Announcing The Tournament

The day after the encounter with statue, Aiden did his normal routine of going to classes and training with his friends.

"Attention here students" said Miss Elena - our instructor for magic theory. She was 1.68m in height, had brown silky hair, and her eyes were emerald green making it seem like they shone in the dark.

"Today, we will be announcing our annual tournament that you will participate in. The top 10 will all receive awards, and in case any of you think that they are going to skip that heh.. think again because the rewards are something that even third years wish to gain"

"What is the tournament about Miss Elena?" said a boy named Ryker, in the back of the classroom.

"If you let me finish talking you would KNOW Ryker!" said Elena, as she rolled her eyes at him. This made many students laugh at Ryker.

Ryker just smiled helplessly, as his friend kept nudging him and making fun of him for what just happened.

"Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted, I was going to say that the tournament details will be announced tomorrow morning. The first instructor you have tomorrow morning will tell you the details" 

"Now that this is out of the way. Today, you guys are going to learn about second magic circles. As you all know, magic circles can be classified into 9 circles."

"What we have been learning and using from the beginning of the school year, is the first circle which is the easiest one."

"The second circle, is much more complex than the first circle as it allows for a higher output of damage per unit of mana used and allows for more complex spells like fireball, lightning strike and so on. Unlike first circle magic which allows for, small fire to light up places, or a water hose with very low pressure for watering plants."

"So can any of you students tell me why the second circle is more powerful than the first circle?" said Elena, as she glanced at the students.

A student named Michael raised his hands, and said "Is it because it has more complex runes on it and has a higher mana drain?"

"Nice try Michael, but that is not what I'm looking for. It does indeed do these things. But the question is why does it"

Seeing that no one was able to answer the question, Elena's eyes darted towards the famous group of 3. Aiden, Mark and Lena.

With a smile on her face that almost looked mischievous, Elena said "What do you think the answer is Aiden"

sighing in his mind, Aiden said to himself "Ugh!!, she is doing it again. She always picks on me for these questions when no one can answer, LIKE JUST TEACH THEM YOURSELF ELENA". 

Standing up to answer the questions, Aiden looked at Elena and started explaining.

"The second circle is more complex than the first circle for a few reasons which include, the interaction between the user's mana and the element's particles in the air. The second circle allows for communication between your mana and the particles of the element you use in the air. So this allows for more power output as you use another source for your magic other than your mana." 

"Correct, well done Aiden. Your knowledge of magic always impresses me." Said Elena with a small smile on her face.

"Alright, now that you guys know what the difference is. I want you guys to try implement what Aiden said into your magic"

"First, you will learn how to draw the second circle, then you will train to communicate with your element's particles with your mana," said Elena.

"I will show you guys how to draw the circle now" 

"First you will draw a symmetrical circle, you are all able to do that. Second, you will place, 1 to 4 places of connections on the circle, the higher the connections the higher the sub-rank of the second circle. "

"1 place of connections is Low-Tier Second circle, You all except a few will be trying to do for this week, and 4 places of connections is Peak-Tier Second circle, this is usually only possible to do if you have perfected your knowledge of the second circle and that is not easy. So not many are able to do it."

"If you want to pass this semester's class, you will need to implement 1 place of connection in the circle. If you want to gain the highest mark you will implement 2 places of connections, and if you implement 3 or more connections then you will receive an honorary reward for your hard work. You will also receive a pardon of 1 week for any time you want except for final exams and extra rewards."

"The third and final step, of completing the circle which is the easiest. You will draw your elements unit in the middle of the circle, and connect it to the connection place or point if you want to call it that" Said Elena.

"Now all of you will train in drawing the circle, I don't expect you all to form your connection place this class, so it will be your coursework for this week"

As the students started drawing their circles, Elena, went around looking at the different circles.

"No Michael, this isn't how you should place the point of connection, it should be near the middle of the circle as you are only trying to draw one point now. Unless you want to draw two points or more?"

"No Miss Elena, I only want to draw one. I will start again straight away" said Michael slightly embarrassed at his attempt.

"Alright, you go ahead and do that whilst I look at other's work. Don't be discouraged you just started okay?" said Elena whilst staring at Michael.

"Yes Miss Elena"

As Elena, went around looking at the attempts of the students. She saw Aiden, sitting down on his chair doing nothing but talking to Mark and Lena.

Is he done already, knowing Aiden wouldn't be lazy since his grades are always at the top of the class and his talent is excellent. Did he already do 1 point of connection in his first attempt? It can't be. Thought Elena, as she walked towards their group of 3.

Looking at Aiden's second circle, Elena was shocked beyond belief. She started shaking. "thi- This is impossible. How did you do this?? " Elena said, stuttering unable to find the correct words to say