the victim's family, compensating them 300,000. The family is very happy counting the money. Don't worry; we're covering the cost ourselves. We'll find another opportunity to complete the task," the person on the other end of the line said. Hearing that the victim's family wouldn't pursue the matter, Song Keying's anger subsided a bit. The person on the other end continued to reassure her, "Don't worry, with the fast pace of modern life, accidents happen every day. We'll make sure to do it cleanly next time." Song Keying's expression improved slightly. She instructed, "Find another opportunity. As long as the job gets done, I won't treat you unfairly. I'll cover the 300,000 compensation to the victim." "Alright, thank you!" The person on the other end of the phone was obsequious. Song Keying rolled her eyes at the air and hung up.


By eight in the evening, Huo Mingze received a report. His people had carefully checked Yao Yutong's recent activities and confirmed that Yao Yutong had only arranged to meet Shen Modi, and the accident had nothing to do with her. They also checked the driver, who had 13 years of driving experience, and found no unusual activity in the driver's or his close relatives' accounts recently, nor had they purchased any large items. They reviewed the driver's recent movements by monitoring various road segments; he was delivering goods for a landscaping company. Most of the time, he drove a pickup truck, occasionally driving a large truck, as the company often delivered succulents and small potted plants to flower shops. The driver had not had any contact with Yao Yutong or her associates recently. Huo Mingze read the report and narrowed his eyes. He sent a message: "Pick two skilled men to discreetly protect Shen Modi."

Time passed quickly, and the day of the business cocktail party arrived. Xiao Guang had recovered well these past few days and had been staying in his father's hospital room every day. Although Shen Weiguo's condition was not good, it was relatively stable. Modi felt much more at ease. Over the past few days, she had sketched out the design for the ring and redesigned a complete set of maple leaf jewelry. She had managed to deal with Director Hu's requirements. At around four in the afternoon, Huo Mingze drove over to pick up Modi.

Certainly! Here is the translation of the text into English:


Today, he didn't drive the Chevrolet; instead, he drove a Bentley. Modi was extremely shocked and looked up at Huo Mingze, examining him. His suit today seemed especially high-quality, clearly very expensive. Noticing Modi's scrutiny, Huo Mingze explained, "You can't go to a cocktail party in a car that's too cheap; people will look down on you." He couldn't lie to Modi and say the car was borrowed, nor could he directly tell her it was his own. Although he hadn't known Modi for long, he felt he understood her quite well. She was different from many women; while others would eagerly seek a wealthy partner, she seemed to view wealth as a burden and pressure. This might be related to her upbringing or her past relationship. After the cocktail party, he would explain everything to her.

Modi, thinking the Bentley might be rented, assumed the same for the jewelry. She nodded in understanding and said, "Okay." Business people sometimes need to maintain a certain appearance.

Huo Mingze took Modi to get styled. After the styling was done, he brought out the gown and jewelry for her. Modi was stunned. The set of jewelry was worth at least two million. She thought that if the Bentley was rented, the jewelry might be rented as well. She took the jewelry and gown and asked, "Is it a very high-end event?"

"Yes," Huo Mingze replied. He smiled and added, "Don't be too nervous; I'll be by your side the whole time."

"Okay," Modi responded with a smile. She wasn't actually nervous. In the past, Gu Tianxi had taken her to various business events to help her get accustomed. She went to change into the gown. 

When she opened the fitting room door and stepped out, holding up the skirt gracefully, Huo Mingze, who had been sitting on the sofa reading a fashion magazine, was immediately dazzled by the sight of her in purple…

