The Beginning of Troubles

A carriage sped past the lonely road moving so fast that the riders themselves bounced up and down on their seats. They didn't slow down though, after all they had been given orders to catch up with a particular group as fast as possible.

Slowing down was not an option.

Behind this carriage three other carriages with galloping horses followed suit all filled with moon clan venators. They were all on a single mission, they were to catch up with one of the fleeing clans who were suspected to be involved in the kidnapping of Diana.

Unlike the other two carriages the lead carriage had only two people seated within it, both sitting opposite each other.

The first was a woman with dark silky hair and clear silver eyes, her face was currently scrunched up in irritation as the carriage bounced each time it went over a pothole.

Opposite her was a nervous young man who had a static smile plastered on his face as he watched Aliana.

The man had dark blue hair that fell to his shoulders and deep forest green eyes. Although close examination would show that he was rather toned, his build was still unimposing simply because the man was on the shorter side and his features, although familiar, had a certain boyishness to them.

The familiarity seemed from the fact that the man in front of her was none other than Nevi's younger brother.

It was pretty obvious that Aliana did not like him very much and she did little to hide it.

"So…" Aliana said. "Why did you have to come along?" She seethed.

The young man nervously shifted in his seat.

"Nevi sent me… he wants me to do the best I can to recover at least one witness."

He paused as if wondering if it was wise to complete his statement.

"… alive."

Aliana glared at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?"


She sighed, turning to look through her window.

In truth Aliana was not completely sure of the mission herself, although Nevi did tell her that she would be hunting down the clan responsible for Diana's kidnapping he left out key details about it.

Like the fact that his brother, Genesis would be tagging along or that they would be chasing down their carriage instead of cornering them before they went far.

The whole operation had holes that no matter how hard she thought could not be filled.

According to Nevi, the feather clan were the prime suspects, their goal was to intercept them before they left the area under the moon clan's jurisdiction and bring them back to the clan.

But why didn't they just capture them while they were already in the estate? Yes, capturing them might have brought the event to light, something that the three clans were trying so desperately to keep under wraps so it was a little understandable.

But that was not where the inconsistencies ended. Sending Genesis alone was one thing but sending both him and Aliana was like trying to kill a cockroach with a sword.

Although Genesis acted nervous most of the time when he was around her she knew he was rather capable.

Just one of them alone should be able to subdue the emissaries of the feather clan.

Nevi could as well have sent the clan venators instead so having them both… Alaina couldn't help but wonder if there was something she didn't know about the operation.

She turned to face the young man who was now entertaining himself by staring out the window as they blazed past the trees at an alarming speed.

"These carriages are faster than I thought. We are almost at Nailan."

Aliana briefly stared out the window, sure the carriages were moving pretty fast but their speed was nothing to Aliana. She could easily outrun these carriages if she wanted to.

"Nailan? You say it as if you are certain that we would reach Nailan, is there no chance of us catching up to them before then?"

If there was something else about this mission that Nevi purposely left out Genesis would know, and he was obviously hiding it. She decided to probe him with any detail she could use.

"Certain? I beg to differ, I simply meant that at our current speed reaching Nailan would be a breeze, we can definitely catch up to them before Nailan."

Alaina crossed her hands across her chest.

"Hmmm okay. I would have thought that you alone would be more than enough to subdue the feather clan. I seemed to have overestimated your capabilities.

Maybe you really are as weak as the rumors say."

Alaina knew that if there was one thing members of the moon clan hated it was being looked down upon, actually it was that way for most descendants of the great clans. If she could make him angry, maybe he would accidentally reveal something that would help her understand the situation better.

If Alaina's snide comment offended Genesis he did his best to not show it, he simply smiled and said:

"I'm glad you think so highly of me but I would even have difficulty taking out the guards if I was fighting them alone. Sadly I'm not as talented as my brother."

Alaina relaxed more comfortably on her chair glaring at the man.

This was one of the reasons she disliked Genesis so much. He was a serious pretender. To many people that knew him he was just the brother of the clan head with nothing notable about him, only Aliana and a few others knew how sinister and vile he could be given the right situation.

His sinister nature was not the issue Alaina had with him, her real problem was that he hid behind a facade of being a nervous incompetent person in her presence.

Like she was a fool that couldn't read between the lines…

She was about to speak when a bird sped forward slamming itself multiple times against the window of the carriage. At first it was one but then three other birds joined in as they continued in their maddened practice, frantically slamming against the window.

Then strangely the first bird turned to one of the others and plunged its beak into its eyes, spilling blood all over the carriage window.

Alaina shifted back while Genesis' face hardened as they watched.

The bird once again turned to its second companion and violently plunged its beak into its eyes once more adding more blood to the window.

At this point seeing through the window was becoming increasingly difficult, but they could still see the bird clearly enough.

The little animal using its claws traced something across the blood stained window before suddenly jerking. The bird began to slow and then foaming from the mouth it fell, crushed under the wheels of the racing carriage.

Its small body was never meant to move that fast.

Just like that all three birds had died.

On the window the bird had written one simple word.


Aliana turned to Genesis who sat opposite her. His whole demeanor was entirely different from what it was a few seconds ago, now his face was twisted in a scowl as he stared at the bloodied window.


Aliana sat up straight.

"Genesis… Is there anything you would like to share?"

Aliana's eyes were taking a strange glow, her pupils slowly turning into slits.

"Hahaha, I guess there is no point in hiding it again right?"

Suddenly there was a violent flash within the carriage, the horses screamed and careened to the side as the carriage exploded sending splinters everywhere and filling the area in a thick cloud of dust.