CH : 30 Leaving the City and Encountering Another Problem

Sarah's face was pale, she gritted her teeth, then put down the suitcase from her arms. She then pulled a small case and opened it, revealing three gold bars.

Sarah pushed the small case in front of Ethan, and with a pleading face said: "I will also give you this. Please save the both of us. Take us to the survivor enclave in Long Hai City. I will repay you."

Buy gold in troubled times and collect antiques in periods of prosperity. Gold is the world's currency, even in the midst of troubled times, they possessed great values. Sarah is a wise woman, she knew that the cash money would become a pile of papers, but as long as there are people and governments, gold would not lose its purchasing power. So she hid the gold bars, only taking it out at the last minute to give to Ethan.

Ethan coldly said: "I have no need for gold, it's just a shiny metal that can't even compare with steel."

Sarah immediately turned even paler, that gold was her last resort. She did not know what else to offer him, since he did not even want the gold.

Ethan looked at Sarah, and lightly said: "I can take you and your daughter to the survivor enclave in Long Hai City. To come with us, you will need to agree to a few conditions. First, before arriving in the survivor enclave, you must obey my commands, and no arbitrary action. Second, you must work and do what you are able to. Third, we will give you food, but not necessarily enough to fill up fully. We will give you food according to your efforts. Fourth, I will try to keep you safe, but if I'm unable to fend off the danger, I will give priority to protect my other companions over you two. If you can accept these four conditions, you can come with us. If you are not able to accept, then I won't force you."

After hearing the four conditions, Sarah immediately nodded: "I accept! I'll agree to it!"

Ethan's voice was firm and commanding as he said, "Alright, you have 20 minutes to gather your essentials and your daughter's. Only pack what's absolutely necessary—emergency items only. Forget about those papers; they won't be of any use now. Once you're done, come back immediately and help with transporting the supplies. Now go—don't waste a second."

Sarah quickly took her daughter and walked towards the stairs. This was an opportunity, a chance to survive, she would not give it up.

Luna watched Sarah's desperation, with a complex feeling in her mind.

Under the women's combined efforts, after four hours, they finally transported all the supplies upstairs to the trucks.

"Drive!" Ethan ordered without any hesitation.

William stepped on the gas, and the two large trucks immediately whisked far away.

The next day, in Havenstead most bustling commercial district, tens of thousands of zombies quietly began moving toward the city in all directions.

The zombies flooded in all directions, and soon the whole city of Havenstead was fully covered by zombies. By devouring human flesh, the zombies began to evolve. L1 zombies, S1 zombies, and even other kinds of zombies had evolved.

Before a small supermarket, five scattered zombies stood there quietly.

From an alley, a survivor rushed out holding an Imitation Tang Sword in his hand. He activated his High Speed Movement skill, and jumped among the five zombies like a ghost. With the light of the sword flashing, the five zombies were soon beheaded.

After five balls of white light flew into his body, his eyes lit up: "I've been promoted! I've finally been promoted to level 10."

Just as the survivor was celebrating, among a unit in the building, a crimson zombie opened his big mouth, and a fireball from the zombie's mouth flew out like a rocket hitting the survivor. It blew off the upper body of that survivor. His blackened body then fell to the ground.

From the side, two S1 zombies swiftly jumped out. They landed on top of the survivor's body, and began devouring it.

The whole city of Havenstead became a hunting ground for zombies as they were released from the shopping district. In Havenstead City, the roles of hunter and prey had switched. In the face of those evolved zombies, the humans who were strengthened by the magical system were killed one by one. Their flesh and blood swallowed by the zombies.

Havenstead City had become a true hell. The strengthened humans that survived became more cautious, as their lives have become more difficult.

In the old days, there were many cars driving on this road, but now it was virtually uninhabited. There were only car wrecks and scattered zombies wandering this road now. On the road, two Volvo trucks were speeding through.

Ethan sat in the passenger's seat while looking out of the window at the dead barren scenery. Then I looked at William and asked: "How much longer till we reach Long Hai City?"

William smiled wryly and said: "I'm not sure. I haven't driven to Long Hai City before. However, according to the map, we are halfway to Long Hai City."

Ethan nodded slightly and said nothing, while looking out the truck. He looked around for the possibility of dangers?

Suddenly, 12 abandoned cars had completely blocked the lanes.

"Damn it! Blocked again!" William muttered some words, and stopped the truck.

The lanes blocked by abandoned cars, Ethan had seen it many times. All the previous blocked cars were moved by Ethan, Luke, Draugr, and Mortis only then were they able to continue forward.

