CH : 4 Fight

"So heavy!"

Ethan weighed his backpack, and frown, took two thirds of the items out and put it on the ground.

This small supermarket is not a place to stay long. All around the supermarket is made with ordinary glass. It can not stop the zombies. Only those large supermarkets and supermarket chains may be able to withstand the force of the zombies.

Ethan wants to escape from the school but having adequate strength is essential. Carrying heavy stuff will affect his stamina.

Earlier, when Ethan had level, he had increased strength and stamina, all in order to be able to escape to a safe place.

Ethan picked up the large water bottle and drank a few mouthfuls of water, casually tossed the bottle, and rushed outside.

The Skeleton was outside guarding the entrance, 20 zombies staggered toward Ethan, bringing a huge oppressive feeling.

Looking at the group of 20 zombies, Ethan frowned, 20 zombies huddled together, the room to maneuver was hindering. He could not force his way past.

"Help! Save us!"

At this moment, on top of the tree, Aaron shouted loudly.

Attracted to the shout by Aaron, the 20 staggering zombies splited up, with 10 zombies staggering towards the direction of the 3 boys.

By Aaron side, a boy name Roby complained:

"Aaron, are you crazy? Leading the monsters over again?"

Aaron asked:

"I'm not crazy, there are so many zombies below, if no one comes to rescue us, how long can we stay up on this tree? You can escape from the encirclement of the pack of zombies?"

Roby immediately became silent, the zombies were slow, but there were too many, throughout the entire campus is dotted with these dangerous undead. Making it impossible to escape. Even more frightening is that most people know, as long as the zombies scratch the skin, they will get infected and become a new zombie, with possibly no cure.

After the 10 zombies separated, the pressure on Ethan had greatly lessened.

The Skeleton took a long stride forward, swinging his axe and beheading the first zombie sending the head flying.

Ethan followed right behind The Skeleton, commanded:

"Cut off their left arm, The Skeleton!"

The Skeleton slaying the zombies means Ethan cannot get any experience to get stronger. Only when he personally kills the zombies will he be able to level and get stronger and able to summon more Skeletons.

The Skeleton received the command, took a step forward, swung his axe and cut down the left arm of a zombie.

Ethan came forward wielding his novice stick and firmly smashed the zombie head, breaking the zombie to the side.


Hiding in the trees above, Aaron saw Ethan and The Skeleton working together to slay the zombies. His eyes flashing a faint praise

"Back!" After killing 2 zombies, Ethan shouted toward The Skeleton.

At this point the remaining eight zombies had slowly gathered around, once surrounded, Ethan would be killed.

After the sound, Ethan, and The Skeleton suddenly and rapidly escaped the encirclement of the zombies.

8 zombies continue to stagger towards the two of them.

Advancing forward, the speed of the 8 zombies can be divided into fast and slow, and a zombie bursts out.

"Go! Its left arm!"

Ethan shouted an order.

The Skeleton quickly stepped forward using his axe to cut off the zombie left arm, Ethan took the opportunity to use his novice stick and smash the zombie head askew.

After killing the zombie, The Skeleton and Ethan retreated and once again distanced themselves from the small group of corpses.

Just like this the zombies were slayed by The Skeleton and Ethan working together, this small group was soon dealt with by Ethan and The Skeleton.

"You have advanced to level 4, please assign the 2 stats points!"

When after Ethan finished off the last zombie, that nice levelling message appeared in his ear.

"Assign to Strength and Stamina!"

Ethan heavily panting, ordered. Slaying the 10 zombies, he had used up a lot of stamina, and only has 3 points left.

A surge of warmth flowed inside Ethan's body, and he once again got stronger.

In front of Ethan, The Skeleton had also been promoted to level 4, and its overall strength is now 30% stronger than the average person.

Ethan killing the 10 zombies, has caused some commotion, the 3 zombies scattering nearby staggered towards him.

Observing the multitude of zombies, Ethan lets out a weary sigh and says, "Just one more level, and then I'll secure my rear." "Kill them! Then come back on guard!:

Ethan took a glance at the 3 zombies, and ordered The Skeleton. He was very tired, and needed to rest and recover stamina.

The Skeleton received the order, advanced forward, using his axe and easily slaying the 2 zombies.

"Hey, what's that?"

After The Skeleton killed the last zombie, a 30 cm long white box came out from the zombie body. Lying quietly beside the zombie. Ethan saw and immediately walked over, and picked up the white box.

{White Treasure Box, inside of this treasure box there may be treasure you can use, but there may be nothing. Gamble on your luck!} 

Ethan just picked up the box, and a message appeared in his head.

