CH : 2 Preliminary Infection, Death and Fear

Ethan greatly appreciated the two skills he possessed.

The skeleton looked at Ethan, immediately went to the zombie killed by Ethan. using its arms, it stabbed into Xu Zheng's zombie body.

A black light flashed, lasting about 30 seconds. A Special Skeleton took a bone axe from the zombie's body, measuring 1.2 meters long, holding it in its hand.

After the bone axe was taken from the zombie's body, it turned into a puddle, full of putrid black pus and blood.

Ethan watched Special Skeleton, pointing to a wooden computer desk next to him and said:

"Cut off the table!"

The Special Skeleton used the bone axe to chop down on the computer desk.

An audible splitting sound; the wooden computer desk was split apart with one strike.


Looking at that wooden computer desk split in half, Ethan was happy on the inside. To have such a powerful undead guardian, his chances to survive had increased by leaps and bounds.

After testing the destructive power of Special Skeleton, Ethan picked up the black coin and carefully inspected it.

"1 Survival Coin!"

Ethan took the coin and received such a message.

Although Ethan did not know the worth of this Survival Coin, Ethan still carefully put it into his pocket as a former gamer he knew everything drop from kill had a certain value.

'It must be some kind of currency'

At this moment, from outside the door, came the sound of a fierce collision; a claw abruptly pierced through the wooden door, shaking it non-stop.

Between several breaths, the door burst open, 4 zombies with white eyes, shoved at the door, and crawled inside the dorm room.

There was a shattering sound; Ethan looked outside and saw that a window was smashed by a zombie. From outside, the zombie tried to squeeze inside through the window.

Ethan looked at the wooden door that was smashed by the zombies, with a wry smile, called out an order for Special Skeleton:

"The school had to minimize cost, but they shouldn't have saved money on the dorm construction. This is shoddy construction! Special Skeleton, kill those zombies that came in!"

Special Skeleton received the command of Ethan, took a stride forward, and struck a blow towards the zombie's head, splitting and sending the head flying, foul blood splattering everywhere.

Almost at the same time, 3 zombies rushed forward together holding Special Skeleton, while pulling and biting.

Some of the bones of Special Skeleton were ripped off by the 3 zombies one by one, its HP continued to drop; Special Skeleton's axe holding the right hand was firmly held by the zombie, unable to move.

Special Skeleton and 3 zombies tried to squeeze through the narrow door.

Ethan stepped forward, holding the stick and striking the zombie's head; the head of the zombie holding Special Skeleton's right arm with the axe was smashed to the side, it's head twisted.

A group of white light from the zombie's bodies flew into Ethan's body.

Special Skeleton's right arm with the axe was free, immediately wielding the axe, the head of the zombie was cut off.

Like it could smell the taste of the living, the body of the zombie holding Special Skeleton released its grip. Ethan climbs over.

Ethan looked at the zombie's white eyes, a chunk of flesh was bitten off the face. The zombie's open mouth was full of blood; he took a step backward.

These zombies are extremely dangerous; in a fight with it, just a scratch will turn you into their kind. If not necessary, Ethan did not want to fight up close with these monsters.

At this moment the other zombie that broke through the window had entered the dorm and staggered towards Ethan.

Beyond the door, 2 zombies climb in from the hole into the room.

As if it was sensitive to Ethan, the Special Skeleton, still fighting the zombie on the ground, suddenly used his hand to grab the zombie advancing forward.

The zombie advancing toward Ethan immediately fell to the ground, Ethan raised the novice staff striking the zombie's head, causing the zombie to twist to one side.

A ball of white light quickly entered Ethan's body.

"You have advanced to level 2, you have earned 2 status points, please distribute the points!"

The ball of white light had just entered Ethan's body, when the voice immediately sounded in Ethan's mind.

"Distribute to strength and stamina!"

Ethan immediately said.

Fighting the zombies had consumed more stamina, far beyond what Ethan had imagined; he only dealt with 3 zombies, but his stamina had dropped from 8 points to 3 points. In order to fully chop the zombie's head off, he had to use a lot of effort.

Just after a couple breaths, there was a warmth flowing through his body, he vaguely felt his strength increase a bit. His stamina had started to recover.

"Congratulations, you have not only survived but also vanquished the monsters. As the fastest and only individual to successfully level up across the entire world, the God and Devil System will reward you with a basic skill in recognition of your exceptional adaptation.

