CH : 3 Kills, EXP, Trying to Escape

The extremely piercing cry echoed in the area, bringing fear to people's hearts.

Seeing a scene like this, the 3 students did not dare stop, rushing to climb the tree to escape. With eyes full of fear quietly watching the three zombies below.

Dozens of zombies surrounded the tree, formed a fearsome army, blocking the escape route to the outside world.


Ethan is watching the situation outside, frowning, the only exit to the outside world was blocked, to escape from here, it looks extremely difficult.

Those zombies' only weak point is the head, but with so much power, with only a small wound will kill a person, is extremely difficult to deal with. If they were not slow, without a firearm even elite forces would have a very difficult time dealing with them.

At this moment a violent sound came from outside the room, 2 zombies from outside piled in.

The Skeleton that was guarding the front door of the dorm viciously strikes down with the axe, cutting down the head of a zombie.

Ethan stared at Skeleton, saw a ball of white light from the zombie body fly into his summon.

One zombie has been killed, the remaining zombie struggled into the room but its head was soon cleanly chopped off by the Skeleton axe, black blood staining all over the floor. A ball of white light once again flew into the Skeleton body.

Ethan frowned deepend, thinking:

"Summoned monsters only gain their own EXP and none for their master. It seems that to grow stronger, I have to kill the monsters myself! There is no EXP sharing here."

This revelation shattered Ethan's initial strategy. He had planned to use his summon to handle the zombies gradually since it was immune to infection and didn't require stamina, allowing it to work tirelessly day and night. Being undead, it had unlimited stamina, enabling him to stay safely in the background while gaining EXP, slowly clearing out the hordes and rescuing survivors. His calculations indicated that with the sheer number of zombies, he could level up at least five times, even if the EXP required doubled with each level. This would grant him a second skeleton summon. However, this new discovery was like a bucket of cold water thrown on his plans, rendering them no longer feasible.

If Ethan didn't fight personally, he would never grow stronger. The fact that his Eyes of Perception showed zombies as LV 1 suggested that they could either level up or evolve or there are higher level zombies yet to be seen.

The future of this world, with evolving stronger zombies, skills, system classes, an actual system, and possibly an Omnipotent God driven by boredom, was uncertain. However, one thing was clear to Ethan: the world was destined to become extremely cruel. Without gaining strength, Even mere survival would be impossible.

As if attracted here by the sound, 3 zombies staggered from the side of the door and crawled through the broken hole.

"Ske.." Ethan was about to call it 'Skeleton' but stopped mid-sentence, realizing it deserved a name. However, with zombies closing in, now wasn't the time. 'We'll deal with that later. Skeleton, take care of the two on the left!'"

Ethan ordered.

Having received the order, the Skeleton stepped forward, swinging the axe and chopping off a zombie head, foul blood splattered everywhere.

The remaining 2 zombies, without fear, still crawled inside.

In the doorway is a pile of debris, a zombie stagger forward, stumbling over the debris and falling down to the ground. The Skeleton wielding his axe mercilessly hack the zombie head, quickly killing the zombie.

The remaining zombie's face was bitten beyond recognition, face full of holes, the white eyes zombie struggled to crawl through the hole. Heading towards Ethan.

Ethan overcame his fears, took a step forward and lifted his novice stick overhead, smashing down on the zombie head. Causing the zombie head to tilt to the side, a ball of white light from the zombie flew into his body.

Ethan, taking no chances, allows the Skeleton to chop off the head of the zombie.

Ethan tries to catch his breath since no zombie was left, outside the zombies were staggering in, attempting to break in from both the windows and door.

"A lot of zombies!"

Seeing those crazy zombies crowded into the room, he couldn't help but gasp, this time together there were more than a dozen zombies crowding outside his door. Those white-eyed zombies devoid of life gave him an oppressive feeling.

Melee combat was consuming a lot of stamina, and when fighting zombies, even a small scratch was deadly. The feeling of facing over a dozen zombies was completely different than facing one zombie.

Fortunately, the entrance was small, allowing only at most 3 zombies through. 3 zombies crowded in front of the door were struggling to get inside.

