The First Expedition

The morning sun cast a golden hue over the Academy as Aiden, prepared for his first expedition.

He had spent the night studying the map, planning his route to the nearest ancient ruin. The excitement and apprehension were palpable even though he felt fear but it was worth the risk.

Feeling the weight of the artifact in his pocket. "I don't have a choice. If I'm going to unlock the artifact's power, I need to find the ruins. And I need to be ready for anything." said Aiden, encouraging himself to reduce the fear he felt.

To leave for the ruins, he had to leave the city of the academy. To do that, he had to get permission of leaving, so he can enter back. Otherwise, he will not be able to come back in.

He made his way to the City's gates, as he approached the City's gates. The guards standing at the gate look at him and one of them said "How long is your trip going to be?" 

"Around a day or so, I should be here tomorrow morning" said Aiden.

The guard noted that, looked at him and said" Be careful outside, it's dangerous and remember that Enigmi aren't the only danger outside" advising Aiden to be careful.

Aiden nodded. "I understand. Thank you for your guidance sir."

With a final nod, the guards opened the gates, and Aiden set off into the wilderness.

The landscape around New Avalon was rugged and untamed, a stark contrast to the orderly confines of the Academy. As he travelled, the air grew cooler and the forest denser.

The path twisted and turned, disappearing at times beneath the sprawling branches of ancient trees. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting a patchwork of light and shadow across the forest floor.

Aiden's boots crunched softly on the trail, each step taking him deeper into the wild. The scent of pine and earth filled the air, mingling with the occasional hint of blooming flowers.

The forest buzzed with life: birds flitted from branch to branch, squirrels chattered as they darted through the underbrush, and the rustle of unseen creatures echoed from the depths.

As he journeyed further, the forest seemed to close in around him, the trees growing closer together, their trunks thick and covered with moss.

The sounds of the forest became a comforting symphony, the whisper of leaves, the chirp of crickets, and the distant call of a hawk soaring overhead.

After several hours of walking, Aiden reached a small clearing. In the centre stood a towering stone archway, half-hidden by creeping vines and surrounded by the remains of crumbling walls. The ruin was ancient, its stones worn smooth by time, yet it stood strong against the encroaching forest.

Aiden paused at the edge of the clearing, taking in the sight before him. The air here was different, heavy with a sense of history and mystery.

He felt a thrill of excitement mixed with a twinge of apprehension as he stepped closer to the archway, eager to uncover the secrets hidden within the ancient ruins.

As he approached, he could see intricate carvings on the stones, telling stories of a long-forgotten civilization. The entrance beckoned him forward, a dark passageway leading into the heart of the ruin.

Aiden took a deep breath, steeling himself for the unknown, and stepped into the shadows, ready to explore what lay beyond.

The entrance was a massive stone archway, covered in vines and moss. Aiden examined the carvings, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns. "These symbols are similar to the ones on the artifact," he said to himself. "It seems like I am in the right place."

Aiden felt a thrill of excitement.

As he stepped through the archway, he entered a vast underground chamber. The air was cool and damp, and the walls were lined with ancient carvings depicting battles and rituals.

Flickering shadows from his lantern danced across the carvings, bringing the scenes to life in the dim light.

Stalactites hung from the ceiling, and the floor was uneven, with scattered stones and patches of moss.

Aiden moved carefully, his footsteps echoing softly in the cavernous space. The walls told stories of a powerful civilization, with figures locked in combat, surrounded by mysterious symbols that glowed faintly in the lantern's light.

In the centre of the chamber stood a stone altar, weathered by time but still commanding respect. The altar was adorned with more carvings, similar to those on the walls, and its surface was smooth, as if polished by countless hands over the centuries.

Aiden approached the altar, feeling a pull toward it. The air around him seemed to vibrate with energy, a faint hum that resonated with the artifact he carried.

He reached into his bag and pulled out the artifact, a small, intricately carved necklace, and held it up to the altar. The symbols on the artifact matched those on the altar, their lines and curves echoing one another in a perfect pattern.

Aiden could feel the power of the place, as if the ruin itself were alive, watching him with ancient eyes. The hum grew stronger, a deep, resonant sound that filled the chamber.

He knew he was on the verge of discovering something extraordinary, a hidden truth buried within these ancient stones.

