The second expedition

With the knowledge he gained of the artifact in the previous weeks of training. Aiden realised that the artifact has not shown a fraction of its power yet so he needed to gather more parts of the artifact so it can activate one of its main functions. 

So he looked at the map that captain Voss gave him with the ancient runes and temples marked.

Aiden studied the map, his mind racing with possibilities. "Where should I head to?"

"I need to pick a location where the likelihood of that group being there is very low." Aiden said, glancing at the map thoughtfully.

"Alright it's decided, I will pick this location " pointed Aiden at a location that was also near to the academy, like the previous one. However, it was on the south side of the academy where as the previous one was on the north side.

As he finalised his plans, the atmosphere was tense but filled with resolve. Aiden packed up food that would last him for a week in case he got stuck that included cans and tins for ease of carrying, he also brought one of the weapons he was given in the academy. It was a sword, he liked this sword very much as he felt it resonated with him.

So he named it Zulfiqar, named after the sword of a certain renowned and legendary warrior of old Arabia.

After packing up everything he has, Aiden went to the alchemy shop in the academy and bought a couple of health potions, strength boost potions and stamina potions. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to use magic yet, otherwise he would have bought mana potions.

The following morning, he set out, moving swiftly and silently through the forest towards the ancient rune. The landscape was rugged and treacherous, but he navigated it with practiced ease. As he approached his destination, he could see the an ancient looking temple, similar to the old one in terms of the mysterious writing on it.

Aiden felt a surge of adrenaline. "This is it."

After arriving, Aiden did not enter the ruin immediately as he had done before—a mistake that went unnoticed, thankfully, as no one was there. This time, he took extra precautions. Climbing a tall tree, he scouted the area around the temple, his eyes scanning for any signs of danger or disturbance. From his vantage point, he saw nothing unusual, but he knew better than to let his guard down.

Silently, he descended from the tree and moved through the forest, blending in with the trees and bushes as he navigated from one to the next. He was careful to make as little noise as possible, ensuring that the area around the temple was clear of any threats.

As he scouted the area, Aiden found no one nearby, but something caught his attention. Near a small river that wound through the forest, he discovered ashes in a slightly burnt spot. Kneeling down, he carefully inspected the area, noting the remnants of a campfire.

"Did someone light a fire here before?" he murmured to himself, sifting through the ashes with a stick. The coals were cold, indicating that the fire had been extinguished some time ago. Yet the presence of the fire suggested that someone else had been here recently, perhaps just an explorer or someone that is after the ancient rune.

Aiden looked around for more clues, but the forest was silent, the only sounds the gentle babble of the river and the rustle of leaves in the breeze. Whoever had camped here had left no trace other than the ashes.

Satisfied that no immediate threat was present, Aiden returned his focus to the ancient ruin. The discovery of the fire only heightened his sense of urgency and mystery.

With the area secured and his curiosity piqued, Aiden made his way back to the temple. The massive stone structure loomed before him, the entrance still beckoning with its promise of secrets and discoveries waiting within. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for the journey into the depths of the ruin, determined to get another artifact.

As Aiden entered the ancient ruin, his hands rested on his waist, ready to draw his sword, Zulfiqar, at a moment's notice.

The sword had been his trusty companion on many training spars and sessions, its blade forged with skill and imbued with a strength that seemed almost magical. Aiden felt comforted by its presence as he ventured into the unknown.

The interior of the ruin was vast and echoing, a cavernous space that swallowed the light of his lantern. The air was cool and damp, carrying the faint scent of stone and age. Aiden's footsteps echoed softly as he moved cautiously through the chamber, his eyes scanning every corner for signs of life or danger.

Despite his earlier discovery of the campfire outside, the ruin appeared empty. The silence was profound, broken only by the occasional drip of water seeping through the stone ceiling. Aiden's heart pounded with anticipation as he surveyed the scene, the vastness of the place filling him with a sense of awe.

The walls were adorned with mysterious writings, ancient script etched deep into the stone. Aiden ran his fingers over the carvings, feeling the grooves of the symbols that had withstood the test of time. They were similar to the ones he had seen before, their meaning elusive and yet tantalizingly close to understanding. He wondered what secrets these writings held and if they could reveal anything about the civilization that had built this place.

