Training with Chari I

After having breakfast with her children in the morning Aliana left them to their devices and went to continue whatever it was she was doing before she came.

Apparently there was a big event that the moon clan was hosting soon and she was in charge of the preparations. Because of this they wouldn't be seeing her as frequently as they used to.

Different workers shuffled around the estate going about their various tasks, some carried baskets of decorations towards the hall while the cooks carried large quantities of ingredients towards the kitchen. The whole clan was busy, each person trying to properly carry out their job as swiftly and perfectly as possible.

Luck and his brother were not given any official duties to perform at the party. He felt that it might have been because they were still too young but a larger part of him believed it was just simply because their father seemed to dislike them for whatever reason.

But frankly he didn't care and doubted that Chari did as well. They had lived most of their life without a father and although having one might have been a good thing, an absent one didn't bother him much. It was a little strange though, throughout their life the man had never actually come to see them and even went out of his way to restrict them from certain benefits in the clan.

His mother was a different case though, unlike what he thought due to the few novels he consumed in his last life where the reincarnated mc is somewhat disconnected from his new mother, he actually took a liking to Aliana.

Maybe it was because he didn't have a mother at the point of his death, he wasn't sure. Regardless, Aliana had strangely grown on him and he couldn't help but feel a tingle of happiness whenever she was around.

'I guess it's only natural.'

With the clan rowdy Luck considered what his plan for the day was. He ended up spending most of the previous day in the library so he wasn't too eager to go back there.

The memory of him reading for that long was still very surprising to him, he had assumed he hated reading but at the end of the day he and Chari were once the same person so they were bound to share similar if not identical habits.

As for today, he was going to spend his time training. For the last 4 years he basically spent his time doing strength training, the dexterity of his little body made it difficult for him to properly carry out complex movements, but now he was older maybe it was time he ventured into martial arts.

He still had most of his skills from the other world etched into his memory, but that didn't mean he was still at the same level as he was back on earth and this was because of one simple reason: muscle memory.

Getting back to that level wasn't going to be too difficult after all he was still very young when he died so he didn't exactly have time to perfect his skills. All he had to do was train his muscles to replicate them through constant practice.

Although in this new world Luck wanted to enjoy himself as much as he could, he knew that he could never really enjoy life if he just laid back and remained weak. All that would lead to is him having things taken from him once more, and for that very reason he had to be strong.

As if sensing his thoughts Chari got up and walked towards the door, once he got to the door he said:

"I'm going to train."

He paused as if trying to decide on his next words, words he was bound to regret.

"Are you coming?"



Their training grounds was a small clearing in a forest not too far from the clan, here they were free from all prying eyes and could do as they pleased.

It was not as though the moon clan didn't have a training facility, in fact they had something that was this world's version of a gym and it was well stocked with different equipments to cater for the needs of the clan members.

The moon clan had to be strong, not just strong but overwhelmingly strong in order to cement their place among the 5 great clans and strong enough to be a decisive force in war.

Tension between the phantoms and the great clans have been rising for many years and finally developed into a full blown war abount 100 years ago.

No one actually remembers what started the fighting in the first place, all they knew now was that the other side was the enemy and right from the age of 5 the clan heirs of each clan began their training to develop their skills as Venators, all clan heirs except for the two of them.

As they began to do their stretches, realizing that Chari probably knew more about the topic than him Luck asked:

"What do you think caused the war between the Clans and the phantoms?"

Luck knew the conversation could steer out of control and they would end up talking throughout the entire day but his curiosity got the better of him.

Chari gave a complicated look. The whole thing was far too similar to the library incident but he answered anyway.

"The record doesn't actually give a clear reason for the start of the war, it's all speculation. The main thing you should be asking is why hasn't it ended after so many years?"

"I settled on two possible reasons. The first one is due to the beast phantoms," he continued.

Luck momentarily stopped the sideways stretch he was doing midway once he heard the new information. His brows furrowed and then he asked:

"Beast phantoms?"

"They are basically like the monster variant of phantoms. Large disgusting and twisted creatures that suddenly appear out of strange portals and destroy everything in sight."

"But although they are called phantoms they are actually quite different from phantoms."

"If they are not the same as phantoms, why then do people call them phantoms?"

"It's because they share some similarities with phantoms, it's like how we are mammals but at the same time bears and whales are also mammals. But people don't think about it that way, a lot of people see phantoms and beast phantoms in the same light."

"Monsters that need to be destroyed. Among the common people this is probably one of the biggest drivers for the war. Many people have to deal with losing family members due to the war and yet they have to cope with random unpredictable monster spawns. They believe the beast phantoms are being sent here by the phantoms."

Chari gave him a moment to take it all in, after a while he continued.

"The second reason should actually be pretty obvious, someone doesn't want the war to end."