The Dead Stalker

Two girls were standing above the oddly bent body of a young boy thinking of what to do next.

Ella had a completely lost look on her face, she was definitely panicking. She took quick breaths as her heart rate sped up, the more she looked at him the more scared she got.

Then she began to pace around.

Diana couldn't bear to hold it in any longer and bursted into laughter while her friend watched her confused.

"This is not funny Diane! I just killed someone!" She scolded but it only made Diana laugh the more.

"He's not actually dead!" She said in between laughs.

"He's just unconscious, we'll wait until he wakes up."

And thus after Ella calmed down, they both sat down on the grass next to him and then arranged his body in a more comfortable position.


'Why won't they leave!?'

When Luck realized that the battle fanatic wasn't going to let him off he decided to do the best thing that came to mind.

Play possum!

But now his plan had failed horribly because instead of leaving him they instead sat around him waiting for him to wake up.


The only plus side of it though was that they were now gossiping! Who didn't like a good gist?

"Why did you attack him though?" Came a voice Luck recognized to be Diana's.

"He was hiding in the bushes like a creep!"


"How creepy can a boy our age be? It's the older ones you should be worried about."

"Creeps aren't set to one age group."

Diana agreed with her, nodding her head slowly.

"Hmm, true."

"… but he has a nice smile though."

She continued.

'Yes, yes keep the compliment's flowing!'

Ella sighed in response.

"Btw I hear the moon clan has a new son!"

Ella didn't react much to the news, she simply folded her arms across their chest and said in a boisterous tone.

"They are twins actually!"

Luck stiffened, that was supposed to be a secret.

Diana on the other hand beamed.

"Woah, of course you are up to date on news about the clans. But why are they being hidden though?"

Ella paused for a moment to properly think it through.

"Maybe they can't properly use psyia so…"

"Hmm that is pretty sad, to be kept locked indoors when all the other clan heirs are socializing." Diana said, her voice a little lower.

'I love the misinformation.'

Luck was ecstatic as he listened, at least the information they had on him was not accurate.

"To me that sounds like a good thing."

Ella didn't seem to be the type to go out of her way to socialize.

"That's just because you are antisocial!"

Diana said and then turned to look at Luck before asking:

"Do you think that this guy is one of the clan heirs?"

The two girls then focused on the boy, bending their heads over his body to thoroughly observe him.

Luck almost choked on his saliva.

"Well he does have the looks for it."

Ella confessed and a coy smile spread over Diana's face.

"So you're saying he's handsome?"

"W-what? I said no such thing!"

Diana's smile spread wider and she nodded her head as she spoke.


"Stop it!" She then sighed before continuing.

"Anyways, I don't think they'll ever let him out of their sight."

"Speaking of the moon clan, have you heard from Arlder?" Diana asked.


The two girls continued to move from one topic to the other and just when Luck thought they were finally done with the conversation they brought up another juicy topic and both dissected it.

According to them Arlder would not be attending this year's meeting of the clans, apparently he was far too busy with his responsibilities in school.

Luck would not be able to sate his curiosity this time but there would be many other opportunities to meet him.

Apart from the close calls whenever they spoke about the moon clan Luck actually found the conversation between the two to be quite pleasant.

That was until something was lodged deep into his nose.

Luck sprang up to his feet, frantically trying to pull out whatever was in his nose. When he did he stared at the object in annoyance.

"A feather?"

"So you're finally awake."

Diana said from where she was sitting.

"Y-you did this didn't you?!" Luck asked in annoyance pointing at the girl.

She just stared into space and said:

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Her ears twitched.

"Liar! What if you had ticked my brain out with this obnoxious thing."

He paused, taking a good look at the feather.

"Is this even sanitary?!"

Luck did not notice but his childish self had taken over.

"We had to wake you up somehow you know." Ella said trying to keep her face as stoic as she could but then she chuckled.

That was all it took for the two girls to burst into laughter.

"I-I'm sorry, hahaha." Diana tried to apologize as she laughed.

"The look on his face!" Ella joined in.

"And he went 'what if you had ticked my brain', hahaha." Diana said in a mock deep voice.

When the girls had finally ended their outburst the three of them sat, allowing a short moment of silence.

"You're pretty fun to be around you know," Diana said. "What is your name by the way?"

Luck didn't want to give them his real name and risk them finding out who he really was so he said the first thing that came to his mind.

"Kul, you can call me Kul."

"Kul huh, that's a pretty weird name. But I like it!"

Diana slowly rose to her feet, she didn't bother to ask him for his last name. The fact that he didn't give it probably meant that he wanted to keep it a secret so she didn't pry.

Instead she turned to him and said:

"If you're free tomorrow let's meet at this same spot!"

Ella rose to her feet, glancing at Luck one more time as they were about to leave.

"Your skills, they are pretty good…

"...Keep practicing."

And then they left.

'Did we just become friends?'

While listening to them he had confirmed that they were in fact from the top 5 clans.

"Diana Scarlet and Ella Ertheien, what a strange pair."

Suddenly luck remembered what had caused his unfortunate encounter with the girls and quickly ran towards the bushes. He paused once he got there and then pulled the bushes apart.

But there was no one there.