Late Arrival

The clan leader, Nevi, hopped from building to building as he sped through the night air.

Everything about the way he moved spoke about the urgency of the situation. 

He ran towards the edge of another building and leaped across it, easily crossing over multiple buildings.

The notification devices that were used in the moon clan were rather unique because they served two purposes. The first primary purpose which was to act as an alarm system if anything went wrong around the premises of the clan.

And the second use was that once activated it would give a live feedback of the current location of the person. 

Now normally a group of guards would have been sent to deal with the situation, but something about this alert made it quite concerning, that was why her handmaidens had brought the information to her first.

This was simply because of the tracking number that sent out the alarm, it belonged to Sarah one of Ali's personal workers. 

Ali had given him a short brief about the situation, apparently she took the kids out to show them a bit of the city and left them in Sara and Jane's care right before she left.

The areas close to the clan were relatively safe and practically no one outside of the moon clan knew about the twins so he understood why she would take the risk, but even so, things had somehow managed to go sour.

Convincing Ali to stay back while he went in search of the kids was because of two reasons, the first one was that she got far too violent whenever she was angry. 

Capturing the criminals to question them would be impossible since they would be dead the moment she laid eyes on them.

Its not like he wanted them alive though, it was just important to find the issue at the source before their imminent execution.

And the second reason was simple.

'What if they are already dead?'

He didn't know how Ali would react to it and that alone was reason enough to make her stay back.

Normally they should have been able to take good care of themselves but he personally did everything in his power to prevent the children from receiving any form of combat training. 

Unlike other clan heirs that would have been properly equipped to handle these kinds of situations, his children were just like… regular kids.

This decision was not prompted out of hatred, even though he hadn't visited them for years he liked to believe that he truly loved them. 

But how could he look them in the face and say he loved them when he restricted them from learning anything combat related, their very inheritance as members of the moon clan?

They had to have seen their pairs training by now, they must have asked a lot of questions. What would he say if they were to ask him?

That he saw a nightmarish vision and was trying to stop it in any way he could? Wouldn't that basically mean he believed that they were bound to bring destruction as long as they became Venators? 

Even in the vision he had seen only one of them, but they were far too identical for him to differentiate one from the other. Therefore one of them was basically being forced to sacrifice for the other.

The thing about his visions was that they almost always came to pass, that was what made him stand firm with his decision. No matter how much pain it would cause in the future.

Not like it mattered though, he was ripping them of their legacy, and he couldn't forgive himself for that. In a few years he doubted that they would forgive him as well.

He shook his head bringing himself out of his string of thoughts, he had to focus on the task at hand.

Nevi was perfectly capable of taking care of whatever the situation was but that didn't mean he was going there alone. 

There was a small group he gathered to accompany him, composed of mostly healers but since they couldn't keep up with his pace they were trailing behind.

He flew over another smaller building after which he was out of buildings and had to move on foot. He was racing across the road as fast as he could, momentarily taking glances at the tracker as he moved.

Soon after, he left civilization behind and was now moving swiftly through the trees and immediately he broke through them he could see a field of flowers some distance away.

Suddenly a wave of dread washed over him almost causing him to stumble. How could something capable of releasing such ominous psyia get this close to the clan?

He moved, this time even faster than before, he no longer bothered to dodge the obstacles in his way. He simply obliterated them as he charged towards the field. 

He could already see visages of people in the field, but he could not determine the source of the strange energy.

'Please be alive!'

He blasted into the field, the air due to his momentum scattering the severed flowers all around him into the night wind. 

But there was no foe insight, instead what he saw was nothing short of horrifying.

The entire field surrounding them was covered in blood, bodies littering the ground. 

The flower field was now utterly eerie as each flower took on a new shade of colour, Scarlet. 

His children stood amidst the carnage unshaken by the sight around them. Jane and Sarah's faces were filled with bewilderment and a slight hint of fear as they stared right in front of them and back at the twins.

In front of them were three bodies that stood apart from the others. A lot of bodies had stab wounds, broken skulls, no head and the likes but these three were different.

They were completely eviscerated from the waist up leaving only a bloody stump of their lower abdomen. 

And it didn't stop there, because as if the strike was too powerful to simply destroy the three the ground some distance behind them was completely overturned, leaving a large crater shaped like a sword strike behind.

It was without a doubt the work of an enigma but Nevi doubted that it was Sarah or Jane because even they were shocked at what they saw.

And while the area around them was filled with nothing but gloom, one of the twins had a wide smile on his face and the other appeared stoic, uncaring.

Even in the face of such a massacre.