Secret meetings

Two figures stood at the entrance of the moon clan estate seemingly locked in a conversation of import. The first was a tall noble looking man with dark blue hair and grey eyes that seemed to have just a hint of blue. 

He was currently talking to a man but the man in question had his features hidden behind a large black cloak. Everything about the man was shrouded in mystery leaving everything to the imagination. 

"I still can't believe you are really going through with this." The cloaked man said in a voice that sounded a little disrupted.

He then laughed and the entire eerie cloak seemed to subtly vibrate. 

"I still wonder what would make you take such drastic measures, even to the point of asking for my help."

Ignoring his statement with cold indifference Nevi asked:

"Are all the preparations in place?"

The cloaked figure chuckled darkly. 

"Everything is set on my side, can you boast of the same thing?"

Nevi's eyes seemed to darken with irritation.

"What are you trying to say?"

The man raised his hands defensively but his fingers were still hidden behind his cloak.

"Have you made up your mind? This is not the kind of thing you do on a whim."

Nevi paused to consider his thoughts.

'Have I made up my mind?' 

A bitter smile spread across Nevi's face. The man in front of him had no idea how many nights he had sat in isolation thinking, begging for another way. He had been troubled since the day he saw that vison but even through all that time, he had not still come up with another alternative. 

Nevi had spent many long nights going through the clan's ancient books, he had browsed through multiple tomes and consulted multiple elders and friends but at the end of the day he came up with nothing.

This was the only plausible solution he could think of and the very thought of it pained him to the bone. 

But he had a duty to perform. Some would even say his current method was selfish and advise him to take the extra step but if he did, he would be unable to live with himself. 

So had he made up his mind? Yes he had. Was he aware of the consequences? He was painfully aware of what his actions would cause. 

Nevi had steeled his resolve, darkened his heart and thrown his conscience to the very corner of his mind all for the sake of doing what was right.

Or rather what he believed was right. 

He replied with only two words.

"I have."

"And what about the scarlet clan princess, Aliana?"

"We won't have to worry about her, I have made preparations."

As the cool evening breeze came with a force that sent their clothes billowing the cloaked figure was gone. 

Now standing alone Nevi looked into the sky, the sun had begun it's decent and would soon be replaced by the moon.

His lips parted and he whispered into the air. 

"Forgive me."


It was a beautiful day to do absolutely nothing, Luck who still felt the pains of his training session with Elder rose up from his bed stretching his hands far above his head and opened his mouth so wide to yawn that anyone who saw him would attempt to throw things into it.

After eating his breakfast he had immediately gone back to bed to rest for a few more hours. 

He got up from his bed and stared out the window.

'It's really happening huh?'

Under the light cast by the retreating sun, the last members of various clans were finally on their way out of the estate, the meeting of clans was finally over. 

Before the event Luck felt it would just be another party but he had actually gained a lot due to the event but those said activities had left him drained so he decided to use that day as an off day from training. 

His major concern right now was Chari's location, he was yet to see him today and although he woke up around 11am many hours had already passed since then. 

'How long is he going to spend training?'

Luck tuned away from the window and walked towards the door. 

'I guess I'll look for him.'

He still had a couple of hours before his curfew and apart from that Sarah and Jane who were responsible for implementing it were apparently going out with Aliana, he was free of them just for today. 

He made his way out of the estate as quickly as possible and went to the first location on his mind, the forest. 

From the few times he had spied on Chari he knew the exact spot Chari normally chose to practice. It was an isolated part of the forest not too far from his own training spot. 

On getting there Luck saw a very mangled tree with countless marks etched on its thick bark, on the floor there were countless broken staffs, as well as a few ashes. 

'I guess he had gotten better at Defender's bane."

The very sight of him made him almost slap himself, because of the many distractions of the last week he had completely forgotten to practice Defender's bane.

'Well damn, I'm defiantly lacking behind right now.'

But even as he saw the signs of his presence there was no sign of Chari himself. 

'I guess the library then?'

Chari was still not in the library and from the way the librarian greeted him he was pretty sure that Chari had not come here throughout the entire day. 

The situation was begining to get stranger, could Chari have left the clan? 

Leaving the clan wasn't exactly impossible but doing so was rather difficult, if Chari was to leave the clan, he would need something big enough to cause a distraction…

'Like the mass movement of the clan members…'

No, he couldn't have left and even if he did Chari was quite capable, he would be back soon and that is even assuming he actually left. Chari could even be back in the room on his favorite chair with his face stuffed in that same old book.

With that in mind Luck was back in his empty room. Strangely he found his door had been pried open, unfortunately Chari still wasn't there…

But someone else was. 

"What the hell?"

Right from him were three armed men who appeared to have been molded by many years of violence, at one glance Luck could tell that these three were not just regular guards. They were the clan venators. 

'What are venators doing in my room?'

He didn't have to wonder for long because immediately their eyes landed on him the man in front spoke. 

"Young master, the clan leader requests your presence."