Please Select a Skill: Skill 1 – 'Eyes of Perception', can discern the information of monsters up to 5 levels higher. Skill 2 – 'Language Proficiency', allows you to easily master the language of any country. Listening, speaking, and writing are no obstacles. These spells do not occupy one of the three active skill slots!"

Ethan, without any hesitation, immediately made a choice:

"I choose 'Eyes of Perception.'"

A light flashed; it quickly condensed and formed a bronze colored rune inside his mind.

He concentrated and utilized 'Eyes of Perception,' looking at the zombie.

"Preliminary Infection level 1 – these are being eroded from the infection of the virus, leaving only the desire for flesh and blood.

Viral Infection Skill – as long as there is a cut on the skin, the virus will infect; depending on a person's constitution, between 3-10 minutes, the body will be infected with Preliminary Infection. Beside the three treatment fluids, with the medical standards of this world, for at least a decade it is incurable!"

"Sure enough!"

Ethan's eyes thicken, even somewhat more afraid of those zombies.

The remaining 2 zombies staggered towards Ethan.

Special Skeleton wielded his large axe and cleaved; a zombie's head was cut off and sent flying. The other zombie lunged towards Special Skeleton, and with a vicious grip, ripped off a bone from the chest of Special Skeleton.

Ethan took the opportunity to step forward, using the stick to strike at the zombie's head, smashing the zombie's head.

"What is this?"

After receiving the Eyes of Perception, Ethan can now see a ball of white light fly out from the zombie's body and into his body.

"Could it be that this is what is causing my body to grow stronger? The EXP!"

Ethan stared at the ball of white light and speculated.

There is no information, so Ethan put this question aside, looking at the Special Skeleton and summoned him.

Special Skeleton

Level 2

Power: 11 (10)

Agility: 11 (10)

Vitality: 11 (10)

Spirit: 11 (10)

Strength: 6 (10)

Skills: Bone Crafting (LV : 1), Minor Bone Regeneration (LV : 1)



Ethan looked at Skeleton's stats, it made him excited.

Skeleton's growth rate was higher than Ethan; its attributes increased by 5 points from just 1 level. Comepreed him who only got two status points. And Compared to an average person, it was now 10% higher. With such a powerful servant under his command, his chances of survival have increased by a bit.

Without hesitation, tolerating the stench coming from the corpses, he strongly pushed the computer desk, blankets, and pillow in the room to block the door and window.

Even though the door cannot withstand the zombie's attack, it can still delay them.

Level 1 zombies; besides being strong, they have a very obvious weakness, which is their slow movements. If you did not encounter multiple zombies, with just a long weapon, even ordinary people can deal with them.

But if surrounded by 10 zombies, you will surely die.

Blocking the door, Ethan let out a sigh of relief in this stench-filled room . The earlier experience made it difficult to accept; if he didn't receive the skill to summon his Skeleton, at this time he would have definitely become a zombie.

A zombie in such a confined environment, Ethan still had difficulty dealing with it. Attacked by 3 zombies, he would simply be overwhelmed.

After a slight sigh of relief, Ethan immediately rummaged through the dorm to find resources he could use. He soon found a bundle of mountain climbing ropes, a mountaineering backpack, 4 packs of instant ramen, two bars of sneakers and a half eaten bag of custard pie.

With the narrow room, taking advantage of the terrain, Ethan and Skeleton working together were able to deal with the zombies. However, there is a key issue, this boy's dormitory has 8 floors, each floor has 20 dorm rooms, each room has at least 10 to 12 people inside; a total of 1920 boys living there at maximum. Although it was Sunday and a large number of people went out, still even working with the best odds.

The ones that stayed still should numbered around 400 to 600 people. Even if one third of these people became zombies, it would be terrifying.

The most important point is that the dorm rooms didn't have much food or water supplies. Ethan did not know if the water system had been infected or not, other than his water bottle, he dared not to drink anywhere else if it's not tight sealed.

Ethan quickly tied the rope to the bed, then threw the climbing rope outside the window.

Seeing that the climbing rope was hanging, Ethan then pulled over and sat on the seat. Took out binoculars to look out, observing the situation outside.

The Skeleton was right beside watching over him.

