
Luck sneaked through the shadows cast in the estate by the retreating sun. With his pure black clothes and dark blue hair he became one with the shadows, strolling through the halls out of sight.

He was not invincible, every now and then someone would catch a glimpse of him hiding in the shadows but they simply ignored him. After all, the whole venue was filled with kids, the next generation of clan leaders.

Luck was hoping to get any piece of information he could get about the clans as he stalked them but at the end of the day he was more interested in seeing how they behaved.

The estate was filled with people of all races, he saw elves, beastfolk and humans all dressed distinguishly and conversing with each other about various topics that Luck found boring.

And then he moved to check on the future leaders, the clan heirs.

Among them were two girls who seemed to keep only to themselves. The first had beautifully blonde hair with golden eyes to compliment them, her skin was flawless and seemed to glow even as the world got darker.

Next to her was a cute girl that seemed to do all the talking. She had alluring brown skin that was free of any blemish and wild dark red hair the colour of blood, a few stray strands clung onto her face.

Her skin had a unique feature Luck had not seen since coming to this world, there were like lighter patches of skin that formed wavy ring patterns on her wrist like a tattoo. And on the top of her head were two wolfish ears that twitched every now and then.

And her eyes…


One of her eyes was a beautiful golden colour and the second was reddish brown.

Just from a glance Luck could tell that these two were more distinguished than the rest of the children.

'Should I approach them? Finding out more about these clans from their children is not a bad idea,' Luck wondered as he observed from the veil of shadows.

He ended up not deciding and followed them as they explored the clan.

Basically your boy had become a full blown stalker!

But after sometime of following them, the red haired girl's ears twitched and she stopped moving the other girl following her lead.

They were now close to the forest in the clan and Luck was hiding in the bushes.

She turned looking directly at the bush Luck was currently hiding in and asked in a feral tone:

"Who is there?"

'Ahh, busted. It's about time I make my disappearing act.'

Luck turned around ready to escape through bushes but instead was now face to face with an ancient looking wooden mask, their faces only a few centimeters away.


The mask covered every single part of the person's face, even the eyes behind the mask were replaced with dark shadows making his face entirely unreadable. Behind the mask, white hair flowed free and unrestrained falling down his or her shoulders.

The individual tilted their head to the left observing him with curiosity and then suddenly Luck was pushed out of the bushes.

The person was so fast that Luck didn't even see them move.

He was about to go back to investigate when a cold voice spoke in a harsh tone:

"Who are you… you pervert."

'Damn it!'

Luck turned to face the girls and flashed them his million dollar smile.

"Oh, hi there girls. You see what we have here is just one big misunderst-."

But before he could even finish his words the blonde girl was in front of him almost crashing her fist into his gut.

Luck hoped back narrowly evading the attack but just as his foot hit the ground the wolf girl was upon him, her movements difficult to read.

He narrowly managed to escape her wicked claws, wait… Claws?!

The hands of the wolf girl had suddenly sprung out claws that looked deathly sharp, he couldn't get caught by them no matter what.

They were bound to sting.

Luck danced gracefully for the first few seconds of the fight moving around the fighters with grace, a smile on his face as he enjoyed the fight.

But he didn't enjoy it for long. The blonde girl began to move faster as though her earlier antics were all a fraud to gauge his strength. She was now kicking and throwing punches faster than before, catching Luck multiple times.

He jumped backwards but the girl swiftly followed, closing the distance between them in seconds. Her fist flew forward almost catching Luck square in the face.

He was now fully on the defensive trying as much as he could to defend against her furious attacks.

Attacking her was out of the question, how would it sound if they heard he attacked a girl who was from one of the major clans!

He was surely going to look bad! Especially because he wasn't really sure he would win, even now, he still felt that she was holding back.

At some point only he and the blonde girl were fighting, the wolf girl had found a comfortable spot on the grass to rest and entertained herself by watching the fight from the sidelines.

The blonde girl screamed, frustrated as Luck dodged another of her attacks.

"Stop squirming around!"

"Crush him Ella!" The other girl shouted a bit too enthusiastic about the fight.

'Why hasn't one of the clan guards come to end this fight!? Surely they didn't think this was some sort of friendly sparing right?'

Luck's aches from his previous fight were beginning to get worse as he tried to dodge as many blows as possible.

The blonde girl finally stopped her relentless assault but the look in her eyes told Luck that she was far from done.

"I'll give you one chance to redeem yourself."

Ella said, her breathing a little faster because of their exercise.

"Nooo! Don't stop yet!" Their active audience yelled.

Ella simply ignored and continued.

"Why were you hiding in the bushes?"

'So you're finally letting me speak after ruthlessly attacking me? Such a strange girl!'

"I was exploring the estate." He lied

"Wrong answer."

The violent girl smiled as if she was praying for him to say an obvious lie. She had received justification for whatever she planned on doing.

A yellow translucent gauntlet, vambrace and counter appeared on her right hand covering her arm right up to her shoulder in an enchanting armor.

'She's seven! You can't be serious!'

And then she moved her speed even greater than before, this time Luck could not dodge fast enough.

He was caught by a devastating blow to the face and was knocked several meters back.


The two girls walked over to the unconscious body of the boy and stared down at him.

The Wolf girl lifted an arm and watched as it fell to the floor.

"Ahhhh Diane! I've killed him!" The blonde girl said, panic creeping into her voice.

"Don't be so afraid Ella." The other girl said confidently as she picked up a stick. "He's alive, just watch and see."

She then proceeded to poke the boy with the stick until his head rolled to the side.

"Yup, he's definitely dead."