Pulsating Change

The battle field as well as the road had been completely torn apart and although some of the damage could be attributed to the rest of the venators two people were the sole cause for more than sixty percent of the damage.

Genesis and Aliana.

'It looks like he's finally letting loose.'

Narissa watched as Aliana sped towards the monstrosity Genesis had made only to get flattened by a tentacle. She was still holding back against him which was the reason she was currently struggling.

Then something strange happened.

Instead of immediately getting up Aliana remained on the floor as another tentacle lifted her into the air ready to deliver another blow.

'Something is wrong.'

Narissa sped forward towards them pushing herself to move as fast as possible. She was already feeling the fatigue from fighting the three venators seep into her bones but she urged her tired body forward.

Still, she was not fast enough.