CH : 29 Escaping The City

Ethan looked at the huge mission list, as if a large rock was pressing down on him: "This is terrible!"

"Recapture the Fallen City of New Luminara! In order to complete the mission, you cleared up 100 Zombie Chiefs within the city. Time limit of 1 year, time starts when mission is accepted. After the recapture of New Luminara City, the faction leader will receive a 4th Degree Protective Garment, 10,000 Survival Coins, +3 levels, +1 skill points, New Luminara Conqueror title."

"New Luminara City has fallen too?" Ethan's heart fell into a pit seeing that piece of news. Original Ethan's only family lived in New Luminara City. Seeing the news that New Luminara City has fallen, if only he could grow wings and fly back home immediately.

Ethan kept his worries under control, and asked the attendant: "If I do not accept the mission and take people to recover the city, will I still get the reward? "

The attendant smiled towards Ethan and explained: "You will not! If you don't accept the mission, even if you complete any of the missions, you still will not receive the rewards."

After hearing that, Ethan continued to quietly thumb through the mission list looking for a good mission.

In the mission list, besides recapturing the major cities in Solara, there were also other missions to recapture major foreign cities. New York, London, Tokyo, Berlin, Moscow, and major cities in each continent have completely fallen. Besides the recapturing of major cities, there were no other missions.

Ethan asked: "After I accepted the task, will there be a penalty if I don't complete it?"

This is something Ethan must ask.

The attendant maintained a sweet smile and said: "No! Even if you accept the mission and do not complete it, there will not be any penalty."

Ethan smiled and accepted all the missions on that mission list.

In this mysterious region, in addition to job change temple, mission temple, equipment shop, and equipment upgrade shop, and 'Crossrealm Expeditions,, there were also other shops where you can purchase survival supplies. A Survival Coin can purchase a kilo of rice. There was also a strengthening temple, that strengthening temple will increase one stats for 1000 Survival Coins. In that strengthening temple, Ethan increased 1 point of Agility.

Besides these 5 shops, the rest of the places were covered with a mysterious glow. As Ethan neared that mysterious glow, he immediately bounced off the glow and a statement appeared in his mind:

{Your level is insufficient, you do not have permission to enter the area.}

Ethan walked around in a circle and discovered that he could not enter anywhere covered with that mysterious glow. He then turned around and walked to the magical array in the square.

With a flashed of light, Ethan soon appeared outside the red gate on Havenstead Bridge.

"Are you okay?" As soon as Ethan appeared, Luke came over and asked Ethan with an anxious look.

Ethan laughed and said: "Relax, it's nothing!"

Julia came running up and said: "Big brother Ethan, where have you been? I've been worried sick. If you didn't come out, I was going to go in and find you."

Ethan watched as the others came over, then smiled at Julia and said: "I'm alright!"

Ethan looked at the others and said: "This is the Novice Village. Inside you can change jobs, accept missions, purchase equipment, upgrade equipment, and buy survival supplies. After you change job, you can acquire additional skills by purchasing them. All of you should take a look inside!"

Grace's eyes lit up, and then she walked toward the gate. However, as soon as she got near the gate, she was sent flying back several meters.

Seeing Grace get pushed back several meters by the gate, Ethan frowned and asked: "What's the matter?"

Grace patted the dust off her clothes, looked at the gate, her eyes filled with disappointment: "My level is insufficient, I'm unable to enter the Novice Village."

The rest of the team came over and tried it, and was sent flying back by the gate. Luke was the only one who was able to enter.

Ethan looked at the gate and said: "It seems like only those that are level 10 or above can enter this Novice Village."

Clearing up the zombies on Xing Ning Road yesterday, Luke was able to get to level 10, but Grace was only able to get to level 8. This was because all the L1 and S1 zombies were killed by Luke, Ethan and his summons. Evolved zombies are higher levels and will provide more experiences than ordinary zombies which are lower levels.

Luna was excited and said: "With this, we just have to stay here a month and clear up the zombies, then we will be able to go in. Then we will be able to change jobs."

Grace has already given the Plant Manipulation skill book to Luna. Luna wanted to change jobs now so that she would be even stronger.