At this time it looked as though the whole school was in a frenzy; some students rushed out of the dormitory, following in their wake were staggering zombies.

Many students had a bandaged wound on their body, with a look of pain, apparently injured.

A boy running did not pay attention to what was under his feet; after passing a corpse, all of a sudden, the corpse grabbed his leg, causing him to stumble. He quickly fell to the ground.

"Austin, save me!"

With a terrifying look on his face, he looked at his friend in front and shouted.

Austin looked back and saw that behind the boy were the zombies; with eyes full of fear, he turned around and fled without looking back.

"Austin! Evan! Help! Save me!"

That frightened boy screamed loudly.

Evan, 1.8 meters tall, heard the boy's anguished voice, and hesitated for a moment. He turned around and glanced back, and only saw 8 zombies attacking the boy on the ground. Crazily being bitten, only the boy's wailing voice could be heard.

Evan, seeing this scene, was so scared that his leg went limp. He then didn't look back, and faced forward and fled.

The 8 zombies were gnawing on the boy's body; soon the boy's cries disappeared.

The rest of the boys crazily fled outside.

At this point the entire campus has become a mass of chaos, students everywhere are frightened and running away from the zombies chasing them.

There were not many people on the street, but all of a sudden there were a lot of students and a large number of zombies. From time to time there were students whose bodies twitched, then suddenly fell to the ground; when they stood up again, they had turned into zombies.

The campus was filled with an atmosphere of panic and death.

Ethan was watching everything below; he was shaking on the inside. At this time on the streets below, the zombies were attracted by the students, running around everywhere.

On the street leading to the small supermarket on campus, there are 20 zombies standing there on the street, blocking the way to the small supermarket and the way outside the school.

Six boys from the dormitory saw that the zombies were blocking the street leading to the gate.

As if they could feel the life force, 6 zombies promptly turned and walked towards the boys; the street to the school was not very wide, with 6 zombies already having the street almost entirely blocked, only leaving a small gap.

8 zombies behind the boys had just finished eating and staggered towards the 6 people.

At this time there were zombies in front and behind, blocking the way.

At this critical moment, two boys with a look of horror, loudly shouting, rushed toward the zombies in front. Each of them, armed with a novice stick, stabbed a zombie each; each zombie was knocked to the ground.

A student took the chance to go through the gap.

He was then blocked after a bit, a step too late; a big hand stretched out and firmly grabbed his arm.

"No! Help! Help!"

The student, in a panic, used his novice stick to hit the zombie, cutting off the arm of the zombie.

The 3 remaining zombies took this chance to grab him, and opened their jaws to bite hard on his neck.

"Ah! Help!!"

The student immediately let out a sharp scream.

The 3 zombies, firmly holding the student, began eating him bloodily.

The 2 remaining zombies were attracted by the smell of blood; they headed towards the student's body, lunged forward and began biting his body.

The other student ran past the zombies; not too far, he was soon surrounded by the zombies; submerged in dead corpses, he let out a miserable moan.

The remaining 4 students witnessed the scene, eyes filled with terror.

"We're Done!"

One student was so scared and collapsed on the ground.

"Up the tree!"

A relatively calm tall boy; he looked at the surroundings, and quickly crawled up the side of a tree.

In the main campus of the University of Yun Hua, there are trees and plants planted everywhere.

The other two boys also had deft hands and feet and headed toward the trees and started climbing.

"Save me! Aaron! Give me a hand!!"

The boy that was paralyzed on the floor, under his survival instincts, stood up; seeing the other 3 climbing the tree, he let out a shout. He did not know how to climb trees.

Attracted to the scream of the boy, the zombies within 100 meters slightly shook, and began to move toward the sound.

Over 10 zombies that formed an army was sufficient to tear any resistance in the university.

The first boy to climb up the tree, Aaron, heard the distress sound of the boy below, hesitated.

In just the few seconds of hesitation by Aaron, the zombie claws caught the boy below, and viciously bit his neck.


The boy uttered a cry of misery, and soon was torn up by 5 zombies.

The extremely piercing cry echoed in the area, bringing fear to people's hearts.

Seeing a scene like this, the 3 students did not dare stop, rushing to climb the tree to escape. With eyes full of fear quietly watching the three zombies below.

Dozens of zombies surrounded the tree, formed a fearsome army, blocking the escape route to the outside world.