Not enough sleep

Luck sat down by the side of his bed and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

The blue wisps of psyia once again emerged, a little longer than before and then they began to shake until they fizzled out.

He tried it again, and again and again until he began to feel the strain on his fingers.

Throughout Chari just sat at the corner watching Luck from behind his book.

"And who was it that you said taught you this technique?"

Luck paused shaking his hand to get rid of the numbness.

"A man or rather a boy with white hair, but I don't know how he looks because he is always wearing a wooden mask."

Chari dropped the book lower.

"Hmm, sounds like we have the same teacher."

"Wait." Luck turned to focus on Chari. "Elder is your teacher too?"

Chari brows furrowed at the mention of his name.

"You actually call him that?"

"Yes– that's besides the point, I didn't know he was teaching us both."

"Me neither… You are beginning to distract me." Chari said as he flipped a page.

It was funny considering that he started the conversation.

"You've read that book 3 times already! Don't you think us having the same teacher is not exactly coincidental?"

Chari's eyes were still on the book as he spoke.

"Of course it's not coincidental. Maybe Aliana sent him to train us or something. Either way I don't really care."

Luck was going to say something else but just decided to let it go.

Although it was weird, he didn't feel anything sinister about Elder, best case scenario was that he was a tutor hired by their mother and the worst case scenario… maybe someone who wanted them to owe him favors in the future?

It's pretty cliche but the saying remains true, if Elder wanted them dead he probably would have achieved it the first time they met.

And the fact that he was in the clan meant he was actually one of the clan guests in disguise or one of the regular clan members.

He summoned his psyia again, holding his breath as he tried to stretch it even further.

The strings of psyia simply moved in front of his fingertips slightly before fizzling out once more.

He whipped the sweat off his forehead before summoning his psyia once again.

It disappeared once more.


The psyia came out a little too fast.


The psyia stayed firm but then 4 seconds later suddenly became unstable.


He continued to repeat the process until he began to feel the effects of using so much psyia.

Chari peeked from over his book watching as the psyia would surge only to disappear seconds later.

"Don't just force your psyia out that fast, let it flow more naturally."

He paused for a moment thinking of a better way to explain.

"It's somehow like whistling."


Chari dropped the book and then a blue energy emanated from his fingertips. It came out slowly, but when it did it stayed firm.

Luck was taken back as he saw his brother easily do what he had been struggling with for hours now.

"How long have you been practicing?"

"I can't really remember well, but shortly after I remembered the system."

"And you've been practicing alone?!"

Luck knew he was being hypocritical since even while he was practicing he technically didn't invite Chari but at least he didn't hide it!

Chari raised his hands defensively.

"I didn't think you would need to learn it now, we're technically kids you know."

Luck simply gave him a disappointed look and went back to practicing.

'Just like whistling huh?'


Luck spent the rest of the night practicing his psyia control, he was gradually improving but he had not yet perfected the first phase talkless of creating a ball out of it.

He was utterly drained by consistently using his psyia, currently all he wanted to do was sleep for as long as humanly possible. His entire week had been filled with too many activities and now the fatigue was quickly catching up to him.

Knock knock.

Someone banged on the door repeatedly.

Ignoring the sound, Luck turned to the side, covering his head with his blanket but the knock came again, even louder this time.

'Can't a man sleep in peace!?'

Luck got up from the bed only to see Chari sitting at the other edge of the room with the same darn book, 'The Phantom guide.'

He could have opened the door this whole time but purposely waited for whoever it was to completely ruin his sleep.

He glared at Chari who paid him no mind and went to open the door.

At the other side was Jane, she was dressed in simple clothing and her hair a little messy. She was nothing like the girl from the party.

"I see you're back to your regular brutish form." Luck murmured still irritated.

"What did you say?"


She eyed him for a moment before speaking next.

"Get dressed, your mom says we're going to the tailor."

Luck rubbed his eyes.

"As if! It's like…"

He turned to look at his alarm clock


Jane bent down to look him in the face.

"Then hurry up, we're running late."


Luck and Chari got dressed surprisingly fast, Luck grumbling the entire time about how he hadn't slept long enough.

Sarah came to their room a few minutes after Jane's announcement, she was dressed nicely in a simple dark green gown and although it wasn't as flashy as what she wore at the party she still looked stunning.

Together the 3 of them left the room and met up with Jane along the way.

The halls of the clan were deathly silent as they walked through, most people were either just waking up or were still asleep.

'Where are we going so early?'

Luck was still sleepy so he didn't even try to think much of it, all he wanted to do was quickly get back to sleep!

Outside the estate, the sky which was still brightening up was a dull grayish blue, the sounds of birds and the occasional loud crow of a rooster made up the majority of sounds that could be heard.

"Why is that that damn chicken so loud?!" Luck asked slightly irritated.

Jane laughed at his expense.

"I didn't peg you for the lazy type, 6am is actually not that early you know."

Luck simply glared at her before turning his attention to what was in front of the building.

Not too far from them was a very fancy looking carriage, it was made out of dark Orange wood that appeared considerably tough and had gold highlights just like a lot of other things in the moon clan.

There were already two riders sitting in front of the carriage dressed in black suits. As they approached, a man opened the door for them while the two riders bowed slightly to acknowledge their presence.

Seeing the carriage made Luck wonder even more where they were going but at the same time he was also a little excited that he would be getting his first ever carriage ride.

The inside of the carriage was very appealing. It had two incredibly soft chairs facing each other like the interior seats some limousines normally had. Two medium sized windows each with a short curtain allowed air to freely flow into the space and a third one in front was meant for communication with the riders.

Inside the carriage at the edge of one of the chairs was Aliana smiling happily immediately she saw them.

"Good morning kids!"