Chapter 4: I Can Cure This Disease

[Acknowledgements: Thanks to Kayan, love9186, "Heart Wandering, Fate, Life's Struggle," ㄨIs God Coming???, V:___Dragon???, and the generous rewards from all brothers. Additionally, brothers and sisters looking for a role, please go to the Dragon Extras Building. If you stay in the book review section, your comments will be swept away by the many others. Although the new book has few words so far, please bear with me. When it gets as fat as Old Three, then we'll go straight to the slaughter.]

Although the Medicine Pills refined by Ding Fan didn't even qualify as First Level Pills, they were definitely worth more than ten thousand yuan each. Based on Ding Fan's understanding of Earth's medical standards, selling the pills for fifty thousand or even a hundred thousand apiece would not be considered expensive.

However, throughout most of the day, when a few people inquired about the Medicine Pills and learned of the price, they left with a roll of their eyes. In their view, selling a broken pill for ten thousand was no better than robbery.

But Ding Fan didn't get discouraged, his price of ten thousand was meant for those who knew the goods. Only such people would be able to sense the faint Spiritual Energy pulsating through the pills.

What disappointed Ding Fan was that by evening, nobody had bought his pills. Seeing the sky getting dark, he began to pack up his things while pondering whether he should find some job to tide him over. He couldn't let Zhou Ruoran support him forever.

Just as Ding Fan was about to leave, a group of people caught his attention.

This group of seven or eight people, from their demeanor, appeared to be accustomed to being above others. In Earth's terms, they were likely leaders.

"Manshu, I know you're worried about your grandfather's illness, but you must understand, Old Master Qin has been comatose for two years now, and even American experts haven't found a solution. What can you do here? I know you want to find folk remedies for Old Master Qin's illness, but the people here are all quacks who deceive for money. Let's think of other solutions," said a bald middle-aged man as he wiped his sweat with a tissue and pushed his glasses, addressing a woman surrounded by people.

The woman was tall and carried an air of nobility, with fair skin and a stunningly beautiful face. Despite her cold expression making her seem unapproachable, it didn't diminish her beauty. Even Ding Fan had to admit she was undoubtedly a great beauty.

Upon hearing the middle-aged man's words, Manshu's face looked even more unpleasant. If there were a solution, why would she cling to the hope of treating a serious illness with a folk remedy?

Two years ago, her grandfather had fallen into a coma and became a vegetable. To cure his illness, she had visited eight medically advanced countries, yet her grandfather's condition showed no improvement.

"Uncle Xu, I know you are busy, you can go back to your work. You don't need to accompany me," Qin Manshu said indifferently.

The middle-aged man glanced at Qin Manshu. He could clearly detect the dissatisfaction in her tone. Although he was the leader of the group, being rebuked by a junior made the color drain from his face.

However, the middle-aged man said nothing. Behind Qin Manshu stood the Qin family, an entity he dared not provoke. Otherwise, why would he, the Deputy Mayor of Dancheng, accompany her on this nonsense trip? After all, he was just a small player in the Qin family before.

"Excuse me, master, can your Rune treat someone in a vegetative state?" Qin Manshu left the crowd and went straight to a Rune stall to inquire.

The Rune seller, an elder with a goatee, was about to speak but before he could, one of the men who had come with Qin Manshu, a man in his thirties, stepped forward.

"You'd better tell the truth. If you talk nonsense, you'll be held responsible," the man warned the Rune seller.

"Yes, yes... Miss, this old man's Runes are all a scam. Starting tomorrow, I won't be setting up a stall anymore," the goatee-band elder said as he began to hastily pack up the items on his stall.

This goatee-bearded elder was also one to read the room well. As soon as the group arrived, he knew they were not ordinary folks. Waiting for the man to approach, he recognized him—it was Director Liao Chengdong, who oversaw the local police station.

The goatee had dealt with Director Liao before and did not dare to speak out of turn in front of him.

Qin Manshu watched the goatee hurrying to pack up his stall, her brow furrowed slightly. She was annoyed by Liao Chengdong's intervention, but she could also see the goatee truly had no skills. A real skilled person wouldn't lack confidence, would they?

"Master, your shamanic remedy claims to cure all diseases; can it treat someone in a vegetative state?"

"Young lady, I'm no master, and my remedy can't cure that disease."...

"Can your exclusive remedy cure someone in a vegetative state?..."

"Please, have mercy on me, miss. I don't have that kind of ability..."

These charlatans, who frequented the park with their stands, were all sharp and observant. Despite their usually eloquent promotion of their sham remedies and Runes, they dared not babble in front of the bigwigs backing Qin Manshu.

It was clear to everyone that in this group, Liao Chengdong was merely a small fish. In this information era, the vendors had identified most of them just by a few glances.