Statues lined the chamber, imposing figures that seemed to guard the ruin. They resembled warriors, clad in armor and holding weapons, but their heads were missing, either worn away by time or deliberately removed. The sight of the headless statues was unsettling, as if they were sentinels that had been silenced, their stories lost to history. Aiden wondered if they represented real heroes of the past, or guardians of the ruin's secrets.

The walls also displayed pictures, like ancient hieroglyphs, depicting scenes of battle. Warriors were shown locked in combat with creatures that he had not seen before, their forms alien and monstrous. The carvings captured the chaos and violence of the battles, with warriors wielding weapons and creatures lunging with sharp claws and fangs. Aiden marvelled at the artistry and detail, his mind racing with possibilities. Could these carvings be a record of real events, a warning, or merely a story passed down through generations?

Aiden moved deeper into the ruin, his senses alert. The energy of the place seemed to hum around him, resonating with the artifact he carried as he felt its pulse. As he explored, he couldn't shake the feeling that the ruin was more than just a relic of the past. It felt alive, as if watching him with invisible eyes, waiting to reveal its secrets.

With each step, Aiden felt closer to uncovering the truth hidden within these ancient stones. He knew that whatever lay ahead, the journey into the depths of the ruin would be a defining moment, both for him and for the mystery he sought to unravel.

As Aiden ventured deeper into the ancient ruin, his senses were heightened, ready to detect any movement or sound. Each step took him further into the depths of the structure, where shadows loomed larger and the air grew colder. The energy of the place pulsed with a mysterious power, urging him forward with a sense of urgency.

As he continued walking, Aiden spotted a figure clad in black cloth in a chamber that looked similar to the main room of the previous ruin he had explored. The figure was inspecting the walls, tracing the carvings with a gloved hand. Aiden's heart raced as he realized he wasn't alone.

Holding his breath to avoid making a sound, Aiden quickly ducked behind a statue and surveyed the intruder. He drank a potion of strength and stamina, feeling the familiar warmth spread through his veins, boosting his abilities. Silently, he drew his sword, Zulfiqar, its blade gleaming faintly in the dim light.

As he watched, Aiden's eyes narrowed. The figure's clothing was distinctive, matching the description of the group Voss had warned him about. His suspicion was confirmed when he saw the symbol on the back of the figure's palm—a crescent moon. It was a mark of the secretive faction that had been seeking the same artifacts Aiden was after, often with deadly intent.

Determined to prevent the stranger from discovering any secrets of the ruin, Aiden decided to strike. He considered his strongest attack, knowing that surprise was his best advantage. Creeping silently from behind the statue, he approached the intruder with stealth, his eyes locked on his target.

With a swift motion, Aiden lunged forward, aiming for a decisive blow. But just as his blade was about to strike, the figure turned, sensing danger at the last moment. The intruder twisted to dodge the attack, narrowly escaping with his life. However, he wasn't fast enough to avoid injury entirely. Zulfiqar's sharp edge severed his arm, sending it to the ground with a thud.

The figure cried out in pain, clutching his shoulder where his arm had been. He staggered back, eyes wide with shock and anger. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice strained but defiant.

Aiden held his ground, sword at the ready. "I should be asking you the same thing. You're one of them, aren't you?"

The man glared at Aiden, hatred burning in his eyes. "You have no idea what you're interfering with. You are a student aren't you, I can tell from your uniform"

Aiden's grip tightened on his sword. "So what if I am. You won't be able to tell a soul after i am done with you anyway."

The man sneered, his face contorted with pain and fury. "You think you can stop me? You are just a little brat who sneaked up on me"

The air crackled with tension as the two faced off, Aiden aware that the wounded intruder was still a threat. The chamber seemed to close in around them, the ancient carvings watching as they prepared to fight.

With a roar, the man lunged at Aiden, drawing a dagger with his remaining hand. Aiden parried the attack with Zulfiqar, the clash of metal ringing through the chamber. The power behind the dagger made his arms shake from its dominance

"Shit, this guy is strong. Thankfully, I took the potions and injured him before we fought. Otherwise, I would probably die very fast" Thought Aiden to himself.

The intruder was fast, despite his injury, and the two engaged in a fierce battle, their movements swift and fluid.

Aiden fought with determination, his strength and stamina boosted by the potion, but the intruder was relentless, fuelled by desperation and pain. The fight was brutal, each combatant seeking to gain the upper hand.

"What now kid, you thought you could kill me just cause u injured me? hahaha" Said the man.

