Chapter 28 Judging by Appearances

Doing business in partnership has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that you can save on the capital investment and not have to face problems alone, but the downside is that during the company's development, it's easy for the two people to have arguments and contradictions, which can lead to a parting of ways if not handled properly.

In reality, there are countless such examples. Originally, two people had a good relationship, but just because they started a company together, it led to the breakdown of their relationship, eventually becoming enemies.

So, unless absolutely necessary, it's best not to start a company with someone else.

"The Wang Wei you just mentioned... does he have quite a background?" Gao Fei asked.

Shen Caidie nodded, "Yes, quite a background! Wang Wei's grandfather is the Jade King!"

"The Jade King?" Gao Fei was stunned, having heard this title for the first time.