The Unbreakable blade

It was as if Luck was suddenly loaded with information he couldn't wrap his head around but somehow knew, his body tensed as psyia energy completely overran it. 

It started as a cold feeling in his chest that slowly got colder and then in an instant it stabilized before it began to spread. 

It spread like a wildfire, rushing from his chest to his arms, legs, head and every other part of his body, strengthening each part as it surged through.

Luck's vision became far clearer than before and suddenly his wounds did not weigh him down as much, although he still felt wary from the fight he felt as though he could fight for hours more unend. 

This feeling was nothing short of– Invigorating!

Luck's hand found its way to the air purely on instinct and began to trace its way back from left to right, as his fingers moved an ornate katana began to materialize in its wake. 

And then it was fully formed. 

The Katana had a pure black sheath with gold outlines dotting every part of it like an array of stars, the hilt was covered in a black weave of a strange material and its guard was a dark shade of midnight blue.

Luck held on to the hilt of the katana and suddenly pulled it out of its sheath, revealing a dark blue glistening blade but suddenly… 

He bucked and fell down due to the overwhelming weight of the blade. 

'It's too damn heavy!'

But even as he laid there on the floor he could feel that this blade was far from ordinary, it felt as though with this blade he could split apart the mountains and bring an end to legacies. He could carve out his path in any way he deemed fit!




Luck did not know this but Geralt had staggered back immediately he noticed something was off and was now staring at Luck, unsure of whether to attack or not.

Luck, still under the weight of the blade, refused to let it go. No matter what, he had to possess this power!

Then a calm feminine voice came in his head. 

As it spoke Luck could tell that whoever or whatever the voice belonged to was rather ancient, far older than anything he could hope to come across in his old world and the new. 

The voice spoke with a little undertone, it sounded slightly irked. 

'I'll help you out.'

There was a long pause, as if it was deliberating. 

'But just this once!'

Suddenly the sword surged forward lifting Luck back up on his feet. The blade became suddenly lighter and seemed to tug on him, as if prompting him to strike. 

With a loudness and clarity that Luck did not know he once possessed, he screamed. 

"Get out of the way!"

And then the sword moved in one violent arc. 

There was a flash of black and it was as though the very moon was blotted out in that instant. 

And then a black force moved, obliterating everything in its path. 


There was a steaming cup of coffee lying on a small stool beside an elegant sofa. The wonderful aroma of the beverage gently spread to the air as a man brought the cup to his lips and took a sip.

The taste was nothing short of perfect, just the way he liked it. The temperature was simply perfect, steaming hot just at the middle point between hot and scalding. 

There was a gentle mix of cream and milk to compliment the taste as well as a reasonable amount of sugar. Even the coffee beans used to brew the drink were picked out carefully. 

A small smile appeared on his lips vanishing almost immediately. 

There was only one person in the entire world who could make coffee this perfect. And that person was the beautiful woman sitting next to him, his wife Alaina.

That is right, this coffee adoring connoisseur was none other than the head of the moon clan. And right now he was seated with top members of the moon clan, discussing the final preparations for the meeting of clans. 

There was a small knock on the door and a young woman, presumably one of the estate guards, walked up to the head maid and whispered something in her ear. 

After the guard had left the chief maid in turn walked up to Aliana and whispered something into her ear as well.

'What tricks are you up to again Ali?'

Ali was a very cunning woman, he doubted that there was a ever a day that passed without her cooking either one scheme or the other. Some he knew and ignored but there were others that he probably knew nothing about, if not for the trust he had in her he would have taken certain measures to ensure nothing went by him.

But then again, her tricks could be very amusing, provided his was not the object of her trickery, which he had been on multiple occasions. He frowned as one of those memories came to mind. 

As the woman continued whispering into Aliana's ears the young woman's eyes widened ever so slightly and she abruptly rose to her feet and left the room without a word.


"I will be back soon." The man quietly said, if the other clan executives had any questions they did not show it, they simply waited patiently for their return.

To the man's surprise when he entered the hallway, Aliana was already far ahead, almost about to break into a run when the clan leader quickly dashed her side at breathtaking speed stopping her progression.

Aliana was normally always more calm and calculative even though she appeared to be rather easy going so seeing her acting this way was beginning to make him worry as well. 

He held onto her shoulder and turned her to face him but he was taken back by what he saw.

Aliana's normally beautiful silver eyes were no longer the same, her normally round pupils had now taken a more bestial form. 

They were now in the shape of two straight slits that slowly expanded and contracted as she looked at him, her black lustrous hair were no longer straight, they now were slowly rising, taking a more wild appearance.

He had seen this before, albeit on very few occasions. She was transforming.

The normally playful expression on her face was gone, her anger palpable as her psyia flared.


"The children– they are in danger."