CH : 31 The Horrors of Humanity

Ethan smiled and said: "Excuse my offence!"

Vickey quickly strode towards Tiger. Draugr then stepped forward, blocking his way.

Vickey frowned, then turned to look at Ethan and said: "Ethan, what do you mean by this?"

Ethan lightly said: "It's nothing. Once big brother Tiger allows us to depart, you will be able to leave my side."

Tiger looked at Ethan, smiled and said: "Vickey, you will temporarily stay by little brother Ethan's side."

Vickey stood next to Ethan and said: "Yes! Big brother Tiger!"

Ethan said: "Big brother Tiger, I will now let my people move the supplies for you."

Tiger said: "It's not urgent, our vehicles can not carry so much supplies. Why don't you make a trip back to Always Bright Village with me. Let me show you our hospitality. Ethan, I admire your strength, I hope we can become friends. Won't you give me some face?"

Ethan's eyes shrank slightly, thinking for a moment, and then nodded: "Okay! We will take a trip with you. But big brother Tiger, as I have stated before, we're going to Long Hai City survivor enclave, we can only stay for a day at most."

Tiger Wang laughed heartily: "No problem, you're my friend! Of course, you're free to come and go."

Four Hummers and two farm tractors were hauling the two Volvo trucks, while surrounded by 26 militants. They slowly made their way to the small village.

The small village was not far from the highway. The village was not big, having only a little bit more than 50 families.

The village's gate was blocked by two bored militants armed with Type 81 rifles on the side.

Outside the village, several dozen kids ranging from 8 to 13 years old, were digging in the fields of vegetables. They were covered with mud, like little monkeys.

"Brother Tiger!"

"Brother Tiger!"

The lines of vehicles entered the village and parked in the square. Six militants with Type 81 rifles gathered around Tiger Wang, started chatting and laughing.

Tiger looked at Ethan, smilingly said: "Little brother Ethan, tell your people to come down."

In order to show good faith, Tiger took the initiative and walked to Ethan's side.

"Everyone come down!" Ethan looked at the people on the trucks and said.

Only now did the people on the Volvo trucks dared to come down.

"What a pretty little girl!"

"Very pretty! Nice and tender!"

"Those chicks have such long legs, such big boobs, it must be great to sandwich between them! "


Seeing all the women getting off the Volvo trucks, the perverseness began to show in those militants eyes. Those perverted gaze, wantonly judging the women. This caused all women to be frightened.

A thin, monkey looking militant walked near Tiger, and flatteringly said: "Brother Tiger, you're great! You brought back so many good stuff this time. We all can have a good time!"

A thin and tall militant also came over smiling, his eyes constantly looking back and forth at Nina, Olivia, and Sarah's breast, as they had the biggest boobs in the group, as if wanting to tear off their clothes: "Yes! Brother Tiger! So much good stuff, you should leave some for us to enjoy too!"

Nina, Bella, Maria, Grace, Sydney, Maya, Olivia, Luna, Ava, Nikki, Ada, Julia, Maeve, Maria, Bella, Daisy, Jessica, Nina, Leah, Sarah, Clara All were one of a kind beauties with their own specialties. Luna was like a princess. Grace was like a warrior queen. Julia was young and tender with a developing body. Sydney was a hot and mature lady, while Sarah was like a young milf with a motherly aura. These militants had not seen these many beauties, so they were salivating while looking at these beauties.

Tiger frowned, and shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone be quiet!"

After Tiger said this, the surrounding militants were quiet again.

Tiger in a deep voice said: "This is Ethan, my little brother. I recently befriended him. These women belong to Ethan, not you. Go back to work! Puppy, go find people to move the supplies from one of the trucks. Black Face, you arrange things, I want to eat a good meal with my new little brother Ethan."

Hearing that they have no part of those beautiful women, the dissapointed militants began leaving in droves.

Only now that the girls were relieved.

Tiger smiled, and invited Ethan: "Little brother, this way!"

Ethan nodded, and followed Tiger.

A group of people went into a small villa that Tiger and his people had built inside the village.

After entering the villa, they divided into 2 sides and sat down. Tiger took a look at Luke and William besides Ethan, and asked: "Ethan, these two little brothers?"

Ethan looked at Tiger and said: "This is Luke, and this is William."

Tiger looked at the two, amiably smiled and said: "Hello."