William was also excited about changing jobs and becoming stronger.

"No, we must leave City today!" Ethan's words immediately extinguished everyone's excitement.

Grace stared at Ethan and asked: "Why?"

Ethan in a serious voice said: "Novice Village has been found, 24 hours later, the restrictions on the zombies in Havenstead City will be lifted. Tens of thousands of zombies on the other side of the bridge will be released without any restrictions. The limit on zombie's evolutions will also be lifted. The city will be more than 10 times as dangerous as in the past, so we must leave the city immediately."

Listening to Ethan's words, everyone fell silent. Standing before the gate, they were able to clearly see the dense swarm of zombies on the other side. Those tens of thousands of zombies, when released, will crush everyone like they were ants.

Luna looked at the Novice Village's gate, her eyes flashing an unwillingness. She also wanted to change jobs and become stronger. She is not stupid, it was clear to her that only by becoming strong can she live a better life in this post apocalyptic world.

About an hour later, Luke came out from the gate.

After Luke came out from the gate, Luna hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Luke? Havenstead's zombie restrictions will be released. Is this for real?"

Luke was also an extremely smart person. He stared at Luna with a cold gaze. Luna was also embarrassed by his gaze.

"There were 21 hours left." Luke coldly said those words, then went to Ethan's side.

Luna's eyes slightly red, quietly muttered: "Why is he so fierce? I did not do anything wrong!"

Ethan looked at the others, and in a deep voice said: "Let's go! We're running out of time. I will explain the other things I saw in Novice Village on the way"

After Ethan finished talking, he turned and walked away.

Luke, Julia, and William followed behind.

Grace patted Luna on the shoulder and said: "Let's go!"

"Okay!" Luna bit her lip and caught up to the others.

"Stop!" When the Volvo truck was before a supermarket on Xing Ning road, Ethan told William to stop. Then he quickly jumped off the truck and went into the supermarket.

The zombies on Xing Ning Road were already cleared by Ethan the day before. In the supermarket, besides some dark red blood and severe limbs, there was no trace of any zombies.

Ethan quickly headed deep into the supermarket and wore his Storage Ring. Ethan looked at the packet of instant noodles, immediately made a thought, and the packet of instant noodles was immediately stored in his Storage Ring.

"This is really convenient!" Ethan made another thought, and the packet of instant noodles again appeared in his hand.

After the test was completed, Ethan did not stop and immediately stored all the supplies he could fit into his Storage Ring. The Storage Ring was jammed with supplies.

After getting out he had the whole group gather and told them about securing the essential supplies they hadn't prioritised earlier due to the immediate need for food, the group nodded, especially the three girls, So began to load up on items critical for their survival outside the city. With the imminent departure, they knew they needed to be well-prepared for the challenges ahead.

They gathered clothes, shoes, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, underwear, and soap. Personal hygiene essentials like deodorant, towels, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, razors, shaving cream, sanitary products, nail clippers, hairbrushes, hair ties, and toilet paper were meticulously packed. Laundry detergent, insect repellent, lip balm, first aid kits, pain relievers, antiseptic creams, ointments, bandages, gauze, adhesive bandages, tweezers, scissors, medical tape, antihistamines, prescription medications, thermometers, burn creams, cold packs, heat packs, eye drops, gloves, emergency blankets, and splints were also collected, ensuring they had the medical supplies to handle any situation.

They stocked up on non-perishable food, canned goods, portable stoves, cooking gear, water purification tablets, filters, water bottles, containers, cooking utensils, mess kits, and manual can openers. Supplements, reusable water bladders, tents, sleeping bags, tarps, ground covers, blankets, and pillows were packed for their stay in the wild. They included flashlights, batteries, solar-powered chargers, multi-tools, Swiss Army knives, ropes, paracord, duct tape, compasses, maps, fire starters, signal mirrors, portable radios, protective gear, pepper spray, backpacks, binoculars, walkie-talkies, tool kits, notebooks, pens, pencils, plastic bags, Ziplock bags, super glue, survival books, medical books, board games, cards, fishing gear, seed packets, hunting gear, portable generators, portable water heaters, pots, and pans.