Another zombie was trying to crawl through the window.

Besides those 4 zombies, the rest of the zombies were crowded outside the door. A sense of having to kill countless zombies made him weak.

"Skeleton, the 3 at the door are yours!"

Ethan ordered, and ran towards the window, his eyes flashing with a determined light, using the novice stick to smash at the zombie head, causing the head to be twisted to the side.

The Skeleton, after gaining a level, his movements is now better than in the past, it tramples the corpse of the zombie at the door, with one strike neatly cutting off the head of a zombie.

The remaining 2 zombies squeeze through from behind their comrade's body trying to get through.

The 2 zombies right after get through, stumble over the debris and fall to the ground.

Ethan took the opportunity to advance forward, hitting the zombie on the head, smashing the head crooked.

The skeleton, with a swing of his ax, cut off another zombie's head.

Ethan hadn't been able to catch his breath, but 4 more zombies were already trying to through the door and window.

Ethan gritted his teeth, advancing forward, towards the window where a zombie with his eyes bitten off. Striking severely at the zombie head, smashing it to the side. A ball of white light flew into his body.

The skeleton, standing before the door, skilfully waving his axe and cutting a zombie head in two, the foul blood splattered everywhere.

At this point the zombie corpses and all kinds of debris have clogged the door, but the zombies are still aggressively trying to break through. However, the remaining 2 zombies were stuck in the door, continually struggling.

Ethan quickly took the opportunity to advance to the left with the stick in his right hand, smashing the zombies, killing both of them.

The 2 zombie corpses got stuck in the door, foul blood flowing, the rancid stench filled the entire room making it unbearable.

The corpses crowded the entrance, with the 3 zombie corpses blocking the entrance, 2 more packing on each side.

2 zombies stick their head in, Ethan quickly trample on the head of a zombie and use his novice stick to kill it. The skeleton uses his axe to kill the other one.

Another zombie was trying to get through the window. It had gotten just partially through before Ethan stride forward and smashed it in the head.

After killing the zombie, a ball of white light flew into Ethan's body, voice sounded in his mind:

"You have advanced to level 3, please assign the 2 stat points."

"Strength, Stamina!"

Ethan heavily panting made the selection. Fighting the zombies had greatly decreased his stamina. There is not enough strength that he wanted to knock the zombies head crooked so he had to use more stamina.

Between his thoughts, a trickle of warmth flowed through Ethan's body, and began to strengthen his body.

The other side, the Skeleton with his axe hack off the head of another zombie. A faint light flashing, in its place a chest armour condensed out of the palm sized piece of bone.

"It grew to another level. Its growth is fast!"

Ethan took a look at the Skeleton, and thought.

Each time the Skeleton level, his 5 attributes have increased again, while Ethan could only increase 2 attributes. Both increased, but the Skeleton was 3 times his.

After levelling, the Skeleton has gotten even stronger, it waved its large bone axe and easily slay the remaining 2 zombies. The zombie attack seems to have stopped for now.

All the zombies around them have died, and Ethan was able to let out a sigh of relief. Enduring the stench from the corpses, Ethan put on some gloves and looked for those black Survival Coins.

Right now those Survival Coins are of no use, but Ethan believes they will prove essential in the future.

Ethan, having done all this, immediately went back to sit down before the window, quietly trying to restore his stamina.

"Can't stay here too long."

Ethan inspected the room, and frowned.

Here in this small room lies more than 10 headless corpses, foul blood flowing, foul smelling, is not a place a person can stay. After the fierce battle, Ethan's mouth felt dry and thirsty. Ethan did not dare drink the tap water in the dormitory, he did not know if the virus was in the water. He would eventually die if he stayed here.

Ethan quietly rested for 10 minutes, his stamina slowly recovered from 4 points to 7 points. It took another 20 minutes for his stamina to recover to 8 points.

"It seems like the speed of recovery of his stamina is not a fixed value, the lower it is, the harder to fully recover.

Ethan with curious and Observing was making sure to make notes of every detail about and around him.

So he has been observing his stamina recovery, quietly contemplating.

