It had been over a month since I got here and also since I started my training with Indigo.
If my former training was harsh then Indigo's training was hell. Running 20 laps up and down a mountain and then push ups and sit ups ,and to finish it off a sparing session with Indigo.
My foundation was good but using soul energy was something I was still getting used to in using it in combat.
Indigo had me fight some of the monsters in the area for me to get used to it,also having me sparing with her subordinates since she was the leader of the blood wolves and apparently the only one who could shift into a human.
Because of me being a half being, I had way more elements I could conjure with my soul energy which includes fire, water, nature, darkness and light.
I could also inhance my stamina by using it.
I also had to learn how to infuse it with my katana in the middle of combat and let me just say it was tiring.
"Hey Indigo,why can't I just get out of here now?", Indigo looked like she would rather not answer my question.
"It's because when someone detects a hint of darkness within your aura then you'll be killed on sight. Am afraid this is the only safe place for you until you learn how to cover it or hide it in this case".
I really felt lonely in this forest, it was like I was back home, all by myself again.
Having Indigo helped but she treated me more like her boss and acted like a subordinate than like a friend.
I retired to the cabin for the night,I put my weapon where I could easily grab it and got comfortable but before I could close my eyes,I saw something light up on the floor in the middle of the room, I got a closer look and the light started getting brighter until it was almost blinding, I looked away but when I looked towards the the light again, I was stunned.
Standing there was a certain goddess that had been occupying my thoughts for the past month, I don't know why I just couldn't get her out of my mind, I tried not to think about her but no matter how much I tried I couldn't forget about her.
She looked as ethereal as the first time I saw her.
I snapped out of my stuper and got on one knee,bowing my head and somehow it feels right, she is a goddess after all.
After a moment I heard a soft bell like giggle eho through the room and then her voice," you don't have to do that lacxine, you may stand. Please be at ease".
I didn't know I missed her this much until I saw her infront of me, I was doing everything in my power to not run to her and hug her at the moment.
"Zelta, what are brings you here?",I asked as politely as I could trying to keep the excitement out of my voice but I think she noticed and gave me smile.
"Well for starters I would have been here a month ago but something was blocking me from finding you but I managed to find you today. I wanted to explain some things and also understand what is going on and why I couldn't find you the first time ", so all this time she was trying to find me when I thought I would never see her again but here she was looking worried and a little upset about all this.
Maybe I won't be alone anymore.