The Laughing Devil

Narissa stood breathing heavily as she stared at the last of the three Venators she was up against. Since they were outnumbered she decided to take them on alone and since then had already taken out two of them.

Oh wait, taken out makes it sound like she killed them right? Well, that's not what's happened… they are just, unconscious?

Yes, that sounds right. It's not like she could just go around killing moon clan venators.

She had no clue how long she had been fighting, all she knew was that the sky was now getting dark.

In front of her stood the last Venator, unlike her he did not have a single scratch on his body. He was spotless, simply because while the others fought her head on, which was actually pretty dumb… he stood at a distance like a coward launching attacks from the safety of his space.

Now that the other two were not here to protect him she couldn't finally get a chance to get her hands on him.