Ethan stood up, looked out again, this time the calm had been restored within the campus. Students and school staff were either infected or had found a place to hide. The zombies were staggering all over the campus.

Most of the zombies around the male dormitory were attracted to Aaron group of 6, leaving a large empty area.

Among the empty areas, only a few scattered zombies are blankly standing there.

"Climb down."

Ethan looked at those zombies, and ordered his only summon for now.

The Skeleton flashing those soul fire, put the bone axe in his back, and agilely climbed down the rope put there by Ethan.

The Skeleton landed, letting out a sound, in the silence of the sound was pretty loud.

4 daft looking zombies suddenly turned around, and walked unsteadily towards the Skeleton.

After the Skeleton landing, Ethan, carrying a big camping backpack, quickly climbs down the rope.

Seeing the 4 zombies staggering over, the Skeleton advanced forward and swinging his axe, cut off a zombie head sending it flying.

Ethan quickly went behind a zombie, using the novice stick to smash its head, knocking it crookedly to the side.

In the open space, one on one battle, as long as you do not fear the zombie virus, even ordinary humans can beat the zombie. Slow movement is the biggest weakness of the zombies.

The 2 remaining zombies had just gotten close to Ethan, when the Skeleton easily beheaded them with his bone axe.

After levelling twice, as long as it is not besieged by dozens of zombies, the Skeleton can easily slay zombies one by one.

Picture this: a guy with unlimited stamina, zero pain, and zero fear. Oh, and zombie bites? No biggie. He's like the Chuck Norris of the apocalypse!

"Advance in that direction!"

Ethan spoke while shaking his head as he pointed towards the small supermarket, and ordered the Skeleton, quickly rush in that direction.

The skeleton received the order from Ethan, holding the large bone axe quickly rushed towards the small supermarket.

Ethan was trying hard to catch up from behind.

At this time the two sides difference in stats has been revealed, with 12 points in agility, the Skeleton speed was a bit faster than Ethan. Only after a bit has already left him behind.

Ethan and the Skeleton running quickly on the street generated a sound, and attracted the attention of the zombies around. They soon stagger towards that direction from the side.

The zombies' speed was too slow, compared to Ethan and the Skeleton, but dozens of zombies were chasing them from behind. It gave me a feeling of great pressure.

If surrounded by the zombies, Ethan would not survive.

The small supermarket in the school has 4 zombies wandering around it, hearing the running sound, stagger towards them.

the Skeleton charged towards a zombie, swinging his axe, soon a zombie was sent flying.

2 zombies took the opportunity to jump the Skeleton, clawing him randomly.

The Skeleton brought his axe up, and swung it down, beheading the 2 zombies one by one.

By the time Ethan got to the small supermarket, the Skeleton had slayed all the zombies around.


Looking down at the fragmented body of the zombie in front of the Skeleton, he can not help but envy.

The Skeleton being an undead, was without fear of the zombie virus. If Ethan was surrounded by 4 zombies, there was no way he could easily slay them. The novice stick in his hand is hard enough, but not sharp enough, much less sharp than the bone axe in the Skeleton hand.

Ethan focused his eyes, "What is that..." he saw a red apple among the zombie corpses, that red apple was wrapped in a pouch, so it was not stained with zombie blood.

Ethan quickly picked up the red apple and 4 Survival Coins, then rushed into the small supermarket.

"Apple of Vitality! After eating, in a non-combat state the eater is able to restore 4 points of stamina within 5 minutes. Can sell for 15 Survival Coins!"

Ethan glanced at the apple, and saw the information in his head.

"Nice one."

Ethan quickly put the apple in his pocket, quickly dashed into the supermarket.

Inside the supermarket, 2 of the employees that had become zombies, were beheaded by the Skeleton.

Ethan burst into the supermarket to look around but did not find anything strange. Immediately rushed to the shelves with candy, chocolate, and high-calorie food, sweeping them into his mountaineering backpack. These high calorie foods, can provide him the energy needed for the day.

Taking all the candies, chocolate, and biscuits, Ethan put a few packets of instant noodles into his backpack. Also 3 large bottles of purified water, his backpack was now stuffed full.