Once they finished gathering these crucial supplies, they turned their attention to long-lasting food items. Within two hours, the team had completed the task with remarkable efficiency. Their superhuman abilities, coupled with the strength of Draugr and Mortis, made the work quick and manageable. The two skeletons alone were able to move nearly 40% of the total load, greatly accelerating their progress.

"Let's go home!" Ethan declared, satisfied with their haul. After filling the storage ring to its limit, they still managed to fill nearly a fifth of the truck's capacity. Ethan double-checked everything, ensuring they hadn't missed any essentials. With everything secured, he climbed into the truck and settled in beside William,

William started the truck, and drove toward the Garden District.

After arriving back at the apartment, Ethan in a serious voice said: "Everyone immediately start transporting supplies. Move all the supplies from the apartment to the trucks."

Seeing Ethan so serious, all the girls in the room were nervous.

Nikki came over and asked: "Ethan, what's the matter!"

Ethan in a deep voice said: "We're going to leave here at once, and go to Long Hai survivor enclave."

Olivia reluctantly said: "Can we go tomorrow? Everyone is so tired from transporting the supplies today."

Olivia's words also expressed the voice of most of the girls in the room. Their bodies were very tired moving the supplies from the trucks to the apartment.

Ethan frowned, and coldly said: "No we don't have time, I like to rest but, we have an emergency in our hands, So people who do not want to leave can also stay."

Seeing that Ethan was angry, all the girls were afraid to say anything, and immediately began to transport the supplies.

Sarah was looking out through the window, she saw Ethan's party transporting the supplies from the apartment to the trucks. She could not help but feel startled: "They are leaving?"

Sarah has been observing Ethan's party the last several days and found that they were fairly kind hearted people, as they were willing to give her food in this post apocalyptic world. If Ethan's party is gone, she really did not know how she would survive.

Resident Evil is a classic movie, Sarah has also seen it. She was very clear on how terrible the virus that zombies were carrying. With just a scratch, you will become infected and turn into a zombie. If Ethan's party were to leave, in essence, she did not have the ability to find food to feed her daughter and herself.

Sarah gritted her teeth, then quickly dragged a suitcase from the room along with her daughter and rushed downstairs.

Downstairs, Ethan sat there and quietly watched the girls transport the supplies as he was organizing things to make sure things didn't get mixed.

Sarah, one hand dragging the suitcase and the other hand holding her daughter, walked in front of Ethan and said: "This student, we had meat before, again I am Sarah. May I have your name?"

Ethan looked up and lightly said: "I'm Ethan, is there something you need?"

Julia, who was resting nearby, came over and curiously asked: "Big brother Ethan, what does this woman want from you?"

Julia, Luna, and Grace belong to the group that did not have to transport supplies, since they can provide medical treatment and contribute to the fighting force and had already moved a lot of things just few minutes earlier.

Luna also went over to Ethan's side, curiously looking at Sarah.

"Ethan, please take my daughter and I to Long Hai survivor enclave. As long as you take us with you, then these are for you." Sarah opened the suitcase, revealing neat stacks of $ inside.

Luna looked at the suitcase, then at Ethan. She estimated that there were more than a million in green notes in there. Her family background is excellent, $1 million is nothing for her. But $1 million in cash is not a small number, most people are not able to resist the temptation of $1 million.

Ethan glanced at the suitcase full of money, and coldly said: "I'm not interested in the money."

The world has changed, the most useful is food. Without merchants, these $ are useless, even too rough to use as toilet paper.

Sarah's face was pale, she gritted her teeth, then put down the suitcase from her arms. She then pulled a small case and opened it, revealing three gold bars.

Sarah pushed the small case in front of Ethan, and with a pleading face said: "I will also give you this. Please save the both of us. Take us to the survivor enclave in Long Hai City. I will repay you."

Buy gold in troubled times and collect antiques in periods of prosperity. Gold is the world's currency, even in the midst of troubled times, they possessed great values. Sarah is a wise woman, she knew that the cash money would become a pile of papers, but as long as there are people and governments, gold would not lose its purchasing power. So she hid the gold bars, only taking it out at the last minute to give to Ethan.