A Shocking Breakthrough

After Elena's sudden outburst, all the students in the classroom stopped what they were doing and looked at Aiden leisurely sitting down on his chair, with a nonchalant look.

Mark and Lena facepalmed at Aiden's demeanour when everyone in the class looking at him after Elena's words came out.

"SO??, HOW DID YOU DO THIS AIDEN, DOES IT OUTPUT ANYTHING???" Said Elena, in a hurry wanting to get an immediate answer from Aiden.

"Yes it does, I tried it before and it works fine," Said Aiden calmly, not in a hurry to answer the question.

"Miss Elena, why are you so shocked? What can you see in his circle that is so amazing, did he do 2 points of connections, I can't tell from the complexity of the circle" said a student in the class.

"This isn't a mere 2 points of connection. This is a breakthrough in our fundamental magic knowledge. This is something that will change the course of history. If this actually works like he said, Aiden will receive an Honorary instructor position in this academy, and many other things you can not imagine!!" said Elena.

"Thi- This is a 5 CONNECTION PONT second circle. This should be impossible" Said Elena, shocking everyone beyond belief. How could Aiden, make such a revolutionary discovery in the magic field?

"You must be joking Miss Elena, how could a student create something even the most powerful magic users in the world cannot do? There must be something wrong right?" said a classmate filled with jealousy at Aiden's talent.

In his eyes, Aiden has always been Elena's favourite student and you can tell by how she speaks to him often, and the way she praises him all the time.

This made the student harbour hatred towards Aiden ever since, as he had a small crush on Elena, she was a beauty of a good background and had power.

"What do you know!!, you can't even draw 1 connection point, let alone understand how and what a 5 connection points magic circle is" said Elena, not baring a glance towards the student.

The student gritted his teeth at the humiliation he had received from Aiden yet again. It's always Aiden who gets in his way of making a connection with Elena.

"So hurry up and show me how it works AIDEN!" said Elena, excited to be one of the first few to see how a 5 connection point circle reacts.

"I can't put it to work here Miss Elena, it's too dangerous to be used in a closed environment, This could potentially blow up the entire classroom if used here" Said Aiden.

"Hmph! Stop pretending Aiden, you just drew some random points and acted like you made a discovery" Said the student.

"Just admit it now before you embarrass yourself later on front of Miss Elena and the rest of us." He said with hatred in his heart hoping that Aiden was bluffing.

He started imagining embarrassing Aiden front of Elena, and this will make Elena despise Aiden for being a liar, and be impressed with his talent in discovering that. He already started imagining things that he thought could never happen. 

"hehe I finally have a chance with Elena", He thought whilst almost being unable to stop himself from grinning. But a cold voice interrupted his fantasy moment.

"And who are you again?" Said Aiden coldly whilst looking at the student with a confused look that looked comical.

"YOU!" said the student embarrassingly unable to retort.

Everyone in the class laughed at Aiden's look. This made the student hate Aiden even more for embarrassing him like that. 

He was in the top 5 students in the class, he was by no means a pushover. But Aiden just embarrassed him like that. 

"Anyway, I was going to say that. I cannot show it here Ms Elena. But I never said I will not show it at all. In fact, Let's all go now to the combat area. I will show it to everybody here so no one thinks I am bluffing" Said Aiden, striking at what the student said making him feel more embarrassed. 

"Everyone the end of today's class will be held in the combat arena. So pack your things and let's all head to the combat arena" Said Elena, unable to stop her excitement. She knew that she could have waited for the class to finish before doing that but this was something that would cause waves in the magic field. She couldn't wait for the class to finish.

As the class moved to the combat arena which could house thousands.

The student who hated Aiden, spread a rumour in the academy forum that Aiden the number one student in the academy currently was caught bluffing his way into making a "5 connection point second circle". 

"Aiden the number one student in the academy, is going to get embarrassed for trying to cheat, in the combat arena, make sure to come by if you can as he will get caught soon!" said an Anonymous year 1 in the forum.

The tweet got hundreds of likes, comments and shares.

"I knew this guy was a bluffer, he wants to bluff his way into staying as the number 1 talented student in the academy," said an Anonymous year 2 in the comments.

"LMAO, you guys are just haters. Everybody knows about Aiden's talent and strength. You guys are just blinded haters. I can already see you deleting this after what is going to happen in the arena." Said someone named Jack in year 3 Defending Aiden.