Slowly Falling [November 5th, 2020]

Waking up never seemed so difficult until now. finding that you wake up for no reason - you get up only to realize that all your plans are gone. the feeling of falling in reverse, once rising - now falling. music once listened to years ago is back, the webcomics, the twitter activity, phone games, and a favourite book.

Waking up never seemed so hard until now, the world dying, everyone on the edge of their seats, the unknown possibilities of the world. one must wonder how we even got here, and yet one already knows.

Waking up was easy once. pulling yourself out of bed, down the stairs, out the door, onto the bus and into school was the norm. it got one moving, it got one out of the house. it was the only way one would be forced to work. it was what was needed. 

Waking up was occasionally hard, the days when one felt the need to curl up and die. right then and there. the days when one didn't even bother to turn off their alarm. just laying in bed till the alarm stops.