"This can't go like this, he has the advantage, and the potions might run out in the next few minutes. I need to end this fast" thought Aiden, he then realised that he can activate the artifact he had. He forgot about it from the pressure of finding out that someone was in the rune. 

"Alright, let's see if the power given by the artifact will be enough or not" said Aiden, as he tried resonating with the artifact. 

His artifact glowed brighter, releasing a powerful burst of energy that struck the man, staggering him.

"YOU! What was that power from your necklace?" the man exclaimed, shocked by the sudden display of power.

"You will not stay alive to know. Die for me now," Aiden replied coldly, channelling the artifact's power through Zulfiqar as he launched a powerful strike.

The man raised his dagger in a desperate attempt to block the attack, but the energy burst had already sapped much of his strength. Aiden's sword met the dagger with a resounding clash, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The air around them vibrated with tension, the ancient power of the ruin resonating with the artifact's energy.

As the energy surged through the blade, Aiden's eyes locked onto his opponent's, both of them frozen in that instant. Then, with a flash of light, Zulfiqar cleaved through the dagger and the man in a single, fluid motion.

The scene unfolded with cinematic grace. The man remained motionless for a heartbeat, his eyes widening with disbelief. Then, as if in slow motion, his body slid apart, cleaved cleanly by the powerful strike. The two halves fell away from each other, hitting the ground with a finality that echoed through the chamber.

The shattered dagger clattered to the floor, its pieces scattering across the stone like falling stars. The room was silent, the only sound the distant dripping of water and Aiden's steady breathing. The artifact light dimmed, as Aiden stopped the channelling of its energy.

Aiden stood over the fallen figure, the weight of his actions settling over him. He had protected himself, but he knew this victory was only a small step in a much larger struggle. The group captain Voss had warned him about was still out there, and they would not stop until they had what they sought.

"Thankfully, I check the surroundings unlike last time. Otherwise, I don't know what would have happened" said Aiden.

"He also seemed to be a newbie from his power and skills. If I encountered a more powerful one, I am not sure if the artifact power will be enough to help me" muttered Aiden, realising he still wasn't powerful enough.

After resting for a while, Aiden decided to search for the artifact hidden within the chamber. He knew that his current artifact, the necklace, would be the key to finding the next one. As he began his search, he held the necklace in his hand, hoping it would guide him.

The chamber was vast, with towering columns and intricate carvings that told stories of battles and ancient rituals. Aiden moved carefully through the room, his eyes scanning every corner for clues. He had a feeling that the artifact he sought was close, hidden among the shadows and secrets of the ruin.

As he explored, the necklace began to glow softly in his hand, its light growing stronger as he moved in a particular direction. Aiden followed the light, feeling a sense of anticipation building within him. The necklace pulsed gently, its energy guiding him like a compass through the maze of stone and shadows.

The glow intensified as he approached a wall adorned with ancient script and carvings. The symbols seemed to shimmer in the necklace's light, revealing a pattern that was almost invisible in the dimness of the chamber. Aiden realized that this was more than just a decorative wall—it was a hidden door, a gateway to the artifact he sought.

With the necklace as his guide, Aiden carefully traced the symbols with his fingers, feeling the grooves and ridges beneath his touch. The light from the necklace shone brightly, illuminating a series of interlocking circles and lines that seemed to pulse with energy. He could feel the power emanating from the wall, resonating with the energy of the necklace.

Aiden took a deep breath and pressed the necklace against the wall. The light flared brilliantly, filling the chamber with a golden glow. There was a low rumble, and the stone wall began to shift and slide, revealing a hidden passageway beyond.

Stepping through the newly opened doorway, Aiden found himself in a smaller chamber, its walls lined with shelves holding ancient scrolls and artifacts. At the centre of the room, on a raised pedestal, lay the artifact he had been seeking—a small, intricately carved stone, similar to the one he had found before.

The necklace's glow illuminated the artifact, confirming its connection. Aiden approached with reverence, feeling the energy that seemed to pulse from the stone, as if it were alive. He carefully picked it up, noting the symbols that matched those on his necklace and the carvings in the chamber.

Holding the new artifact, the necklace produce a light the engulfed the stone and made it disappear. After engulfing the artifact, the necklace seemed to be hibernating as its light dimmed, returning to looking like a normal necklace.

Aiden took one last look around the chamber, making sure there were no other secrets to uncover, before turning back toward the entrance.