Luke lightly said: "Hello!"

William nervously said: "Brother Tiger, Hello!"

The people beside Tiger were the leaders of over 40 armed militants. Their movements caused great pressure to William.

Tiger pointed to the three people at his side, and introduced them to Ethan: "I introduced to you, this is Zhang Xiang, Lei Chen, and this one is Chen Yan! The three of them are my closest brothers."

Zhang Xiang is 1.8 metres tall with an imposing and burly body, a fierce looking face, and mouth covered with a long beard. He was an aggressive looking man. Lei Chen is 2 meters tall, strong as a bear, thick hands with calluses. With a strong jaw that looked like he came from a family of martial artists. Chen Yan wore glasses, looking like a very nice young man.

Zhang Xiang, Lei Chen, Chen Yan are Tiger's confidants. They hold the most power in the village after Tiger.

Ethan looked at the trio and said: "Hello!"

Zhang Xiang looked at Ethan, eyes filled with provocation and defiance, then said: "You are Ethan! I heard brother Tiger say you've got a lot of skills. How about we spar a bit?"

Zhang Xiang is Tiger's second strongest man, second only to Lei Chen. It was the first time that he had seen Tiger so hospitable to a person. It made him full of jealousy, worrying that his position would be threatened by Ethan.

Tiger Wang frowned and said: "Zhang Xiang! Ethan is my guest and friend. You must not cause him trouble!"

Zhang Xiang looked directly at Tiger and said: "Brother Tiger, I know that you value him and want him to join. You're the boss, your words must be obeyed. We brothers, naturally do so. But to convince me, he has to win against me."

Luke coldly stared at Zhang Xiang and said: "You are not a match for Ethan, I'll fight you."

Zhang Xiang looked at Luke's thin body, laughing with anger, and said: "Well well well! The world really has changed, even the small fish are so arrogant. Ethan, I will tell you, my fist is very strong. If you don't personally come out, it would be embarrassing if your brother gets hurt."

Ethan looked at Zhang Xiang, and lightly said: "Luke, show some mercies, don't kill him."

Luke nodded and walked out. He then reached toward Zhang Xiang and said: "You first! Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Hearing Luke echoing Ethan's word only made Zhang Xiang even angrier. His eyes were filled with hostility, with a cold laugh, he then walked in front of Luke.

After walking in front of Luke, Zhang Xiang lifted his hands before his chest, as if protecting it. He then bent his body slightly forward, with his feet pressing hard against the ground. Staring at Luke like a cheetah staring at its prey.

Zhang Xiang was a secret master of the black fist before the world changed.. Seven people have died under his fists. Although he is arrogant, it is because he has the strength to back it up.

Luke quietly stared at Zhang Xiang, not making any movement.

Tiger carefully observed Luke for a moment, then frowned and said: "Little brother Ethan, are you sure you really want Luke and Zhang Xiang to spar? Zhang Xiang's fists are not weak."

Tiger has read countless people, but he could not see why Luke was so confident. He did not want to ruin his plan of recruiting Ethan because of Zhang Xiang. He has already seen Ethan's strength. With such talent under him, it would greatly increase his chance of achieving his ambitions.

"Boss Tiger! You can rest assured. This competition was presided over by you." Ethan laughed slightly and said. Luke was already promoted to level 10 and changed his job, making him even more powerful. Ethan had also given the 2nd Degree Protective Garment to Luke to wear. Luke is the strongest in the team after Ethan and his summons, ordinary people are no match for him.

Tiger, seeing Ethan so confident, looked at Zhang Xiang and said: "Aright! Match begin!"

"Boy, you're a dead man!" Zhang Xiang smiled ferociously, like a cheetah looking at its prey. He rushed forward with inhuman speed, and mercilessly threw a punch at Luke's nose.

Seeing Zhang Xiang rushing forward like a Cheetah, Luke took a step to the left, evading Zhang Xiang's punch. He then punched Zhang Xiang severely in the stomach. , after strengthening the power of instant broke out.

Zhang Xiang suddenly doubled over while holding his stomach from the pain, curling up on the floor.

Watching Zhang Xiang getting defeated so easily by Luke, Lei Chen who was sitting next to Tiger, narrowed his eyes. He was the strongest on Tiger's side, even though he couldn't knock down Zhang Xiang that easily.

