Chapter 5 Fragrant Mind-Consolidating Grass

[Thank you: "Who's worth my worship? It's cool," for the rewards from the two brothers! Although the new book has very few words, the recommendation tickets and favorites are given to Lao San first – Lao San gets fat very easily.]

Ten thousand?!

Xu Guanjie's face turned extremely ugly, he had of course heard what Ding Fan and Qin Manshu had said earlier. He hadn't stopped them because he thought it was better for Qin Manshu to be cheated once and for all, to cut off her foolish hopes directly.

But Xu Guanjie really hadn't expected that the other party would start off by demanding ten thousand yuan. Even foreign experts didn't charge that much for selling pills.

Xu Guanjie was a bit furious; not only did this kid dare to scam in front of him, but he also had the audacity to make such an outrageous demand.

"Kid, you dare to scam people in broad daylight, pretending to be a doctor? It looks like you're ready for a free meal in the police station," he said.

Ding Fan glanced indifferently at Liao Chengdong beside him. "I didn't force her to buy it, did I? If you don't believe me, I won't sell my medicine to you."

After speaking, Ding Fan actually turned around and left.

"Master, wait a second, the opinions of these people don't represent mine, I apologize to you on their behalf," Qin Manshu said anxiously, as she saw Ding Fan turn to leave, and hurriedly called out to him.

"Miss Qin, this man is a fraudster..."

"It's not your turn to point fingers in my affairs, please shut up!" Qin Manshu said righteously to Liao Chengdong by her side.

Liao Chengdong was put in his place once again. He glanced at Xu Guanjie, who shook his head slightly at him.

Xu Guanjie was astute, he knew that now Qin Manshu wouldn't listen to anyone else. Despite Qin Manshu often being cool and detached, they would only get sprayed if she really got angry.

"Master, please sell me a pill," she said.

Over the past two years, Qin Manshu had been so worried about her grandfather's illness that she had lost all her spirit; she had tried everything, but there was no sign of her grandfather waking up.

Although it occurred to Qin Manshu that the man before her might be deceiving her, that was just ten thousand yuan – a sum that really didn't mean much to her. She understood that she wanted to use the ten thousand yuan to bet on a one in a thousand chance of success.

Ding Fan had not really planned to leave; he needed money more than anyone else. His turning to leave was just a tactical retreat. When the other party asked about the price, he turned back around.

"I can sell you the medicine, but I don't want to see this person anymore," Ding Fan said, glancing at Liao Chengdong.

Liao Chengdong was taken aback; he hadn't expected this street swindler to dare target him directly.

Qin Manshu nodded and then turned to glance back at Liao Chengdong behind her.

Although Qin Manshu didn't say anything, how could Liao Chengdong not understand that the young lady wanted him out of the picture? Liao Chengdong swept a glance at Ding Fan and then, without saying a word, turned and left.

Of course, Ding Fan knew the other party wouldn't leave him in peace, but he had nothing to fear. After completing this deal, he wasn't planning to come back again. Besides, Ding Fan was not afraid of Liao Chengdong at all.

"I have refined these two medicine pills with all my heart and soul. Your grandfather has been comatose for two years, so he will need two pills for treatment. In addition, another pill is needed to consolidate his vital energy. So, you need three pills in total, which amounts to thirty thousand yuan," Ding Fan said, taking out three pills and holding them up in his hand.

Thirty thousand?! The people present felt that this 'street swindler' really dared to ask for a high price.

Xu Guanjie, who hadn't spoken up till now, coughed. "Manshu, thirty thousand yuan might not be much, but if Old Master Qin's condition worsens after taking this medicine..."

"Uncle Xu, I know what I'm doing," Qin Manshu nodded. How much worse could her grandfather's condition get?

Qin Manshu carefully received the pills from Ding Fan's hand and then gave him a check for thirty thousand yuan.

"The medicinal properties of these pills are very potent. It's best to take the three pills at intervals of more than seven days each. After twenty-one days, I guarantee your grandfather will be as good as he was before," Ding Fan said.

"Master, I was wondering if you have the time to accompany me to see my grandfather. If my grandfather really gets better, I'm willing to pay you five times the price," said Qin Manshu, holding the pills and suddenly feeling a very serene sensation brushing over her heart. At this moment, she had a bit more confidence in the authenticity of the pills, which is why she was moved to ask Ding Fan.

Ding Fan shook his head. "With these three pills, his condition is bound to improve. I won't go."

After saying this, Ding Fan looked at Xu Guanjie standing by. "Have you been feeling nauseous every time you wake up lately, and experiencing pain as if your body is being torn apart during the full moon?"

Xu Guanjie was surprised that Ding Fan would initiate conversation, but what came as a surprise was that Ding Fan had accurately described his recent condition.

However, Xu Guanjie wasn't all that shocked. His minor health issues were common knowledge among the city government officials; who knows where this street swindler had gotten his information from.

"I'm in perfect health, you don't need to think about doing business with me," Xu Guanjie replied.

The people accompanying him looked at Ding Fan, speechless. This street swindler even dared to scam the deputy mayor.

Seeing that Xu Guanjie didn't believe him, Ding Fan didn't say anything more. "If you seek treatment now, I think you will live for another half a year, otherwise, I'm afraid you only have ten days left."


