Soul Sight

"What do you mean Diana is missing?!"

Luck couldn't believe what he heard. The moon clan was an extremely safe place, at least it was before the meeting of clans.

It was practically impossible to get kidnapped from the clan.

But looking at the system notification…

Luck felt his stomach churn as a cold feeling washed over him. Not under his nose!

He couldn't, no he wouldn't allow anything like what happened in his past life happen again.

He spared a glance at Ella who had a panicked look on her face.

"Have you told anyone?"

"It hasn't been long since she went missing, I felt you would be around so I came to tell you first."

"Don't tell anyone else."


Luck's reasoning was simple. It was practically impossible to kidnap someone from the clan, especially at a time like this. That simply meant Diana was still in the clan.

But that didn't mean she wasn't in danger, she was probably being kept somewhere in the clan.

Announcing that she was missing would put the kidnapper on high alert and there was no telling what he would do.

"Telling everyone would just make the kidnapper hide her more discreetly, or do something worse… we need to catch him off guard."

"Still, how are we going to find her ourselves?!"

"I have a vague idea of where she might be."

"I am coming with-."

Ella began but was swiftly cut off by Luck.

"You can't come along."

Ella did not take Luck's statement lightly. Her fists tightened and she took a step closer.

"What do you mean I can't come along?"

"Give me 1 hour, if I don't find her by then I will need you to inform the rest of the clans."

Luck did not wait for her to answer, he ran towards the nearest tree and hopped from one of the branches to the next.

Still someone not only capable but also bold enough to kidnap a clan heir…

And what did the system mean by 'on the brink of insanity?' Luck was beyond bothered. He quickened his pace as he hopped from branch to branch.

'Underneath the starry skies, surrounded by pillars.'

It didn't take Luck too long to figure out what this meant. After all, when Ella came he was in the same situation, the pillars were trees.

She was somewhere in this forest.

But Luck couldn't possibly search the full forest within one hour. But that was not the only clue, what did the system mean by 'a wall of wood?'

'Could she be in a house?'

Luck moved around the forest as fast as he could, looking for any trace or hint that anyone had gone through it but he found nothing.

He didn't have much time yet, and he had no clue about what was happening to Diana.

'Did I make a mistake by coming to find her myself?'

Luck began to wonder as he took another large leap, he had to find her as fast as he could.

As if he was not already under enough pressure a window appeared right in front of him.




It was a countdown! Luck had exactly five minutes to save Diana.

He immediately stopped on a large trunk.

This is useless, he sat down cross legged and began to hum a tune. He now knew he was right about not informing the clans, if he did there was no way they would mobilize and search for her in under 5 minutes.

Especially since it would have been a clan wide search.

Luck hummed the tune out this time, he didn't know if he still had this ability but it was his best bet at this time.

Think like a killer…

He had gone through the system and it said nothing about premonition so he had no idea if he still had the ability.

But there was something else, the only ability he had that wasn't locked. Soul sight…

Was it possible that they were connected?

As he hummed the tune he began to let the thoughts sink in, everything vile he could think of. He subconsciously kept the area around the forest in mind as he hummed.

It was the classic piece that he always used back on earth.

Pachelbel - Canon in D' Major

It wasn't long before he felt him… and then he attuned.

Have you ever thought of how fun it would be to lock a rat in a box? Sit down and watch it struggle helplessly as it tries whatever it could to escape?

Luck laughed, yes it was such a magnificent idea.

Set a little fire on the box and watch the little thing squirm around struggling for life, and in that moment when it is about to embrace death you will get to see if the experience makes or breaks the little creature.

Luck's eyes suddenly opened and it was as if he was traveling. His eyes took an ethereal glow as his vision traveled deep into the forest cutting through the tall trees and navigating through the grass until it arrived at a scene.

A man clad in black wearing a pristine white mask, next to him was a very small box. On his hand he had a torch as he was slowly bringing it closer to the box.

'A wall of wood.




She was too far away!

Luck sprang up to his feet only to see another figure in a mask next to him.


"Have you found her?"

Luck didn't bother to even ask how he found out that she was missing, a crazy idea was brewing in his mind.

"Toss me!"

Elder asked no questions, he simply grabbed Luck's shirt and threw him high up into the air at an unbelievable force.

Luck soared through the air at a breathtaking speed, and then he began to descend, his speed accelerating as he fell.

He could now see the man in the distance and he was quickly approaching him.


Something strange happened.

To him dynamo was just like a fighting technique he had developed but right now it felt different.

His muscles tightened and his mind became sharper, he felt far more powerful than he had ever felt.

The feeling was similar to the one time he had almost hit defender's bane.

That was how he knew that he had just invented a skill.

Luck felt as the air sped past him, his clothes billowing around due to the speed he was moving at. He dived head first increasing his speed the more, he was like a speeding bullet charging straight at the masked man.

And then the figure turned to face him but he noticed Luck far too late.