
While Chari had his own technique, the 'broken style.' Luck had actually developed one of his own, a method of fighting that helped you conserve as much energy as possible for one short outburst. He called it, Dynamo. 

He began to hop from one leg to the other getting a proper feel of his body, he wanted to know just how much energy he had left in order to estimate how long he would last. 

'Okay, I have 20 seconds.'

'Come to think about it, why the hell did I not use this technique when I fought the bandits?!'

Luck thought mentally slapping himself. Well, it was somehow good that he didn't use it, because if he did there's no way of telling if he would have remembered the system. 

On second thought maybe he would since the leader would probably still be alive.

Anyways I digress.

Immediately his leg touched the floor, Luck moved at a shocking speed scattering leaves all around him. He was at the boy's side in a heartbeat and thrust his hand to deliver a blow. 

As usual the boy simply blocked but this time his hand was pushed slightly back. The boy tilted his head to the side and said:

"Let's see what you've got."


Luck's hand moved like a machine gun hurling multiple blows at the boy, his hands a blur as his fists soared through the air. 

When the boy tried to land a blow of his own Luck was gone, appearing right behind him. 

This time the sound of a kick slamming against the boy's rock hard defense reverberated across the forest. 

But Luck wasn't done yet, he was moving like a man possessed delivering blow after blow in all directions. It was as though he was everywhere at the same time. 

This was the power of dynamo, but it would not last forever. He could already feel the weariness creeping in. 

He launched himself into the air, bringing his leg down. A devastating thrust that would be his last attempt to move the boy. 

The boy simply held onto his leg, twisted it forward and slammed Luck into the floor. 

Luck took heavy breaths as he laid on the floor, the cool sensation of the ground against his body heat was a very welcomed sensation. 

The masked boy still stood in his position as if waiting for Luck to resume his attacks. 

But luck was already exhausted, he lifted his head to where the Masked figure was and said:

"I ma..made y..ou, yo..u, you mov..e!" Luck said as he took heavy breaths. 

The boy simply looked down to where he stood. 

"Oh. Impressive I guess?"

"'I guess?' I blame myself for this." Luck said from the floor. 

The boy walked over to Luck and looked down laughing as he heard Luck's words. 

"You actually did pretty well, it's just that sometimes I find it hard to gauge other people's strengths. Because I'm just a little overpowered." 

'This is idle boasting isn't it?'

Luck already knew that even children in this world were capable of amazing feats of strength after all he just recently fought Ella, but even at that he could still tell that even among the wealth of talent this person was exceptional. 

Even though they didn't fight using any weapons Luck could somehow gauge how strong he was simply because he couldn't gauge how strong he was. 

If that makes any sense…

As they fought no matter what Luck did he always had a counter for it, if Luck got a little faster he would increase his speed to match him. 

Throughout the fight Luck was on the offensive while he just stood there without putting much effort as though Luck was nothing but a pest.

If he doubted it before he had no doubts now, this boy was most likely from one of the main clans, either that or he was an anomaly born among the general populace. 

From what Luck could see he was definitely far stronger than the bandits they fought, maybe even leagues above their leader. And if he had already manifested an enigma…

The boy tilted his head once again as he observed Luck with the dark shadows that were in place of eye holes on the mask. 

Is he even human? 

"Who are you?"

"I am, hmmm. You can call me Elder."

"You're joking right?" 

He just shrugged. 

"Anyways, why don't you become my student?"

"Hell no!" Luck answered without thinking, in truth he was still very upset that he was unable to land a single blow on him. The very thought of how weak he was compared to the boy was enough to cause his blood to boil. 

The boy simply sighed and then jumped to the nearest tree. 


Luck slowly rose to his feet.

He could always practice on his own, he knew this, but how long would it take before he would be able to even compare him? Months? Years? Luck didn't want to wait that long. 

Even as he was angry he didn't let the anger cloud his judgment, this was an opportunity that was too good to pass up on. 

But there were still issues like the identity of the masked boy. Learning from him could be dangerous on its own. Although if he really wanted to kill him then luck would have been dead already, still that didn't strike out any chance of him having any ulterior motives. 

What was the right call here? Strength or caution? 

The answer was far too obvious. 

"I'll be your student."


Luck laid on the cool grass, his mind wandering to the fight. Was it really true that he was just overpowered? Or are there many others like him?

The person he had just fought was definitely still very young and apart from that he didn't even use an enigma… and he still got beaten.

Luck sighed as he got to his feet, his heart rate was finally returning to normal and his breathing was stabilizing as well. 

'I have to get as strong as him before the meeting of the clans end!'


It took a moment for Luck to realize that he was the one being called. 

The person was running towards Luck as fast as she could, panting as she approached.  

It looked like she had been running for some time now. 

When she got close to Luck she quickly took a deep breath and that was when a rather surprising thing happened. 



[A curious child finds themselves on the brink of insanity. Underneath the starry skies surrounded by tall pillars and a wall of wood, you will find whom you seek.]


Ella took deep breaths. 

"Kul… Dia… Diana is… missing!"