"Kid, you dare to curse the deputy..." At this moment, one of the following henchmen jumped out directly.

"Xiao Ma!" Xu Guanjie directly waved his hand at the man.

Xu Guanjie had just had a medical checkup these past two days. Although he indeed felt nauseous in the mornings and convulsed all over when the moon was full, the hospital examinations showed absolutely no problems with his health. In his view, Ding Fan's words were nothing more than a sales pitch for his own medicine pills, and since Qin Manshu was still there, he didn't want to make things difficult for Ding Fan.

Since the other party wouldn't listen to reason, Ding Fan didn't waste words either. He pocketed the thirty thousand in the check, turned around, and left.


The reason why Ding Fan informed Xu Guanjie about his illness was not that he had nothing better to do. Xu Guanjie's condition was obviously due to contact with ore that contained spiritual energy. As Earth's spiritual energy was scarce, Ding Fan wanted to follow the trail and see if he could get one or two ores imbued with spiritual energy.

Although the other party flatly refused, Ding Fan didn't feel it was a pity, after all, cultivation also depends on 'fate;' it's useless to force something that's not meant to be...

After leaving Prince Park, the first thing Ding Fan did was go to the bank to withdraw money, but since the banks had already closed, he could only go home first.

Throughout the day, Ding Fan had only eaten a couple of bites of the steamed buns left by Zhou Ruoran that morning. What he urgently needed now was to get home and have a good meal.

From Prince Park to the Huaqiang District where Ding Fan lived, he had to pass through a market.

"Flowers for sale... Five yuan a pot, flowers for sale..." At the entrance of the market, a pile of flowers and plants were laid out, and a plainly-dressed girl stood there yelling loudly.

The girl was around seventeen or eighteen years old. Although she was not an exceptional beauty, she was at the budding age of a young girl, displaying youthful vitality on her face, which added to her beauty.


Ding Fan walked up to the flower-selling girl with disbelief. He was not attracted by the girl's appearance; what truly captured Ding Fan's attention was the hint of a very familiar spiritual energy he sensed here.

At that moment, Ding Fan was like a man dying of thirst in the desert suddenly spotting clear water. Spiritual energy was too important for him; as long as he had spiritual energy, he could continue his cultivation.

"How much for this Fragrant Mind-Consolidating Grass?" Ding Fan quickly discovered that the spiritual energy was emanating from a plant with three small white flowers.

In the Cultivation World, the grade levels of spirit grasses are divided into nine grades, and this Fragrant Mind-Consolidating Grass is considered a Second Grade spirit grass.

"Fragrant Mind-Consolidating Grass?" The girl was taken aback. "Are you talking about this plant with three white flowers? You want to buy this one? They're all five yuan each..."

Five yuan? Although a Second Grade spirit grass is low-grade in the Cultivation World, its value would at least allow an ordinary person to purchase a decent-sized plot of land there. However, the flower-selling girl was only asking for five yuan. After blending his host's memories, Ding Fan knew that five yuan was probably only enough to buy a box of instant noodles.

The treasures of the Cultivation World on Earth had become nothing more than street stall goods...

But Ding Fan didn't even have five yuan on him; in his pocket was only the thirty thousand yuan check.

"Little sister, selling flowers by yourself must be boring. I'll give you two hundred, come have some fun with me, how about it?" Just as Ding Fan was thinking about how to buy the flowers, two ruffian-looking young men also approached the flower stall.

"Please leave, I'm conducting business," the girl frowned and said.

"Business? How much can you make selling these flowers? Have some fun with me, and you'll get two hundred yuan instantly." One of the young men, with dyed blond hair, pulled out two hundred-yuan bills from his chest and flaunted them in front of the girl.

These two young men were well-known thugs in the area. With their notorious reputation, even the market security didn't dare to provoke them. These were people who didn't hesitate to use knives in fights; no one wanted to mess with them, knowing that even if they were caught today, they would be out tomorrow looking for revenge.

"I still have a customer here, please show some respect!" the girl's tone rose a bit as she said.

Although the girl's voice drew some onlookers' attention, none stepped forward to intervene. Ding Fan, watching from the side, knew that, whether in the Cultivation World or here on Earth, people's bad nature always exists – if it doesn't concern them, they remain indifferent...

"A customer?" Blondie glanced at Ding Fan standing to the side, clearly understanding that the girl's referred customer was Ding Fan.

"Kid, know your place and scram!" Blondie arrogantly pointed his finger right at Ding Fan's nose.

The girl had originally intended to make the thugs aware that it was a public place, hoping they'd restrain themselves. However, she didn't expect that her words would bring trouble to Ding Fan. She looked apologetically at Ding Fan but didn't know what to do, as this was the first time she had encountered such a situation...

In the Cultivation World, Ding Fan had always been one to avoid trouble when possible, but not shy away from it when it came. The notion of being pointed at and acting like a coward was something he couldn't do.


Ding Fan delivered a kick, not expecting Ding Fan to make the first move, Blondie was caught off guard and was kicked to the ground.

As soon as the scuffle started, a crowd quickly gathered to watch the excitement. Blondie felt humiliated, leaped up from the ground, and pulled out a dagger.

"Kid, you dare to act tough in front of me, I'll kill you today!"
