Test of Strength

Once again Luck found himself wandering around the clan estate. As usual it was already dark and he was able to transverse the estate under the cloak of darkness.

He suspected that by now Ella and Diana would have headed back from their spot. He had decided to not visit them today, it was not that he did not want to gain more information, he was simply rather occupied today.

Luck was searching for the masked man. After all, he was the one who put him in the predicament that led to a dirty feather being shoved down his nostrils.

He shivered as he remembered the feeling.

It didn't take long before Luck saw movement in the corner of his eye. He ran towards the location, rushing through the trees then abruptly stopped.

In front of him, standing on top of a tall tree was a person in a wooden mask with white hair billowing behind him or her.

It seemed like just as Luck was searching for them they were also on the lookout for him, or rather waiting for him to come.

Luck furrowed his brows.

'I don't like this.'

Now that Luck had a good look at the individual he saw that the person was not much older than him.

'Maybe 3 years older? So this guy is basically a kid.'

The masked individual then spoke.

"Hello, Luck."

From the sound of his voice Luck could now tell that he was a boy, why then was his hair so darn long?

"You know my name?"

"I know many things."

A strong wind blew past them and the strange boy was now behind luck.

"Like how I know that you're here to fight me."

"I guess I don't need to say much then do I?"

After his fight with Ella Luck became interested in seeing how far ahead the other clan heirs were. He knew Ella was strong but he couldn't really test himself well enough against her.

She was from the earth clan and was a girl, there are many ways it could go wrong. Even though he wasn't sure he would even win a fight with her, just a scratch or two was enough to cause questions which would inevitably lead back to him.

And the same went for the male clan heirs as well but when it came to this masked figure?

He was a strong enough opponent who liked to conceal his identity, if anything were to be traced back to Luck it would be tantamount to exposing who he really was.

Which meant, he could go all out.

Luck knew that he was strong, the question was how strong?

The boy was back in front of Luck in a flash marking the start of their fight.

Luck ran forward throwing a couple of blows to the masked boy, his fist came flying forward, all blows aimed at the boy's face.

If he was able to expose who he really was it would be a plus.

The boy didn't move from that spot, with one hand he blocked every single blow Luck threw and then sent a kick towards his gut.

Luck narrowly evaded the kick, running around the boy he searched for any opening he could get but even as the boy remained in that spot he couldn't find any.

He launched himself into the air, doing a double kick as he descended. The first kick was blocked by the boy and then he grabbed onto Luck's leg and flung him to the side.

Almost landing on his head Luck used his hands to springboard himself back to his feet and moved again, adrenaline fueling his intense bursts of speed.

He was at the boys side within seconds, the boy simply tilted his head slightly to where Luck was, his body movements betraying no emotion.

Luck struck in quick succession, a chop, a left jab, an uppercut then hopped into the air and did a spin kick.

But it was all for nothing.

The boy blocked every single blow right before blocking the spin kick with his knee. Then for the first time in the match he landed a blow of his own.

His leg caught Luck who was still in the air right in the gut knocking him straight down with a tremendous force.

It felt as though a sledge hammer was rammed right into his stomach.


Luck wheezed, slowly getting up.

The masked boy stared at him for a moment, then spoke.

"Your fighting style– it's very strange."

Luck offered no reply, speeding straight forward right back into the action but no matter what he did the boy was able to counter every single one of them.

He punched, kicked, dodged, tricked and so on. He pulled out every single trick he knew but even that wasn't enough.

The masked boy just stood there like an unshakable pillar. It was as though a child was fighting with an adult.

'How is he this strong?!" Luck wondered as one of his attacks was once again blocked effortlessly.

He had begun to cross the limits of his speed, moving faster and faster but it was as though anytime he got better the boy would slightly increase his speed to compensate for the change.

And then the boy landed his second blow throughout the entire fight.

When Luck charged straight towards him, he tried to twist his body to the side and rotate his leg to catch him from his blind spot but he wasn't even given the opportunity.


The boy's fist connected on Luck's shoulder, the force strong enough to spin him 180° and then as if to disrespect him the more he rammed his foot right into Luck's butt knocking him face first into the cold dirt.

'This is getting embarrassing.'

When it came to hand to hand combat Luck thought of himself to be something of a prodigy. Throughout his weeks of training he had managed to attune to his new body. So how them was he getting beat up by a literal child?!

Luck could not let the match end like that, he had to land at least one blow no matter the cost or at least move him from that darn position.

He got up to his feet and stared at the boy who tilted his head in response like he was some sort of coc- Chicken…

As beads of sweat dripped down his face he made up his mind.

I'm going to use that!