
Aliana's face shimmered, her long black hair slowly turned blonde, her normally silver eyes took a light blue shade, her eyes got a little bigger and eyebrows slightly busier. Even the shape of her nose and face changed.

Right next to Luck was a different person entirely.

"Pretty nice trick right?" She smiled at the twins.

Both of them nodded, still amazed by what they had just seen.

'Come to think of it, this is the first time I have seen anyone use their enigma.'

Luck felt that he was forgetting something very important but struggling to remember it he just shrugged it off.

"Don't worry, very soon your enigma will manifest itself, I hope it will be something far more amazing than shape shifting."

Getting past the guards was far too easy, they just had to walk through the front gate. Apparently Aliana had already informed them beforehand that the twins would be going out while she was, um.. normal? After meeting up with Sarah they went on their way and not long after, they were in the city.

Everything got roudier once they entered the city. To their left a man stood at the entrance of a building trying to convince people to buy whatever it was that he was selling, not too far away from them towards the right, was a large Restaurant and Bar that had many customers considering the amount of people that were heading inside.

The beautiful aroma of well cooked steak as well as other food, some Luck didn't even know glided from the restaurant soaring through the air just to assault his nostrils making his mouth water.

And just beside them a man was receiving an ear full from someone who was presumably his wife.

It was all very noisy but fascinating.

There were malls, restaurants, inns and so many other fine establishments each dragging the attention of the two boys. It was not that they were shut ins in their former life, on the contrary they were pretty active. It was just that this world had a unique approach to how they handled things that made it stand out.

The cities seemed to be designed with every detail in mind, the way the sculptures stood firmly, the extra unnecessary but beautiful intricate designs on the walls of the building and the streets themselves, the way their street lights gently hung above the road and the subtle marks of the moon clan's influence here and there. It was beautiful, if not magical.

And the people were something else! Right in front of him was the person that had just captured the attention of the two boys, a petit teenage girl with light radiant skin and long flowing chestnut hair.

But it was not her beauty that had captured their attention. Right on top of her head were two furry ears the colour of her hair that twisted around on occasion as though listening for sounds.

'Animal people?!'

"Don't call them that if you don't want to get bitten." Aliana said Laughing.

'Wait, I said that out loud?'

He shrunk back in embarrassment.

"They are called Beastfolk, we actually have a few working in the estate, it's strange that you haven't come across them yet."

She paused as if remembering something.

"Oh! Maybe it's because she usuall ties a scarf around her head."

Luck nodded his head taking in the information. He wondered if he had seen anyone in a scarf or not but couldn't remember ever meeting one.

He was definitely going to keep an eye out for her though. As he turned to look behind him his eyes widened again.


He waved his hands towards his brother trying to get his attention and when he finally did motioned towards his back.

"Look behind you," Was the message he was trying to convey.

Apparently Chari understood and when he looked behind him his eyes brighten up, just for a moment before his face returned to its usual demeanor.

Luckily for Luck he was able to watch everything from high above, up in his mother's arms.

Right next to them a cart packed full of tomatoes whistled past, the man pushing the cart tilting his straw hat in apology as he sped towards the market which was their next location.

Currently they were walking through a commercial district that was not too far from the main market and as such naturally some parts of the market trickled into the district.

Along the road different carriages passed by and Aliana held onto Chari's hand firmly as if she was afraid of him getting hit by one of them. Even Sarah stuck closer now carefully standing at the busy part of the street to shield them.

From the way the carriages were designed, Luck could tell that some were majorly for transporting people while others were meant for goods.

Just like how back on earth they had cars and Trucks.

Cars were one of the technological advancements that were missing in this world. And he couldn't say if he missed them or not, after all the air was far fresher than it was back on earth. Although they still had factories they were missing one of the major air pollutants.

After getting some of the decorations they came for, Aliana showed them some other areas, bought them some unnaturally large apples and then they moved into the market.


If the business district was considered busy then Luck didn't know what to consider this place. It was nothing short of wild.

The hagglers were haggling the scammers were scamming, even the animals beign sold seemed to be in the middle of their own conversation even at the verge of death. One bleat would be followed by a plethora of bleats and then they seemed to all laugh.

Although the market was largely busy there was still a little bit of comportment. At least the whole area seemed sanitary enough and they had a kind of market security that was there to bring some order.

As they entered the market Aliana grimaced as she watched the activities unfold. Since her pregnancy it had been quite a long time since she last ventured into the market, she almost forgot how it looked. Sarah on the other hand seemed unperturbed by the whole situation.

Then something surprising happened.