
Some time later their mother had left, leaving Luck and his brother to their own thoughts. The last few days had been pretty disorienting, Luck guessed that that was just how it felt to be a newborn but now he could finally think clearly. To an extent.

The interaction with the scribe was still in his mind, memories of his past life living inside of his brother still remained and the memory of Vera's death was ever present.

He shuffled around when he remembered, it was not a pleasant memory and for a short time he was hit with an intense wave of sadness. Although he was just an alter, Luck had spent some time with Vera himself whenever he was in control and developed a kind of personal relationship with her.

Watching her die was like the memory of their sister dying that he had come to inherit from his brother shortly after he was born in the old world.

But although the memory was vividly clear it still felt somewhat distant. How long had they slept before their reincarnation?

'Now I think of it, didn't the scribe say it took many years to repair their soul? Or something like that?' He wondered, his memory of the scribe was not as clear as he would have wanted it to be but it was still there, an undeniable experience.

Maybe that was why the pain wasn't as intense as it was when it happened, but it was still there and it hurt nonetheless. He could only wonder how Chari was doing.

Unlike popular belief babies couldn't actually understand babies. All they ever spoke was actually jargons, skewed mispronounced words that were brought about by them trying to imitate human speech. And because of that limitation he could not properly communicate with Chari.

And apart from that, Chari seemed rather reclusive. It was as though he was constantly analyzing the whole situation and he didn't even communicate much, not even with gestures.

Luck sighed and stared at the ceiling. It was not the regular plain ceiling that was common back on earth, this one was pretty classic. It had a beautiful pattern of stars painted in gold flooding the area around the ceiling and in its center, like most things in the clan it had a large moon engraved in it.

Suddenly an image suddenly appeared in his vision almost making him jump, not that he could actually jump anywhere though.

It was a transparent light blue screen with words etched on it, like the futuristic floating screens tech enthusiasts always babble about but it was different. It looked somehow complex, far from anything humanity could ever achieve. Almost divine.

There were two simple words on the screen.


He recoiled, wanting to get as far away from the invisible screen as possible moving backwards as much as his infant body would allow but the screen only moved closer.

Chari spared him a glance, looking at Luck with his eyebrows creased. Luck could easily tell what he was trying to say.

"What is wrong with you?" When Luck gave no response he simply resumed what he was doing earlier. Which was staring at the window.

Luck closed his eyes and opened them again. Surely he wasn't going mad right? Grace didn't seem to notice it when he looked at him, could it be that only he could see the strange floating screen?

He focused on the screen the curiosity of a child taking over. He wanted to see what was next and the screen changed as though responding to his inner thoughts.



Then a new window appeared in front of him.

[Name: Luck Moon]

[Class: No Class]

[Rank: None]

[Title: Young Master]

[Enigma: [Seven Spirit Technique], [Soul Sight]]

Right underneath the [Seven Spirit Technique] was {see more} option.

'Aren't these just basically information about me? Like my stats… But what is class and rank? A couple of maids called him young master so he could easily guess where the title came from but what was the class and rank for and how could he obtain one? Questions, questions.'

Once again he mentally wanted to see more and a new window opened in front of him.

[Seven Spirit Technique]

[Description: Cannot Access]

[First Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

[Second Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

[Third Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

[Fourth Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

[Fifth Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

Looking at the other window that was now next to the new one he felt it was a little weird right behind the new one.

'It would look better on the left.'

Suddenly the screen floated to the left.

'Huh? Oh right, it responds to my thoughts.' After short experimentation he had already learned how to close all the windows and reopen them. He could decide to work with one window at a time or leave multiple windows on the screen.

'This is a pretty nice feature but what am I looking at really?' He wondered, staring at the screen.

And the same thing was displayed down to the last spirit technique. In total there were seven spirit techniques and he had not unlocked a single one.

It looked like everything in this whole weird system seemed to be locked, what was the criteria for opening it? He didn't have to wonder for long, as he went back to the starting screen he saw something that he failed to notice earlier.

[EXP: 0/200]

That had to be it! The criteria for unlocking the skills he had just seen definitely had to do with his exp although he could not be too sure yet until he somehow managed to max it. Still he was confused about the one thing, how was he supposed to get exp!

Although he had little experiences with games he knew for sure that the more exp you got the stronger you became. It was basic knowledge that even someone like him knew.

'If that applies here then that means all I have to do is raise my exp to unlock the other things right?'

Not knowing how to gain exp though made the whole thing a little annoying.

There were other things on the screen but he decided to leave whatever the whole thing was for later, right now he was feeling sleepy.

Just before he dismissed the system he saw something written at the bottom of the screen.


And then he closed it and fell into the warm embrace of sleep.

'I'll figure out the rest another day.'