'So that's why the 'Luck Stat' exists—for loot and these 'Treasure Boxes.' My luck stat is almost double the combined maximum neutral luck stats of two average individuals. But does it affect other aspects of reality, like 'Domino's' luck or 'Scarlet Witch's' probability manipulation, both of whom are Menace because of their unique abilities? It's intriguing to consider.'

"No, stop pondering such things when your life is on the line, Ethan," he chastised himself, shaking his head to clear his thoughts.


Without hesitation, Ethan immediately opened the white box, a white light flashing, a white garment appeared in front of him.

"Level 1, Protective Garment, able to block 3 preliminary infections from upto level 5 infections and under. Cannot resist the preliminary infection above level 5. Bonus: Endurance +1, Agility +1, Vitality +1, Stamina +1, Spirit +1, Strength +1. Can wear with other protective garments, no stacking bonus. Durability 3/3. Selling to the system store will get 50 Survival Coins!"

"Nice one!"

Ethan quickly put on the protective garment, this protective garment is the equivalent to improving 10% of a normal person, and was able to fend off 3 zombie attacks, equivalent to 3 lives.

Ethan fighting a zombie one on one still had to be careful, the slightest mistakes will become infected, with this protective garment, he only needs to be careful not to be surrounded by zombies. Equivalent to having 3 more lives.

The white protective garment suits his body size just right.

Putting on the protective garment, Ethan glanced over at the tree, put up a thumb, and retreated into the small supermarket to have a rest.

"Aaron, what does he mean? Why did he retreat into the supermarket?"

Roby, looking at Ethan retreating into the supermarket, asked in wonder.

Aaron speculated:

"Maybe he used up too much stamina."

Fighting will drain your stamina, simply cannot be sustained for long.

Ethan retreated into the supermarket, was alert and observing the surrounding environment, while resting quietly.

Ethan had gotten rid of all the zombies around the small supermarket, the only one left were the 16 zombies hovering around the tree.

After wearing the protective garment Ethan stamina had reached 13 points, he only rested for 5 minutes, his stamina had recovered from 4 points to 7 points. Ethan continues to rest for 20 minutes, but it has not increased even by one.

"Fighting for so long, my body is already tired? My stamina is still too low!"

Ethan frowned, quietly thought. He received high-intensity combat today, but even though strengthen, his recovery is limited.

"I can only use this apple!"

Ethan took out the Apple of Vitality, and bit it.

A stream of sweet and delicious apple juice went into Ethan's mouth, flow into his body.

Ethan finishes the Apple of Vitality after just a couple bites, a cool stream flowing into his body, and fixes his weary body.

5 minutes later, under that cool trickle of nourishment, his tired body gradually restored, stamina rises to 12 points.

Resting completed, Ethan soon emerged from the small supermarket along with The Skeleton.

"He is out!"

Roby seeing Ethan emerged, immediately excited said to Aaron.

Aaron saw Ethan, his eyes flashed a hint of excitement and worry. If Ethan did not rescue them and choose to leave on his own, they have no way.

Ethan saw the 16 zombies surrounding the tree, waving a can of beer and threw it to the ground.


The loud sound quickly reverberated in the area, the 16 zombies under the tree, quickly looked back and staggered over.

"Let's go! Buddy!"

Ethan firmly holds his novice stick next to The Skeleton.

Receiving the order from Ethan, The Skeleton rushed towards the 16 zombies.

10 seconds later The Skeleton reached a zombie, swinging his axe, a zombie head was sent flying.

After easily killing a zombie, three zombies from one side rushed over towards The Skeleton.

Ethan came and fiercely smashed the stick on the zombie head, causing the head to be twisted to one side. Then kicked another zombie, sending it to the ground.

Ethan after wearing the protective garment has become more bold, without the protective garment, he would absolutely not kick the body of the zombie. Because the slightest mistake would cause him to be scratched and he would die.

The Skeleton swinging his axe, casually sending the zombie head flying.

After reaching level 4, the overall strength of The Skeleton has improved by 30%. With significantly improved combat, the most discerning was his quick reaction.

Ethan took a long stride forward, smashing the zombie head with the stick, knocking the zombie head crooked.

In just a couple of breaths, 4 zombies were down from the combined effort of Ethan and The Skeleton.

After killing the 4 zombies, Ethan and The Skeleton retreated back, the remaining 12 zombies formed a circle, they fiercely rushed to the left for an assault, the assault killed 3 zombies and then they quickly retreated again.

