The Day of the Tournament

"So it's the same quest and the same rewards." Said Aiden, as he looked at the quest.

An hour later, he was done with the quest.

[You've Completed the 'Daily Quest: Becoming Strong]

100 press-ups: completed (100/100)

100 sit-ups: completed (100/100)

100 squats: completed (100/100)

10 Km run: completed (10/10)

[Rewards Available]

[Would you like to claim?] (Yes/No)

"Yes!" said Aiden, as he felt his attributes once again increase.

"I think it's time to test my physical strength against the doll once again, I also want to test the power of my magic since intelligence is my strongest stat after all."

After some testing against the doll, Aiden realised that initiate beginner physical level starts from 10 to 19 stat points.

Intermediate Beginner level begins at 20 and ends at 29 stat points This is purely Aiden's physical strength not including magic.

So this means that, for his agility to be considered of the calibre of an intermediate beginner level, he will need to have a minimum of 20 stat points in it.

Aiden purely tested his physical prowess compared to mages, so Aiden's physical strength of 21 stat points means that his punch will have the same lethality as a low tier 2 magic spell. 

Aiden then tested his intelligence, and after testing he realised that his intelligence coupled with his Limitless eyes was too op. He was able to output the power of a proficient Apprentice with them combined, especially since he could conjure tier 2 magic spells with 5 connection points, which was akin to a powerful mid-tier 3 magic spell. 

The Limitless Eyes provided Aiden with a significant advantage since it allowed him to cast tier 2 magic that has 5 connection points.

The precision and clarity with which he could visualize and execute spells were unparalleled, enabling him to bypass some of the constraints that normally held other mages back.

However, this immense power came with a drawback. Aiden discovered that casting such formidable spells consumed a substantial amount of mana.

In practical terms, he could only use two of these enhanced spells in a fight before his mana reserves were completely depleted.

This limitation meant that, while he had access to extraordinary magical power, he had to use it carefully and ensure that each spell counted when it mattered most.

"Limitless Eyes is too precious of a skill, I need to see if I can upgrade it with Gold coins." Said Aiden, as he pressed on the skill.

[Skill: Limitless Eyes Lv.1] 

[ Lv.1 --> Lv.2] Cost: 100 Gold Coins

"Damn, it's so expensive. Let me check the price for the other skills." 

[Skill: Astral Escape Lv.1] 

[ Lv.1 --> Lv.2] Cost: 50 Gold Coins

[Skill: Child of Mana Lv.1] 

[ Lv.1 --> Lv.2] Cost: 500 Gold Coins

"They are all so expensive, especially 'Child of Mana'. I guess that just means I need to work even harder to improve." With that thought in mind, he headed to the shower room adjacent to the training area, appreciating its convenience.

As he finished showering, Aiden decided it was time to make a quick trip to the city centre to scout for a few skills that could enhance his abilities in the upcoming tournament.

He knew time was of the essence, with the event set to begin in just 40 to 50 minutes.

Before leaving, Aiden stopped by Mark's room. "Hey, Mark, time to get up! You can't sleep the tournament" he called out, from behind the door.

Mark groaned, rubbing his eyes as he slowly came to. "Alright, I'm getting up," he shouted, yawning.

Aiden nodded, satisfied that Mark woke up, and quickly ordered an AI taxi to take him to the city centre.

As he left, he felt the excitement and anticipation building within him. 

Soon enough, he arrived outside a big shop called Myriad Items, which was known for its wide variety of skills, runes and magical weapons.

Aiden knew that runes and magical weapons were not allowed, as they gave an advantage to most students. 

He was here for the skills, as he surveyed the skills available. 

His eyes fell on a skill book titled 'Hallucination'.

Curious, Aiden approached the store owner, an elderly man with a long, white beard and spectacles perched on his nose, for more information.

"Ah, you've found an interesting one," the owner said with a knowing smile. "This skill book is designed for those with the rare talent of Illusion. It's a powerful skill, allowing the user to create complex and convincing illusions to disorient or manipulate their opponents."

Aiden listened intently, intrigued by the possibilities the skill offered. However, the store owner explained that due to the rarity of the Illusion talent, the skill book had been sitting unsold for quite some time. "Most people cannot use it," the owner added. "As a result, it's priced much lower than it deserves. The price is 20 Mid Mana crystals"

Recognizing an opportunity, Aiden quickly decided to purchase Hallucination. He paid 20 Mid Mana crystals, a bargain considering the original price would have been at least 1 High Mana crystal.

Satisfied with his purchase, Aiden continued to browse the store, knowing that while Hallucination would be a valuable addition to his arsenal, he also needed a defensive skill.

He realized that apart from Astral Escape, he didn't have any abilities that could help him withstand attacks.

A few minutes later he decided to pick a skill book called 'Iron Shield'. According to the description of the skill, the more mana used in the skill the higher the defense shield becomes.

After paying 9 Mid Mana crystals for the skill, Aiden left the shop and took the taxi to the academy campus. 

In the taxi, Aiden decided to try and learn the 'Iron Shield' skill book. As he opened the skill book, the skill book vanished from his hands and knowledge starting flooding his brain.

[Skill Unlocked: Iron Shield Lv.1]

"The system helps me instantly learn skills. That is amazing," Aiden thought to himself as he glanced at his newly acquired skill.

He couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The potential of being able to acquire and master new skills instantly was thrilling.

"While others spend days or even months learning a single skill, I can learn one in an instant," he mused, feeling a grin spread across his face.

The possibilities seemed endless, and he imagined himself becoming truly unstoppable as he accumulated more skills.

After that, he tried to learn 'Hallucination'. Which to his disappointment, he was not able to do.

[Error. Host cannot learn 'Hallucination' as he does not have the Illusion talent]

Aiden frowned at the message hovering before his eyes, his initial excitement decreasing. Soon after, he realised that he would probably gain the illusion talent soon so there was no need to be upset.