Thank you gift

Realizing that she had almost forgotten the real reason she asked him to dance Ella's face flushed red and she looked away.

Luck raised a brow.

"Oh yeahh." Her voice had a higher pitch than usual. "Diane actually sent me to meet you!"

"Diana? How is she doing?"

Ella became more serious as she spoke.

"She's still upset about the whole thing but I think she's doing alright."

"That is good to hear."

"She wanted to thank you personally but they wouldn't let her attend the party."

Luck initially thought she was too down emotionally to attend, hearing that it was not of her own free will brought him some relief.

"So she asked me to give this to you."

Ella said as she procured a golden wristband from her gown.

Eyeing the gown suspiciously Luck asked:

"Does that thing have pockets?"

"Of course it does." Ella said proudly. "It's Clorette's design afterall!"

'I guess she must really be popular.'

The wristband in question appeared to be made out of pure gold shaped into rectangular beads with smooth edges all strung together by a thick thread.

After being tied together the thread was not cut off, instead both ends went a little further away each of them bearing a single golden bead at their ends.

Ella smiled as she watched Luck.

"It's actually an artifact, her gift to you for saving her."

Still eyeing the bead, Luck said:

"Oh, she didn't really have to though."

Luck was already reaching for the bracelet, his eyes locked on the beautiful piece.

"I guess I'll give it back to her then." Ella pulled the bracelet back.

"Let's not be rash here, I can't possibly return a gift." Luck's eyes were still locked on the bracelet, not only was it well designed but it was also an artifact as well… it was too good to pass up on.

"Hmmm." Ella had a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I guess I'll tell her that you liked it."

She handed the bracelet over to Luck who didn't waste time before putting it on and then their dance finally came to an end but Ella was not done with what she had to say.

"Let's all meet at the academy when we turn sixteen."

'The academy?'

Well it made sense that they would have something like that. Most of their education up till this point was carried out by trained tutors.

'It should be quite something if even clan heirs will be attending.'

"We'll see how that goes."

Ella began to walk away while Luck watched her retreating figure. Then she turned to face him.

"Let's have a rematch then, be sure to get very strong!"


Jane gave Luck a mischievous smile as he returned to their table, even Sarah who was busy dusting cracker bits off Chari's shirt turned to look at him and smiled.


Jane pinched his cheeks as she spoke.

"You're quite the charmer aren't you? Getting the earth clan heir to not only dance with you but even ask you herself."


"When did you learn how to dance like that? Oh never mind, it must be my expert mentorship." She proudly declared.

"Of course it was."

Chari curiously stared at his wrist before facing him.

"Where did you get that bead from?"

Luck turned to look at the bead on his wrist, a small smile appeared on his face when he thought of the potential ability of the artifact.

"A gift."

Sarah's eyes brightened.

"A gift from Ella?"


"Awwwwwww!" Her and Jane squealed.

'What is wrong with these two?'

Sarah, Luck had expected this from since she was far too invested in everything regarding romance but Jane! This was entirely unexpected.

Chari just gave Luck a blank stare.

He was the only one among them who actuall knew what happened but he seemed eager to say something.



"You haven't eaten throughout right?"

Now that he thought about it he had been far too occupied with the dance and had not gotten a chance to actually eat anything.

"Now I think about it, you're right."

Luck turned to search the table but to his astonishment everything was gone, the beverages, the snacks… the only thing left on the table were empty packages.

Luck glared at the three of them.

"You guys ate everything?!"

Chari's face remined the same.

"Well… you were busy and I was getting hungry. Sarah ate a lot too, It was suprising."

"Chari!" Sarah screamed her face turning red as she looked away.

Chari simply shrugged.

"Why did you ask me if I have eaten if you didn't even leave me anything?"

"Well…" He took the last bite of the cracker he had in his hand, there are more snacks on the serving table but the waiters have all gone to get ready for the dinner."

Luck turned to look at the direction Chari was motioning at. He was right, there were still more snacks but it was quite the distance.

"So… Go and get some? Oh and bring some crackers on your way back."

'This guy… he just wants me to get him more crackers doesn't he?'

Luck was about to flat out refuse when Sarah joined the conversation.

"Oh you're getting snacks?" Sarah asked. "Yoghurt for me please." She said not waiting for a response. Her hands were clasped and the innocent smile on her face made it hard for him to refuse.

"Apple juice for me." Jane added.

And just like that Luck was on his way to the serving table.

"When did I become a serving boy?" Luck muttered as he filled up the tray. Crackers, Yoghurt, apple juice… and for himself he picked up some cupcakes and a bottle of cola.

Right next to him was a boy with black flowing hair standing next to the table. Strangely the boy seemed to just be playing with the snacks, not really taking anything.

Luck didn't know if he was indecisive or just whiling away time but he decided to simply avoid him.

Turning to look at the boy's face Luck saw that he was wearing a mask that just covered the upper part of his face and eyes similar to a domino mask.

There was something strangely familiar about the boy but luck could not quite put his finger on it.

At that moment the boy finally decided. He picked up a bag of chips and a can of a soft drink Luck was not familiar with.

Swoosh! Pop!

He popped open the bag of chips, took one out and threw it into his mouth. Then the drink was next as he took large gulps.

"Ahhhh, delicious."

"You know… some say it's poor manners to stare at strangers, Luck."


Steadily approaching 50 chapters :]

I hope you guys have been enjoying the story so far?