Xu Guanjie, Dancheng's Deputy Mayor, Cheng Qian, head of the Health Bureau... While the others were unrecognizable, even from their dress alone, they were clearly no ordinary figures. Speaking carelessly in front of these influential figures could land them straight in jail if things went south.

Qin Manshu watched as one vendor after another hurriedly packed up their stalls, avoiding her. She furrowed her brows and remained silent. She had come with the hope of trying out some traditional remedies for serious illnesses, but it seemed that all these people were obviously charlatans. Qin Manshu felt a wave of disappointment. Could it be that there was really no cure for her grandfather's ailment?

Since Qin Manshu's parents were always busy, her grandfather had raised her from a young age, which made them very close. Now that her grandfather was advanced in years and his health was deteriorating, she feared that if they delayed any longer, he would remain in that comatose state indefinitely.

"Manshu, we're all anxious about Old Master Qin's condition, but we must trust in science. Runes, ointments, they're simply not credible. I've contacted an expert through an international friend. Old Master Qin was my superior and we will definitely do our best," the middle-aged man who was the deputy mayor of Dancheng, Xu Guanjie, came up beside Qin Manshu.

Qin Manshu slightly lifted her beautiful profile, her eyes like water gazing towards an unknown point in the sky. As for Xu Guanjie beside her, it was as if she hadn't heard a word he had said.


In the past two years, had Qin Manshu not seen enough experts? Famous or nameless, she had even sought help from a Nobel Prize-winning specialist, but none had been of any use for her grandfather's condition.

"Young lady, how long has your grandfather been in a vegetative state?" Just as Qin Manshu was feeling utterly disheartened, a somewhat emaciated man approached her.

Qin Manshu was taken aback. In the glow of the setting sun, she saw a man around her age approaching her, but with a sun hat and a mask on, she couldn't make out the face of the newcomer.

The man was Ding Fan. Observing the reactions of the surrounding vendors, Ding Fan could tell that this individual must come from an extraordinary background. However, Ding Fan didn't care in the slightest; on the contrary, he was somewhat pleased.

If these powerful and influential people were all extremely wary of death, then the price for his Medicine Pill that could cure their diseases would naturally not be low. That's why Ding Fan came over to inquire about the patient's specific condition.

"Young man, what do you do?"

Before Qin Manshu could respond, Director Liao, Liao Chengdong, stepped forward, his face an ashen color as he looked at the young man before him.

"I sell Medicine Pills, and I came to understand the patient's condition," Ding Fan replied calmly.

Liao Chengdong's brow furrowed. In his opinion, Ding Fan was just a fool. Nine out of ten who sold Medicine Pills were fraudsters, and this was his jurisdiction. This fool actually dared to conjure tricks right in front of him. Even if he did not know Liao Chengdong's identity, couldn't he see the reactions of the other vendors?

Some vendors not yet managed to pack up were all watching the scene with schadenfreude, like watching a disaster unfold. This guy had the audacity to sell Pills in front of Director Liao; it seemed he no longer cared about doing business in this area. These actions were like a Mouse scratching a cat for fun—they were about making money with no regard for one's life!

"You sell Medicine Pills? Can your Pill cure a person in a vegetative state?" Qin Manshu, like a drowning person grasping for a lifeline, walked over and directly pushed Liao Chengdong behind her.

Ding Fan nodded. "As long as the coma has not exceeded five years, my Pill can cure it."

"Young man, you had better think carefully about what you're saying..." Liao Chengdong's complexion turned incredibly dark.

What was this about being able to cure someone if the coma had not exceeded five years? Not even a Nobel Prize-winning specialist would dare make such a guarantee, and here was a park vendor claiming he could cure this?

Who was Qin Manshu? She was the prized jewel of the Qin family. Liao Chengdong knew very well that if he allowed Qin Manshu to be swindled on his watch, his career as a police station director would be over, and he could forget about any further promotion.

Liao Chengdong was just a lowly police station director; he was counting on this opportunity to advance. How could he tolerate a charlatan swindling right before his eyes?

"I wasn't speaking to you. Please, shut your mouth!" Qin Manshu's usually cool face flashed with anger.

Liao Chengdong opened his mouth but ultimately stood obediently behind Qin Manshu. With his lower ranking, he knew he couldn't afford to provoke her; if he truly offended her, his career in the police force would come to an end.

At that moment, the vendors who had yet to leave watched Ding Fan gleefully, anticipating his downfall. With Director Liao humiliated like this, there was no way things would end well.

"My grandfather has only been comatose for two years, can it be treated?" Qin Manshu turned around, her face full of hope as she looked at Ding Fan.

"Of course, it can." If his Pill couldn't even cure someone who had been in a vegetative state for two years, Ding Fan might as well buy a block of tofu and knock himself out with it.

Qin Manshu's eyes brightened. "How much is your Pill?"

"Ten thousand each." Ding Fan held up a finger, speaking indifferently.