Precisely because the lanes were blocked everywhere by abandoned cars that were moving so slowly. Even once because the lanes were blocked for so long, taking a long time to switch lanes.

The trucks stopped, and Ethan had just gotten off from the truck, when six people came out from both sides of the road. They quickly rushed out while holding Type 81 rifles. They aimed at Ethan and the two trucks.

One of them had a long scar on his face, bald and with an extremely fierce look. The bald man looked at Ethan and shouted "Freeze! Or we'll shoot."

In the two trucks, most of the girls were scared after seeing the vicious men holding guns. Their eyes were full of fear, so they lay down lower on the seats.

Ethan looked at the vicious bald man and frowned, immediately activating his Shadow Step skill. Then rushed towards the 6 armed men.

Draugr leapt down from the truck, and rushed towards the six armed men like a demon.

Seeing Draugr rushing at them, the six bald men were terrified, constantly shooting at Draugr.

The bullets that hit Draugr only embedded itself in the bones. The bullets did not have any effects on Draugr.

After activating the Shadow Step skill, Ethan's speed was to the extreme. He was now more than 5 times faster than an average person. He rushed in front of that scar-faced man, with the sword in hand, slashing towards the man's head.

That scar-faced man's eyes were full of fright seeing Ethan rushing towards him. He ignored Draugr on the other side, aiming his gun at Ethan and fired.

The moment that the scar-faced man pointed his gun at Ethan, Ethan's body flickered, suddenly appearing behind the scar-faced man. Ethan, with his sword in hand, slashing towards the scar-faced man's head.

"Br-Brother, stop! Otherwise, I can not guarantee your companions life!" At this moment, came the voice of a confident man.

Ethan swept across the areas with his eyes, seeing 20 men armed with Type 81 rifles and Type 79 submachine guns. The bald militant men had surrounded the two Volvo trucks. There were also two tractors in the rear, blocking off the two Volvo trucks' retreat. Among the 20 well-armed militants, there was a fierce looking, middle aged man standing 1.8 meters tall. The man was quietly staring at Ethan.

"Draugr, let them live!"

Ethan ordered in his mind. Then placed the sword on the scar-faced man's neck, immediately getting behind the scar-faced man, using him as a human shield. Ethan then stared at the leader of those 26 armed militants.

The scar-faced man felt the coldness of the Imitation Tang Sword on his neck, immediately producing a chill down his spine. He did not dare to act rashly.

Receiving Ethan's order, Draugr did not use his axe, and instead, kicked the five militants. Kicking them like the wind of a storm and then strode next to Ethan.

The leader of the militants looked at Draugr who was next to Ethan and gave a little chuckle: "Brother, you have an amazing ability there. I am Tiger! You can call me Tiger. What is your name?"

Ethan stared at Tiger, and in a deep voice said: "My name is Ethan. Brother Tiger, I do not know why you want to block our path? We don't seem to have offended you?"

The firepower of the 26 militants was too great. Once there is a conflict, except for Ethan, very few people will survive on his side.

Grace and Luke after continuous strengthening, their physical abilities were far superior to the average person. Killing normal zombies was very easy for them. However, faced with the great firepower of the militants, their chance of survival is very low. Not to mention if they would even be able to kill humans.

Not to mention Julia and Clara, whose defence is 0. Once the conflict begins, she may be one of the first to be killed. If not a last resort, Ethan did not want to clash with Tiger's forces.

Tiger stared at Ethan, then slowly said: "Ethan, this time I was out looking for supplies and searching for survivors. You all should follow me back to Always Bright Village. Always Bright Village has perfect protections, after returning to the village, I promise to keep you all well-fed. You also do not have to worry about the zombies outside."

Ethan directly refused and said: "I'm sorry, big brother Tiger! We want to go to the Long Hai City survivor enclave."

Tiger slightly frowned. His frown disappeared soon after, and with a chuckle said: "To each their own. Ethan, since you want to go to the survivor enclave in Long Hai City, I will not stop you. But coming out on this trip is not easy, I want the supplies on one of the Volvo trucks."

Ethan, who had been somewhat tense, then relaxed and said: "Okay!"

As long as they do not die, everything else is easy. Based on their team's abilities, there is no problem if they just carefully search for supplies.

Tiger made a gesture, his men immediately lowered their guns. He walked towards Ethan with a smile and said: "Ethan, you now should also release my little brother Haru."

Ethan loosened his hand, and removed the Imitation Tang Sword from Haru's neck.

Haru rubbed his neck, then faced Ethan with a grin, and said: "You are really damn strong. Boy, besides big brother Tiger, you are the strongest person that I have met."