After a few assaults, the waves of slow zombies were soon dispatched by the combined effort of Ethan and The Skeleton.

"Amazing! Didn't think the school was hiding someone so strong!"

Looking at Ethan and The Skeleton, who easily kill those zombies, Aaron on the tree sigh slowly.

Roby and another boy William nodded.

After getting rid of the wave of zombies, Ethan's stamina had decreased by 3 points, down to 9 points. After increasing his strength and stamina, his battle endurance has grown.

After cleaning out the corpses, Ethan quickly collected the Survival Coins scatter on the ground.

Seeing that all the surrounding zombies have been eliminated by Ethan, the 3 boys agilely climb down the tree.

"Hello classmate, I am Aaron a 3rd year student."

Aaron climbed down the tree and came over to introduce himself to Ethan.

"I am Roby Yu, also a 3rd year student."

"I am William, also a 3rd year student."

Roby and William also came to Ethan's side, and introduced themselves.

Ethan thanked Aaron  said:

"I am Ethan Chan, thanks for earlier!"

Earlier Aaron had helped Ethan by drawing away half the zombies, thanks to that Ethan was able to defeat the first wave of zombies, otherwise he can only escape and not be able to get rid of all the zombies.

The most terrifying thing about zombies is not their personal strength, but it's infection and numbers. With just 20 zombies it would be very hard to deal with, although they can be kill, the consumption of stamina and concentration.

"Why so modest, I still haven't thanked you for saving us!"

Aaron heartily laugh, and then pointed at The Skeleton and asked:

"Ethan, where did you get that?

Roby and William also had a look of envy toward Ethan because of the Special Skeleton  next to him. They had just seen how powerful The Skeleton was, with just one strike, it easily slayed a zombie.

"Let's go inside and talk, this is no place to talk!"

Ethan looked around, pointed at the small supermarket and said to the 3 of them. The zombies nearby have already been dealt with by Ethan and The Skeleton, but in the school he feared there are more than 1000 zombies, they were not yet safe.

Aaron, the group of 3 nodded, quickly followed Ethan into the small supermarket.

Entering the small supermarket, Roby, took a beer opened it and fiercely chugged it down, then let out a long sigh of relief, carelessly said:

"Whew, finally survived, I was so thirsty."

Ethan glanced at Roby, frowning slightly, it was still not safe, besides communication that is needed, he did not want to make needless sounds.

Aaron, took a sip of water, came to Ethan side, pointed to The Skeleton and continue asking:

"Ethan, how did you get this thing? Can you tell us?"

Roby and William also looked at Ethan, their eyes full of desire. This sudden change to a zombie-ridden world, everyone knows that only those that are strong can survive. In times of societal decline and legal shortcomings, the darkness concealed within hearts tends to reveal itself.

Ethan staring at Aaron asked:

"Did you hear the voice that claims to be God?"

"I heard it!"

Aaron said.

"I heard it too."

"I also heard it."

Roby and William also said.

Ethan slowly said:

"After I killed a zombie, from the body of the zombie a skill book dropped. After using the skill from the skill book, I was able to summon my first skeleton."

This wasn't something to hide, in order to escape, having more power was better. This is common knowledge for anyone who has experience with a quality MMORPG.

Ethan words had hardly faded, Roby eagerly asked:

"You killed so many zombies, do you have any extra skill books? Give us a copy, we can also help you kill zombies!


Ethan glanced at Roby, lightly said.

Not continuing on the subject, Ethan look at the three continue to say:

"Using the novice staff to kill enough zombies, can help you get physical enhancement! The usual level up package"

Ethan look at the hands of the three, asked:

"Where is your novice staff?"

"Threw it away when we were escaping."

Aaron said, a bit ashamed.

Roby and William were also ashamed, a novice staff 1 meter long, weighing several kilograms, while escaping was trash, so would not bring it with them.

Hearing that using the novice staff and killing zombies can make them stronger, Aaron, Roby, and William were full of regrets for discarding their novice staff.

"Can any of you 3 drive?" Ethan asked.

The road exiting the school has more than 30 zombies wandering. Ethan and The Skeleton can slowly get rid of the zombies, but the stamina consumption would not be small. Only by taking the school bus can they smash through the zombie blockade.

"I know how to drive!"

Aaron and Roby shook their heads, while  William suddenly said.

Staring at William, Ethan continue to asked

"Can you drive the school bus?"

William looked at Ethan and said:

"I have only driven a car, haven't driven a school bus yet, but I think their principles should be the same!"

Ethan thought for a moment, said:

"It seems like that's the only choice! We have to go get a school bus!"