
A boy sat in his room munching down on a large apple delightfully as he stared out of his window, since the day his mother bought the unnaturally large apple for him Luck had found himself developing a liking for the delicious fruit.

Something apparently important was starting today. The moon clan compound was bustling with activity, multiple carriages pulled into the estate compound dropping off many prominent looking figures.

Humans, elves and beastfolk alike all trooped into the estate compound where they would be spending the rest of the week.

Some came with their families, some with only a child or two while others came alone, Luck knew from a simple glance that there were all members of the notable clans. The moon clan estate was something akin to a castle, it was extremely large and contained tons of rooms, even Luck hadn't fully explored the estate. Which simply meant that the estate was more than capable of housing that many guests.

Luck enjoyed looking down on the people from his high vantage point, watching as they leisurely strolled into the compound.

'Hehe, little ants waiting to be stomped.' He thought as he took another large bite into the apple.

After he had somehow obliterated the bandits his father had arrived, but he was already late, all the bandits were dead. Luckily for Sarah's friend the healers that came along with him were among the most elite and he somehow managed to survive.

They obviously hid the main story of how they had ended up so far away from their normal path. Thanks to Aliana they didn't pry too much, but Luck felt that they would not have been so lenient if someone had died.

Watching the children he came to save standing strong amidst the carnage must have been a shock for their father considering that he expected them to have no skills when it came to fighting. He didn't even utter a word after meeting them, he just had this complicated look in his face throughout the time they went home.

He stood there looking mortified for a notable amount of time watching the carnage.

"Ha ha, serves him right!"

'He's pretty soft for the leader of the top clans.'

Chari looked above his book to Luck, he had been mumbling throughout while staring out the window and it was beginning to distract his reading.

"What are you mumbling about?"

Luck turned to his brother and flashed an innocent smile.

"Oh, nothing important."

His mother was more than relieved that they were all safe. Sadly, they were no longer allowed to leave the clan estate. Not that they would feel trapped considering how big the estate was but even still, loosing the freedom to explore the city still left a bitter taste in his mouth.

But the best thing that came out of the fight was that Luck had finally remembered what had been bothering him for a while now. The system!

Some of the memories he gained as a baby were slowly fading away and along with it the memory of the system had also gone with it. If not for the fight he wasn't sure how he would have remembered.

After discussing with Chari he confirmed it as well, he too had a nearly identical system that he somehow forgot. Years of being incapable of using it plus having the brain of a baby must have really done numbers on them both.

But strangely enough Chari's system, although it became active did not give him any temporary buff. That must mean his life wasn't in danger right?

'Is he already ahead of me?'

Luck sighed and mentally called up the system screen and glanced at his stats.

[Name: Luck Moon]

[Class: No Class]

[Rank: None]

[Title: Young Master]

[Enigma: [Seven Spirit Technique], [Soul Sight]]

He mentally tapped see more and then a second tab opened.

[Seven Spirit Technique]

[Description: Cannot Access]

[First Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

[Second Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

[Third Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

[Fourth Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

[Fifth Spirit Technique: LOCKED]

And it was the same thing down to the seventh spirit technique.

'Back to ground zero I guess.'

His eyes strolled further down to a small icon at the bottom right of the screen.

Mentally he clicked the button and a whole other screen appeared. The screen appeared to be the settings tab and was filled with various forms of customizations, but what caught his eyes was…

[System Notifications Settings]

[Silent excluding urgent notifications]

[Show all Notifications]

[Show Important Notifications]

[Exp Bar]

[Display Exp bar/ Hide Exp]

Currently his notifications were set to silent, that was probably why throughout his life he had never gotten a notification until that day.

'The warning was probably considered as an urgent notification.' He thought.

He quickly set the notifications to [Show important Notifications] he couldn't miss out on any quests or whatever the system might throw at him. After all he needed to improve and get back to that level, that feeling was now something he longed for.

To his mother who had heard the story of what happened from Sarah and Jane to his father who might have witnessed it himself they were sure that Luck had finally manifested an enigma. Only Luck and Chari knew that it was not the case.

During the battle he had managed to temporarily activate the second spirit technique but now that tab was back to being locked.

The worst part was that he had no clue of how to unlock them, the only hint he had was the exp bar. It was the only thing that had changed since he was a baby.

[EXP: 50/200]

That created the possibility that one of the ways he could gain exp was by defeating people in combat, if he needed to kill them or not he could not say for sure. He was also pretty sure that it was not the only way to gain experience, since he hadn't really seen his stats in many years he didn't know if he already had some exp points already.

Apart from that there was another strange unreadable tab right below it. He had just skimmed through the system when he was younger so he probably missed it or didn't notice it, not like there was anything to notice though because it was unreasonable.

***** ***** ***

'How bothersome.'

Luck jumped face first onto the bed.

'Why wasn't I born overpowered!'

Just before he closed the tab he opened the settings tab and set the exp tab to [Hide Exp]. Although knowing how much he progressed was important, he didn't want to constantly be anxious about how much his exp increased or not, plus he could always check it if he wanted to.

The Exp tab now read:



And then he slowly drifted asleep.


When Luck woke up it was already getting late and Chari was nowhere in sight, most of the guests had arrived already, some were getting settled in their rooms while others were already socializing, trying to make alliances with other clans.

Because of this the estate was more livelier than usual.

Luck hopped into the shower and turned on the hot water letting his muscles relax under the heat of the water. Although the healers handled all the scars from the battle his body was still ached in some areas.

He hopped out of the shower when he was done and wiped a little quantity of water from his body, not completely drying himself off so that he could enjoy the wonderful sensation of the cool air playing on his skin.

He domed a pure black cloak and then walked to the edge of the window allowing the night breeze to blow his clothes backwards.

And then after a while of enjoying the breeze he thought:

'It's time to spy on the clans!'