Tiger looked at Luke, a light flashing in his eyes, clapped his hands and smiled, then exclaimed: "Great skills! "

"I'm flattered." Luke returned to Ethan's side after saying those words.

Tiger clapped his hands, and a beautiful woman about 25 years old walked in.

Tiger looked at the women indifferently and said: "Wang Ying, help the 3rd master to go rest."

Wang Ying quickly went over to help Zhang Xiang.

"Go away! Don't touch me, dirty whore!" Zhang Xiang's face contorted, and backhand Wang Ying in the face. He then stood up, looking at Ethan and Luke with venomous eyes, and immediately headed to the back.

Wang Ying was slapped by Zhang Xiang, but she did not dare get angry. Just that her eyes were red, looking like she would cry at any moment.

Tiger acted like he did not see Wang Ying getting slapped, and coldly said: "Withdraw! Wang Ying!"

Wang Ying whispered some words, and then left the place: "Yes! Boss Tiger!"

Tiger's gaze lingered on the lone skeleton standing beside Ethan. Mortis, safely secured inside one of the trucks, was Ethan's backup plan in case things went south. Ethan had even trained Mortis to drive by watching YouTube videos, so if they were ambushed, guns pointed at them, with just a thought, Mortis could take the wheel and ram the Volvo truck straight into their enemies.

Tiger's eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and envy as he asked, "Ethan, can you tell me how you managed to acquire this skeleton?"

Tiger saw the battle between Ethan and Chen. He saw how Draugr was completely fine when hit by those rifle's bullets. On the other hand, Draugr was much more agile than an ordinary person. If Tiger did not surround the two trucks and use the girls as hostages, Draugr by himself could have killed Chen's group alone.

Ethan smiled, and did not hide anything: "This is just a skill mime!"

It was not some kind of secret, anyone could have guessed it as long as they weren't living under a rock for hundreds of years. Anyone who played a RPG game and read a novel, manga manhwa should know all this.

Tiger continues to ask: "How can I obtain such skill?"

Lei Chen and Chen Yan also pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the answer to this question. In these last days, only those with great power can survive easier. Everyone wants to get such special skills.

Ethan said: "After battling zombies and killing them in close combat, there is a chance that they will drop a skill book. Using those skill's books, you will be able to gain special skills. I was using the skills in those books to obtain such abilities. The whole System works like most RPG games"

It is no secret. Everyone in Ethan's team knew this. But knowing it is one thing, and doing it is another matter. Very few people would dare fight the zombies in close combat. After all, as long as you get a wound from the zombies, you would be infected and become a zombie.

Listening to Ethan's words, Tiger, Lei Chen, and Chen Yan all frowned while eyeing each other. They have killed many zombies, but none of them dropped things like that and fighting zombies in close combat is not something they have done. After all, if there are guns, who would use a wooden rod to fight zombies in close combat, isn't that idiotic?

A tall, fat, simple, and honest looking middle-aged man came up to report to Tiger: "Boss Tiger, the food is ready."

Tiger nodded, smiled at Ethan and said: "Ethan, it has been a long and hard day of travel for you, come enjoy a meal."

Tiger clapped his hands softly, a beautiful woman wearing a mandarin gown came in carrying trays of food and placed it on the table.

The dishes were divided into two sides before the six people of Ethan, Luke, William, Tiger Wang, Lei Chen, and Chen Yan. There was the white cut chicken which was rare to encounter in this apocalyptic world, stir-fry vegetables, stir-fry mollusc, sautéed frog legs, big bowls of white rice, and steamed buns.

On the all girls table of Grace, Julia, and Olivia and other girls, there was gruel made from corn, cooked rice and vegetables.

Ethan and the other five were inside the house having dinner. While Grace and the girls were having dinner outside in the yard.

The uninhibited Leah picked up the gruel and took a sip, and a sour smell came up to her nose. She was disgusted and couldn't help spitting out the gruel: "Bah! How do you eat this stuff? This is something that people eat?"

Ever since she was saved by Ethan, Leah never had to starve. Although the food was not as good as before the end of the world, there was no shortage of white rice and instant noodles.

The other girls also took a sip, then spitting it out. It was not something that people would eat.

Seeing the girls spitting out the gruel, the kids that were secretly hiding beside the house ran over. The kids picked the vegetables up from the floor, wiped it on their clothes, and then put it into their mouth.

[Note: Not a very nice imagery :( ]