An unlikely bookworm

7 years Later…

A young boy with dark blue hair was standing infront of a large quiet imposing building. After staring at the building for a while he sighed and then walked in.

The building was very spacious. Rows upon rows of tall dark wooden shelves were orderly arranged inside the building each one brimming with knowledge. The shelves were so tall that movable ladders were set at their sides to assist less privileged individuals, in other words the shorties hehe.

Technically… he was actually one of them now. He sighed as he remembered his current predicament.

The chairs were made with a similar kind of dark wood that was used in making the shelves, although it was slightly lighter in colour it still matched the colour of the shelves, giving the library an organized look. At the edge of the library was a large grandfather clock adding a kind of ancient feel to the room.

It reminded him of the scribe's quarters.

Immediately the young boy got to the counter an old man in bottle thick spectacles glanced at him, a warm smile appearing on his face.

"Master Charice welcome back. What would you like to read today?" The man asked in a friendly tone.

The boy kept his answer simple and short not wasting any words, just like his brother would have done.

"Anything about the clans."

The old man smiled and ushered him to his usual seat and went to pick up the books the young man had requested.

The young master of the moon clan was indeed a strange one. No one his age ever visited the library and even if they did they had an assortment of children books available but each time he came his choice of literature was more astounding than the last.

From history to politics to battle techniques, the young master always had one strange request, the librarian himself was quite pleased. At least someone else was making use of the library's vast supply of knowledge!

He gathered 3 books all within the niche the boy had requested and placed it on his table.

"Here you go master Charice, please signal me if you need anything else!" And with that he went back to his desk.

Immediately he left the boy took a deep breath. The young man in the library was in fact Luck and not his twin brother Chari.

It was not the first time he had been mistaken for his brother, it was actually an everyday occurrence at this point. And this was because of one thing.

The two of them were perfectly identical!

From their eye colour to their hair length to even down to their birth marks. Strangely the only person who could differentiate them was their mother, Aliana.

Initially he believed just happened to know them by the clothes she dressed them in. But even after they started to dress themselves she could still somehow tell them apart.

Normally he would have corrected the librarian's error but this time he wanted to find out more information about his brother.

'Phew! So I was right. Chari has been visiting this place!'

Recently he and Chari were finally allowed to leave the estate and roam around the clan as long as they did not not stray too far.

The first place Chari advised them to go was the library. According to his logic, they needed to learn more about their world. The reasoning was pretty sound since currently their knowledge about the clan was limited to what they saw, heard or the stories their mother told them.

But their visit to the library did not go as planned. After Luck and Chari settled down to read it didn't take up to 2 hours of reading before they basically forgot what they came here to do and started chatting about all their 'observations' in the clan and they did that untill they completely ran out of time.

Basically they had spent most of their time gossiping instead of reading!

This was not entirely their fault. Although they had all their memories from their previous life, their brain was still the brain of a 7 year old and as such they were far too easily distracted. They even tended to throw some levels of tantrums when things didn't go their way and whenever it happened Luck couldn't help but feel ashamed when he came to the realisation of what he had done.

Well the result? Since that day Chari never invited Luck to the library again. Anytime Luck asked where he was going he would either say he was going for a stroll or was going to do some 'stuff' but from the way the librarian treated him he was pretty sure Chari was now a frequent patron of the library.

'This is obvious treachery, I've been betrayed by my own blood!'

Luck glanced at the book with disdain and then reluctantly flipped the pages. The next time he looked at the grandfather clock it was already almost curfew. He had completely lost track of time because of one simple reason, reading the books was like reading a very interesting fantasy novel!

Only after reading did he realize how much he didn't know about their current world, their history, rulership and even technology was still not clear to him. At a point he even got up from his desk and picked up another book.

'Basically all I knew about their technology is that it is similar to that on earth.'

The technology in this world was in a way similar to what they had on earth but they were a little backward compared to earth in some areas. For example in this world it appeared to be that trains were one of the major means of transportation that was in anyway advanced. There were no cars or trucks instead carriages were still very much in use.

But they were also far advanced in some other areas, for example they had cracked teleportation and could do nera impossible things in the health sector. This was all made possible simply because of psyia.

Psyia was like a form of energy that ran through every living being. Overtime they had learned how to integrate psyia into technology in multiple sectors including health, construction, mining and the likes.

But all these came about later, the initial and still the most important application of psyia was in battle. As children grew, their psyia reserves grew as well and at a point if they were lucky this psyia develops into something more complex, an enigma, the physical manifestion of your psyia energy.

In this world psyia was almost involved in every aspect of life, from combat to building and even when farming psyia was indispensable.

Because of this individuals with high levels of psyia and unique enigmas were sought after by the clans for a myriad of purposes, the aspect at the top of their list being combat.

This was because of another thing he discovered, or rather confirmed.

Their world was at war.