"Maybe, there is some kind of condition that needs to be met. This place is definitely the right place, the artifact was pulsating ever since he entered the place.

"Let's try activate the artifact, maybe that will do something."

"As he activated the artifact, the space around the altar started warping. In a blink of an eye, Aiden found himself in a different room. The room was small in size, and had one thing in the middle of it a pedestal.

"Where am I?" said Aiden, as he carefully checked the room. After making sure, there is no traps visible, he walked towards the pedestal.

On the pedestal rested a second artifact, similar in design to Aiden's but larger and more intricate. The air around it crackled with energy.

"This must be one of the Keys of Aether," he whispered, his eyes wide with awe, excitement surging through him.

Aiden approached the pedestal, feeling the artifact in his pocket resonate with the one before him. He reached out, his fingers brushing the surface of the ancient gemstone.

A surge of energy shot through him, and his mind was flooded with visions of the past.

He saw the Astral Guardians, wielding their artifacts with incredible power, fighting against the Enigmi with unwavering resolve.

He saw the fall of their order, their artifacts scattered and hidden to protect their secrets.

Aiden pulled back, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "The Guardians... they were incredible. I must find the other artifacts. They hold the key to defeating the Enigmi for sure."

He carefully retrieved the second artifact, feeling its power merge with the first. Aiden could sense a growing strength within him, a connection to the ancient order that had come before.

As Aiden held the second artifact, his original artifact gave out a blinding light that almost encompassed the room. After the blinding light vanished, the other artifact was gone.

"Did they merge?" said Aiden, as he remembered the information he read about the artifact.

"It seems like the Keys Of Aether are indeed supporting my original artifact, its like a second ability to my original artifact." said Aiden, trying to comprehend how the keys worked.

"Could it be that the keys aren't really different artifacts, but one?." said Aiden, he tried understand how it worked but couldn't so he let it go for the time being. 

"Alright time to leave, thankfully I didn't encounter anyone from the group that captain Voss spoke about, it's most likely because it's near the academy. So these people don't dare get closer here without being caught."

As he made his way out of the runes Aiden felt a renewed sense of purpose. The journey had only just begun, but he had taken a crucial step in uncovering the secrets of the past.

As Aiden left the ancient rune, he realised that it's already night time. "That means that I have been inside for more than 5 hours!, why did it seem like it was only an hour or two." said Aiden, baffled on how it's already night time.

"Making a campfire outside will be asking for trouble, I don't know who or what happens around here. So I need to keep a low profile, I will just stay in the rune until day time then come out then." said Aiden, as he thought about his next steps. 

As the night unfolded and the stars shone overhead, Aiden knew that his journey was far from over.

This world held many more secrets, and he wanted to uncover them all, to protect humanity and get his revenge on his parent's killers.

As the sun rose, Aiden returned to the city, "Welcome back!" said the guard, relieved that Aiden made it back alive and didn't do anything stupid.

Exhausted but exhilarated, Aiden said "Thank you."

The guard opened the gates of the the city, and Aiden entered. He then made his way to the dormitory rest and plan his next steps after some good sleep. It was a Saturday anyway, so he had no classes or anything going on.

After going back and getting some good sleep. Aiden woke up, took a shower, got dressed and ate. He then thought about the two artifacts.

"I felt something when I touched the second artifact. A connection, like a circuit being completed."

Aiden felt a thrill of excitement. "Let's test it."

He made his way to the Academy's training grounds, the artifacts clutched in his hands.

As he began his usual exercises, he focused his mind on the artifacts, channelling their energy and intent.

A faint glow began to emanate from the artifact, growing brighter with each passing moment.

Aiden felt a surge of power coursing through him, his senses sharpening and his strength increasing.

As he continued the training, pushing himself to exceed the limits. The artifacts responded, amplifying his abilities and connecting them to a energy that felt both ancient and familiar.

As the sun set, he finally stopped, exhausted but exhilarated. Aiden knew that he had taken a crucial step in unlocking the artifacts potential.

"I am getting closer," Aiden said, panting. "I just need to keep training, keep pushing myself more."

"I need to become stronger before looking for more, I don't want to get myself killed being hasty."

The following days were filled with intense training with Mark and Lena and study. Aiden, grew stronger.

But with each step forward, he also drew closer to danger. Aiden knew that he had to be vigilant, that he cannot let anyone know about the artifact his parents left him.