Shape Shifter

Luck spent the next couple of weeks trying to learn Defender's Bane from Chari as well as learning a little of the world's martial arts, apparently Chari had picked up the technique from one of the books in the battle segment of the library and practiced on his own ever since.

This meant two things; number one was that he himself had not even mastered the skill and two, since Chari had not mastered it himself, teaching it to another person was not very easy.

By the second day of training Luck had finally grasped the basics of the technique, but there was one drawback, he had to switch his weapon of choice. Initially he had been trying to learn the Dagger version of the skill, if it even existed but everything he did seemed wrong.

Luck was now using a shorter staff, basically a makeshift sword and had been using it ever since.

He could now feel his progress simply because it was easier to mimic the movements of the staff.

Although he could have as well picked a staff instead, he didn't want to get reliant on a weapon he didn't really like. Learning that technique on the staff would mean that he would be using it for quite some time.

After they were done with their training for the day Luck and Chari marched home both utterly exhausted and soaked in sweat.

Anyone who saw them would assume that the children probably spent themselves playing in the field but only few would actually be able to tell that that was not the case. And those were the exact kind of people they avoided on their way back.

The main reason they did was that information traveled fast in the estate, if any of the Clan's Venators were to report back to their father there would be no telling what his reaction would be.

Would he be happy that his children were forging their path to strength? No, Luck didn't think he would, after all his actions were only aimed at restricting their growth.

The question though was why? Luck knowing he would have no answer just shrugged and walked into the comfort of their room.

They were still in the same room they shared as babies but thankfully the room received a massive overhaul when they turned 5, the floors that were once covered with a soft comfortable rug was now bare, exposing the beautiful polished wood underneath.

The cot was gone as well and replaced with a nice big bed, and they now had a desk and chair at the side of the room. There were new forms of decoration scattered across the rooms and walls and on the ceiling the same beautiful golden moon pattern remained reminding Luck of the days he would spend just staring at it unable to do much.

Chari wasted no time before immediately hopping into the shower. While Luck took off his clothes and waited for his turn.

When Chari was finally done Luck finally got his chance. He let the sweet hot water thoroughly bathe his skin, washing away all the dirt and grime that was on his body. When he felt his body was now squeaky clean he hopped straight into bed not even bothering about dinner and immediately fell asleep.

He was utterly exhausted.


The next morning while having breakfast they were asked a surprising question.

"Would you guys like to see a bit of the city?" Aliana asked, a beautiful smile was on her gentle face as she watched to see their response.

"Of course!" Luck screamed with glee, momentarily allowing his childish impulses to take over. Realizing this he glanced over to Chari, settled down and then said in a calmer voice.

"Umm, that would be nice."

Chari on the other hand had his hand on his forehead and was gently swaying his head.

When Aliana saw their reaction she laughed, her beautiful voice filling their small room. For a brief moment it was as though an angel had graced their presence, her svelte frame slightly bent forwards and her long raven black hair fell forward adoring her face.


What good had he done in his last life to get such a pretty woman as his mother?

Contrary to his earlier beliefs maybe he actually did have a thing or two to learn from his old man.

"I'm sorry." She said in between chuckles.

"The both of you act way too mature for your age, it's just too funny every time it happens. Arlder was far more carefree, I can't wait for you two to meet him."

"Well about our trip I'm not exactly free today. But I'm going to sneak us out of the Estate," She said with a mischievous grin on her face.

"We should have a couple of hours to ourselves and then I'll hand you guys over to Sarah if they notice my absence. If that happens she would be the one to take you guys to the market and back."

Sarah was one of the few maids that Luck was actually fond of, at least she knew how to hold a decent conversation and didn't overly think of them as children when they spoke.

Satisfied with the proposal Luck smiled in response while Chari simply continued eating.

Since coming to this world Luck and Chari had not once stepped out of the inner parts of the clan. The library, forest and a lot of other areas were still within the main estate.

Of course no one would let them just walk out of the front gates of the estate and they couldn't just sneak out. This was the moon clan and as such the security was very tight, If they could easily sneak out of the estate then anyone could easily sneak in as well.

Today he would finally be able to see more of this new world. How were the people like? How did they build their cities?

He was going to find out.

After they were done with their food, wasting no time it was time to get dressed but to their dismay they had to do so under the watchful gaze of their mother.

Aliana was already dressed so she didn't have to leave and as a result was now watching the twins.

Luck shuffled awkwardly.

'Can't I have a little privacy while dressing!' He screamed inwardly still holding his clothes in his hands.

To Aliana it was as though the child was indecisive and couldn't pick which clothes to wear. When she noticed this she walked up to him and bent down to look him in the face.

"Why not let mommy dress you up today?"

Luck paled. Right next to him as Chari heared this he hurriedly shuffled out of his clothes and quickly started dressing himself up.

'Treacherous bastard!'

He was about to decline but it was already too late, Aliana was already taking off his clothes, he sighed defeatedly and surrendered allowing her to dress him.

When they were done Aliana hoisted Luck up to her chest gently anchoring him with her left arm.

"Now it's time for the sneaking part!" She cheered gleefully and then suddenly…

Her face shimmered and changed.

Luck almost fell from her grasp.